What an delightful treat to eat during Christmas break!!! I tried egg nog pan cakes that I got the recipe off the back of a carton of good old egg nog up here in Edmonton. And it was so smooth and creamy and yummy!!! All you do is add 2 more eggs and a cup of flour a teaspoon of vanilla mix it all up and there it is! EGG NOG PAN CAKES!!! Yummy. Definitely something I would never would have thought of on my own account. The best thing to have on Christmas morning for a nice break fast. And to top it off a nice glass of egg nog too!!! Hope you try it out and enjoy it too!!
Mommy: Wife, Cook, Poet & Make-up lover. Daddy: Work-outs, jewelry, hair products & cologne lover! Baby: Hugs, kisses, tinkerbell & peanut butter lover!
Monday, 26 December 2011
Friday, 23 December 2011
Twitter Official
Alrighty just a quick post. I am a twitter official now if you wish to add me I am @AshleyMorin88.
Peanut Butter Balls
It is that time of year when you indulge and break your dieting for sake of goodies. I just made the best first batch of peanut butter balls and I did awesome for my first try. I will take a picture later on upload it. Although it was a mess and I am not one for getting sticky hands and such so I won't be making these so often. Or maybe I just might because my husband loves them so much! Here is the method on how to make them. So to start here is what you will need for ingredients: 2 Cups of Rice Crispies, 1 Cup of icing sugar, 1/4 cup of margarine, 1 Cup Peanut Butter, 1/2 Cup Coconut & 2 Bags of Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips.
First mix together in a bowl your rice crispies, peanut butter, coconut and icing sugar. Mix really well. (Another way to do this is melt peanut butter in sauce pan and then pour it over top the ingredients and them stir together, then chill in fridge for a bit). Once your mix in the bowl is all incorporated well all through out then make into at least inch size balls. (As your making balls take your margarine and put into a pot and melt it then once melted dump chocolate chips in until melted as well then turn dial to 1.
Then to dip take tooth picks and dip balls into chocolate onto a cookie sheet layered with parchment paper and let sit in freezer for a bit to get chocolate hardened.
Tips: One good ingredient for balls especially for Christmas balls add to chocolate a little bit of peppermint or mint extract.
First mix together in a bowl your rice crispies, peanut butter, coconut and icing sugar. Mix really well. (Another way to do this is melt peanut butter in sauce pan and then pour it over top the ingredients and them stir together, then chill in fridge for a bit). Once your mix in the bowl is all incorporated well all through out then make into at least inch size balls. (As your making balls take your margarine and put into a pot and melt it then once melted dump chocolate chips in until melted as well then turn dial to 1.
Then to dip take tooth picks and dip balls into chocolate onto a cookie sheet layered with parchment paper and let sit in freezer for a bit to get chocolate hardened.
Tips: One good ingredient for balls especially for Christmas balls add to chocolate a little bit of peppermint or mint extract.
Thursday, 15 December 2011
Crawling Kid
Aaliyah is not 10 months old. She has been crawling for at least 3 weeks now. I am not getting much done around the house now especially since now she knows she can crawl she does not want to be inside her exersaucer or her high chair, she wants to crawl. So I am always forever watching her more than I am able to get anything done around the house. I'd give anything to live in a house with out stairs, so I wouldn't have to worry about her falling down stairs or climb up them with possibly falling as well. I am happy that she is crawling for sure, but not when I have to run after her when she hits the corner near the down stairs basement. She makes me so nervous, now that she is older too she does not sleep as often as she did when she was new born. She has 1 nap a day now. I'd love for her to sleep more often so I could get things done around here. I still love her lots for sure. Just wish I had some more time to get things done.
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
Join My Fan Page
Alrighty, it is official. I have made a fan page for my upcoming poetry book. It is so fun and exciting. I have all my poems pretty much copy righted and all that official stuff that needs to be done. Would like to say sorry for not being on here enough to be blogging. Between being a stay at home mom and wife and trying to keep house and doing stuff with regards to my book I do not get a chance to be on here much. It is more of a privilege for me to get a chance on here. I love being on here, but everything I have going on right now is so very time consuming. So anyways sorry to cut this blog short, but I do have to go, but before I leave here is the link for my fan page: http://www.facebook.com/AshleySMorin
Friday, 2 December 2011
Review of Breaking Dawn
My husband took me to see the movie today, YAY! On another note, I was disappointed in the movie in some ways. I did like it, but I just do not like that lack of scenes put in the movie from the book, it seems as though a lot of scenes were made up to fit the movie better. I am really sad to not have watched the movie and be excited to see some of the scenes from the book on screen. Although the scenes that were made up were good, but just was not Breaking Dawn. On a more positive note. I cried at the beginning when they get married. I wasn't sure why. I thought it was because people cry at weddings, but then I got thinking, every wedding I have been to, I have never cried at any of them. So I think it is just the fact that there are no more books written for the series and no more movies series and after all the parts of Breaking Dawn are filmed that there will be no more twilight series. I really like the books. I am sad to see it come to an end, although not quite to an end yet until the last part of Breaking Dawn is filmed and in theaters. It is just a really sad thing. Maybe I am just an old sap when it comes to this kind of stuff, but that is just me I guess. I really have come to love Jacob more as he matured through out the years of filming. I did not like him at first. I thought he was a nerd in twilight, then new moon he looked better, then was an ass for not being there when Bella needed her most, but then I realized he was as hurt as Bella was when she lead him on and then BAM, because Edwards wants to be a wimp and kill himself she leaves him, when there were obvious feelings going on still between her and Jacob that were left undealt with. I understand why he is so mad at Edward and also at Bella for choosing to want to be a vampire. But now that Bella had that baby, he wins he imprinted on their baby. It's a win win., Bella can stop feeling bad for making Jacob hurt for wanting him always around when it hurts him to see her with Edward.
Monday, 21 November 2011
So for those of you who do not know what my title is for this particular post. It means arts mark. I have a teacher from my past who is a professional painter who is phenomenal in his art. He named his main website artzmark. It is kind of nice, because his name is Marc. So it is almost like some how incorporating his name into the website with out really trying to that. The name is more so for the mark of art so he twisted his name into it being artz mark. Which I find very catchy. Marc has done a few painting classes with us and it was very educational. He has painted a lot of people like the Dali Lama( not sure if I spelled that right, but I am sure you all know who I mean), Geri Halliway, Einstein just to name a few. So please check Marc out at his site.Marc's Site . He is so amazing. His paintings are so realistic when it comes to people. He has an eye for other forms of art as well. You will have to check it out to see what I am talking about. I find he has what it takes more than any other artist I have ever come across. So please check the site out if you have a love and passion for art and exquisite paintings.
Breaking Dawn Movie
Alright so the movie is finally out in theaters and what is so not fair at all is I do not get to see it until my husbands day off. I really want to see this movie so much!! I am in love with the book and all the characters. Although, I am not fond of Kristen Stewart's acting. I do like her as a person ( not hating on her in any way), I just do not prefer her acting. She acts the same way in all her films as she does when you see her in interviews on tv. It just drives me insanely crazy. Acting is about acting like someone else. The character described in the so called script. I do not understand why Kristen is some form of acception to that. I always felt if they can not act then do something else. I know it takes a lot of guts to get in front of a camera to begin with to act at all. I am no actress, but I can certainly tell when someone can act or not. Just in case if some how or some way Kristen Stewart you ever stumble upon my blog I do not have anything against you just to clarify that. So anyways back to the topic which is not even about Kristen's acting. Breaking Dawn!! Like wow I just want to see the movie so bad. The trailers look so amazing. Although Edward seems to keep getting new hair styles and cuts in each movie. The first movie he has the hair that is described in the book. The golden bronze hair, then new moon he just has like a mixture of brown hair and dirty blond hair with a little bit of high lights, then eclipse he has light brown hair. Now in Breaking Dawn from what I have noticed from seeing the trailers he is like a dark brown. Actually the same thing goes for Esme, Alice, Jasper and Emmett. Anyways enough of my ranting on what I keep on noticing and not liking. I do not want to appear as if I do not like the series, because I do. I just wish they would stick to the script of the book. I am well aware they keep having new people producing and filming the movies, but at least make the characters look the same and according to how they are described in the book. It would make real "TWI-HARDS" happy. So ya I can not wait to see the movie. I hope it is as awesome as it appears to be on the trailers.
Saturday, 12 November 2011
Rude Police Officer
I have to say WOW!!! Seriously I have never met the most rudest police officer ever in my entire life until now. I'll tell you briefly what happened today. Alright so I have moved away to Edmonton and not familiar with the area and don't know much about the place and I do not get out much until my husbands days off. So today was my husband first day off after a 6 day work week. I had to leave my stuff down at my grandma's and have her mail up my stuff as parcels. I was not home when the day before 6 boxes arrived to my door, so we had to go pick them up. After getting me and the baby ready to go out along with Jonathan getting himself ready, we drove across the street to Londonderry Mall (where the post office is for us to pick up our parcels). Jonathan pulls up to the side of the mall and walk in to pick up our parcels. As I am waiting for approximately 10 minutes I take a look out the drivers window to see a Police officer parked beside me. Then he looks at me with his hands waving in a sarcastic motion. So I hold my finger up to let him know one moment please, so I dig out my phone and call Jonathan's cell to tell him there's a police officer parked beside our car and he doesn't looked pleased. So I waited a few minutes hoping Jonathan would hurry up. Then the police officer is whaling his hands in the air me as if to mean you stupid idiot. So I got out of the car and asked him what is wrong (this is where the rudeness takes place). I asked him is there anything wrong, then he replies to me saying that I'm parked in a no parking zone, which there are no visible signs to determine it, but he pointed the sign out to me which was very well hidden if you ask me there also was no yellow lines painted on the ground to indicate otherwise so I automatically and wrongly assumed that is no big deal to park there. Then the police officer said I should have noticed or maybe I just don't know how to read. I told him that we were parked there to pick up our parcels and we would be on our way. Then he said well it shows in our system that you only live in walking distance to the mall so there was no need to drive over to pick up my parcel. Then I told this officer that I did say Parcels with an S at the end not Parcel and that we had 6 parcels coming. Then finally after Jonathan arrived with the parcels I loaded them up and told Jonathan to talk with the officer. He said to Jonathan and I quote what Jonathan told me what was said from the officer "this is me not being an asshole by not giving you a $150 ticket, and park some where else next time you pick up parcels". Although from the very beginning he was actually being the word that he claimed he was not being, by being insulting to me saying that the both of us obviously cannot read. So this guy I am not fond of, if this police officer would approached the issue in a better matter then I might have told him that I am new to the area and still not yet familiar with this particular malls requirements of no parking along the perimeter and that it would never happen again. I do not feel that people that are in the position of authority that act like this and abuse their authority to verbally be rude to people knowing that they can get away with because we cannot talk back, or even say to them that they are being rude because they can lock us up for a night in jail, just because they can. I hope to never see this officer again. I also hope that not every police officer is not like this up here in Edmonton, because not even the police down home act so rudely.
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
No Names On Food
So my husband, baby and I are living with my parents in Edmonton in a town house in a lease. They drive me crazy. They say that there is no names or labels on food, but when it comes to certain things no one is allowed to touch it, and it is also something that everyone in the house likes, if is stuff they bought we can't touch, but when we buy the same thing we still can not eat it. Then they also say that if we have certain treats that we want for ourselves to put it down stairs in our area of the house. Also if I'm buying stuff for lunches for my husband for work and they say it's okay and they won't touch it, but then we come home a day after groceries are bought and the stuff is half eaten. They always try to make themselves appear to other people who do not live with us look like they are awesome and so good to us. When we do decide to take treats into our area of the house that is non refrigerate foods then we get called selfish. And heaven forbid I approach them on it, because they feel guilty and all they can come up with is that my husband and I are selfish for doing so. My husband likes sandwiches for work and then I buy like packages of lunch meat that is suppose to last at least 2 weeks, but they make a meal out of it and it ends up lasting at least 2 days. I am so sick of just because they are the older set of couples in this town house with us they think they can take over everything. I am tired of going into the fridge and I am told to help myself when really I am not even allowed to help myself to things that we buy with our own money. So lately we have only been buying the basics, stuff that no one cares to fight over for food and stuff. Also my mom always brings up the fact that when my husband first came here he took on a low paying job, and my father had a better paying job, so when they put money towards the town house my mom brings up the fact that even though my husbands whole pay was put into the house that because of whose check is bigger she brings up that my father paid more than Jonathan, but now my husband does not have a crap job and gets paid more than my dad. Still it is not good enough, she tries to say that we owe them money for the times of Jonathan not making a big enough pay, so what my dad covered willingly on Jonathans behalf she claims that we still owe them. So I mentioned about getting a mini fridge to put in the basement for our foods that we want to keep for Jonathans work lunches and that is us being selfish as well according to her. It's not like we're allowed to have what we want out of our own grocery order heaven forbid keep aside just the food for Jonathan's lunches. I am tired of living with my family. Nothing has changed since I left home and now having to live with them again for a whole due to a lease is torture.
Saturday, 5 November 2011
Immortal Island: Masquerade
So as you already know my cousin wrote her very first book, now she has finally got the second book to her series published. I have not yet got the chance to get the links for her site to order a copy or buy and e-book, but when I do I will update this blog. I encourage you all to share with your friends about her book it is amazing if you're into vampires. If you wish to see the link for her first book it is however in my previous posts and the links are included. Thanks for reading to who does read my blogs.
P.S. Sorry for not blogging as much, just been busy lately with my teething baby girl.
P.S. Sorry for not blogging as much, just been busy lately with my teething baby girl.
Friday, 4 November 2011
Vote For My Daughter
Hi everyone I have put my daughter Aaliyah's photo in a cute kid contest and I need all the votes I can get to win so if you have facebook please click the following link and then click like on her photo for me.All votes are greatly appreciated. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=243309542392643&set=a.241949825861948.63030.221375777919353&type=3&theater
Sunday, 30 October 2011
Wet Brain
This is so funny. I was just in conversation with my mother about an ex boyfriend who drank alcohol like a fish in water. The funny part is that I use to make fun of him and gave him a nick name. I called him wet brain. He knew I did not like it when he drank so I tried to insult him by calling him that. I cared for him, but I just couldn't handle his drinking so that relationship ended soon enough, but just a funny memory that just got brought up. Thought I would share it with you. In case you are wondering (before I go) where I came up with the nick name wet brain is originated from something my father told me. He said guys that drink too much after a long period of time get what is called wet brain which they seem kind of on the DUH side and act and say dumb things that do not make sense. So that is where I got the idea to call this particular ex wet brain, because even when being sober he was always saying and doing dumb things.
Saturday, 29 October 2011
My Favorite Time Of Year
It is now getting closer everyone! I am so excited for the most best time of the year. My favorite time of the year is Christmas, and no it is not because of the gifts. That use to be my reason why I liked Christmas as a child. Now it is much different. I love Christmas, it is the only time of year where almost no one has to work and gets the day off. I love the family gatherings, and I love the big Christmas dinner. I mainly enjoy the home made stuffing and gravy that my mom makes. It is so delicious, I just do not understand why my mom never became a Chef. Another good perk of Christmas is just singing the songs and watching old classic movies about Christmas. Another enjoyable thing about Christmas is the tree, I just love the smell of the pine and the woodsy aroma off the tree. The best part of the tree too, is the whole family decorating together. Everyone in my family seems to have their own thing they do well with the tree. My father loves putting on the lights, while I enjoy putting on the garland or ribbon, my mom, brother and I take over with the rest of the trinkets too. Oh we can not forget about apple pies and pumpkin pies and all the tasty desserts. This year I definitely can not wait, because this year will be Aaliyah's first year of Christmas. I can not wait for her reaction to the tree with the lights flashing. This will most likely be one of the best Christmas' for me.
Stripped Hair
So I made the ultimate mistake back in August. I have had every color of the rainbow as hair colors for my hair, but I did the ultimate mistake of dying my hair black. Yes I dyed my hair black. I have tried all the home remedy advice online on how to strip the color. Nothing worked for me at all. I tried dawn dish soap, I tried washing my hair multiple times a day. I soaked my hair in rubbing alcohol (which only dried my hair out), I tried deep conditioning my hair, I tried heated olive oil and then applying it to my hair and letting it sit, I tried vinegar. Probably tried lots more too. So I think you get the picture. I tried it all. So do not listen to all them crap advice's online. Only thing I did not try is bleaching out my hair. I will not do that. I have dyed my hair all sorts of shades of blondes. I am sick of blonde,it looks horrible and it washes me out. Not to mention it dries your hair out badly and makes your hair stringy and makes it feel like barb wire. So after all my different attempts I finally went out and bough Loreals Color Remover. So hopefully this works, because I do not want to wait for my hair to grow out.
Friday, 28 October 2011
Alright I finally made my own home made hummus. It was so delicious too!! I just read the main ingredients that is usually put into the whole mixture for hummus off the back a container of store bought hummus and also I worked at a greek restaurant that had a few secret ingredients of their own that they put in it. So to start here is all the stuff you will need: Chic Peas, Lemon Juice, Olive Oil, Paprika, Garlic Cloves, Salt. Okay so how I made it was took the can of chic peas and poured it including the water from the can into a pot and boiled it for a minute, then put it in the blender with some of the water from the can. Next I poured about a big squirt of lemon juice into it, along with olive oil ( well in my case grape seed oil, because it is healthier) than I put in 2 tablespoons of paprika. I turned on the blender. As I kept blending I just kept adding a little water here and there, because chic peas tend to get really thick so thin them out I would add some water and every now and then keep adding a few splashes of grape seed oil until you can see the blender swirling the chic peas around. Then I added 5 chopped garlic cloves to the blender along with a pinch of salt. There you have it. Yummy hummus
Free Blogger Layouts
So as you already know I have a new layout for my blog. It was free. Some person on blogger here has decided to be nice enough to generate a bunch of nicely designed layouts for blogs. That are really really nice. Here is the link to this ladies blog if you want a free layout: http://www.leeloublogs.blogspot.com/
So my family and I decided to prank phone call some people with this website where you enter the person you want to pranks number. Then you select the type of prank you want to do to them. You listen to all the kinds of pranks to choose from. There are some from accusing you that you called their girl friend in the middle of the night and one where a guy accuses you of stealing his news paper and a bunch more. The site records all your calls you make and you can save them onto your computer for something funny to listen to. Some time also let the person you prank listen to the recording of the particular prank that was received to them. The site I do believe is called: prankdial.com. It is a very funny site. So if you want to prank someone check this site out to see if it is for you.
Reunited with an old friend
I have had the privilege to reunite with an old friend of mine back home from Saint John NB. He moved out to Alberta when I was 16 and now that I am 22 we finally got to see each other again. His name is Rob Stewart. He took me out for a drive to help me get use to the city. Since living in Edmonton is so confusing and big. Which was really nice. He is still the same old Rob that I have known back then. He only lost a bit of weight and is now taller than me now. He still has a funny sense of humor as always. Rob pretty much drove me around showing me where I should move to once the lease we signed is up. What parts of town is good and what parts of town is not so good to live. It is good to have a friend looking out for you the way Rob is. It is too bad that Jonathan was sleeping when Rob picked me, due to the fact that his first day of his new job was later on in the afternoon. I really think that Jonathan and Rob would make good friends in one another. I am hoping that next time Rob decides to get together on one his days off that Jonathan and Aaliyah can join us next time. Hopefully they click just right with one another. Anyways that is my little excitement for the day.
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
My Mom Is Making Red Chicken Tonight!
YAY!! How excited I am for red chicken. Okay so maybe you're a bit confused and do not know what red chicken is and just to get this out of the way: it is not chicken smothered in ketchup if that is what you are thinking. So I am going to tell you what it is. Well I only get this cooked for supper once in a while and it is tasty and all you have to do is get a package of boneless skinless chicken place it into a roasting pan and then take a bottle of Russian dressing and a jar of marmelade and mix them both together thoroughly until marmelade is not orange any more and is all red. Pour the sauce on top of chicken and cook it in your oven on 350 for about 45 minutes. There ya go!! Yummy in my tummy. I hope this sounds as appetizing to me as it is to you. I just love it. Anyways I would stay on longer and blog on other topics, but today is a hectic day today.
Monday, 24 October 2011
Grape Seed Oil
I have been trying to eat my healthier and switching up my usage of oils, margarines, sugar etc. So I just stopped using all kinds of oil and replaced it with grape seed oil. Which is suppose to be good for cholesterol. I have found a big improvement from using it. I make my own salad dressings when I have a salad and when it calls for oil I now use grape seed oil. Same goes for pan frying potatoes to make home style french fries, and to my surprise they turned out great and the taste is lovely. I have found just this one minor switch has been helpful to me. Along with other things I have started to doing. I have been trying to consume a variety foods with protein in it. Which I find it a main contributor to some of my weight loss. So I highly recommend grape seed oil. It is awesome!!
Sunday, 23 October 2011
Immortal Island: The Vampire Masquerade
So, as you already know, I am reading my cousins Sabrina's book Immortal Island. I am very excited for the new release of the second book the Vampire Masquerade Volume 2. I can not express enough to everyone reading this how awesome this book is. If you are a vampire lover I highly suggest that you check it out and read it. Here is her facebook fan page link: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Immortal-Island-Series/195654497129751 Check it out! She has all the links provided on her fan page for you to order either a hard copy or an e-book. She is also on blogspot here at: sabrinaross.blogspot.com and on twitter @SL_Ross so please I highly advise everyone to check it out.
Fruit Salsa
Oh how I live salsa and also love fruit. What makes this mini blog better is I am about to tell you is you can do both all in one. I went to this Victorian Epicure party that my Mother hosted for one of her friends and my moms place like a couple of months ago. I totally forgot that I bought a bunch of products from this vendor. What is awesome is you can make a fruit salsa. All you have to do is buy the fruit salsa spice blend and then have a cup of diced pineapples and a cupped of diced tomatoes and if you don't have one of the two you can substitute either one of them with peaches or just add the peaches in for if you prefer it like that. All you do is just mix 3 tablespoons of this fruit salsa spice mix in with the two fruits in a bowl and let sit for a while. It is always better with any recipes to sit it over night if you are planning on entertaining people and making food for them. This is a good choice if you are into eating healthy there is NO SALT in the Epicure Spices. Anyways thought I would share this with you, because this is what I am making for an afternoon treat for my family and myself.
Friday, 21 October 2011
Taking on Photography
I have always had a love for photography ever since I was a kid. I was always a ham for the camera. I love getting my picture taken and also taking pictures as well. I have for a while practiced trying to take pictures the way photographers do. So I noticed I have actually done a some what good job for being self taught in the line of photography. So I am going to try and attempt to do photography for fun for now. Just to help make a jump start on my portfolio. So for now I consider myself an Amateur Photographer learning each passing day. Although I have made a huge improvement within the last 2 years of photography. All of my photos I have done are completely self taught and I have not taken a course although some of my photos look like some one professional did them. So here's to hoping to improve more and more each day. Hopefully maybe someday I can go big with this as it does spark my interest I am sure I will achieve my goal as a photographer. Eventually I will post up some of my photos I have taken on my blog here for everyone to see.
Blog Employed
So as some of you may already know if you have read my other blogs. I am a stay at home mom and I do not work and income is crazy especially raising a kid so if you feel that my content on here is worth a dollar or two and wish to donate feel free I have generated a pay pal button for you to do so. If you wish not to that is ok as well. Any thing helps. I appreciate what ever any one can give. I thank you all for your awesome support.
Baby is up for the night
Alright, so as you know Aaliyah is going through the teething phase and as most of you know especially if you're parents. Well they tend to keep you up through out the night for long periods. Aaliyah has been up for at least 2 hours now. I am pooped. Jonathan is taking a turn trying to sooth her, while I take a mental break from her. I am exhausted, but I can not sleep it seems. He is offered to put her to bed and let me sleep, but I just can't sleep now since she has woken up the whole house hold. I just wonder how long this will last for her. I tried baby oral gel. I don't find it work nor does baby advil. Well I am going to attempt to sleep. Night all.
Thursday, 20 October 2011
Immortal Island Review
Ok so as one of my older posts I talked about my cousin Sabrina Ross's new vampire book she just published. Well I had finally had it come in the mail to me, so I have read it and here is my review of the whole book. Well I definitely love the book. It is your typical vampire and werewolf book of course, however it is not so cliche and there is a different twist to it than normal vampire novels and books I have read. I am not going to discuss anything in the book I will leave that up to you all to find out, by buying and reading it yourself. It truly is a good book. There are a few things in the book that are similar scenario's as what takes place in vampire books, but however if it were not close to other books then it would not feel like a vampire book. I find this book is nice if you like different a point of view on vampires then what you usually expect to read. The only thing I find that Immortal Island is similar as other books is in the characters dating. The girl is a typical vampires girlfriend. For the most part though, this book is amazing and I love it. I am not saying this, because this is my cousins book, because if I did not like a book I would say so. And all I have to say it 2 thumbs up to my cousin Sabrina. She has a good mind for making up situations and making them feel real.
Hate uploading photos on facebook
I made the mistake by taking photos of my sister in law Liza's wedding and telling her I will put them on facebook. Definitely a bad idea especially since facebook is slow as molasses and also I took like at least 100 or more pictures. It drives me nuts. I love facebook it is my favorite site, but the down fall is no matter what computer I am on it always seems that uploading photos is always a hassle. Anyways I am done ranting for now. Bye
Monday, 17 October 2011
My Book
So for the longest time, I have always dreamed of publishing a book full of all the poetry I wrote through out my life, along with other stories I have written. I do not know when any of this will be accomplished, but just trying to figure out sites that offer the best of the best for copy right and publishing my content. I am so excited with this idea. I can not wait until the day I come here and blog about it on here of me actually accomplishing this goal. I wish to at least by end of 2012 have my manuscript revised and reviewed and reread a few times and read to be published.
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
90 Days of No Junk
Alright I am doing this for a second time. I made this attempt once before this was way before I even started blogging. So to give a brief description I did this healthy eating thing with my husband for 90 days. We both got a piece of paper out and wrote down the junk we ate and agreed to give it up for the whole 90 days. Stuff such as pop, chips, candies, butter (not using excessive amounts like we usually do), cheese and lots more stuff. The agreement was if we slipped and ate or drank something that was on the list we would have to eat and drink for the rest of the day during meal times a can of beans and water with bread minus butter or margarine and if we did not want the canned beans we had to eat green beans with no butter or margarine. So I am planning on doing this again with out cheating this time. I have been eating too much of this junk excessively in between meals and sometimes substituting my meals for some of this junk. Here is a link with a list I created on my listography.com site if you wish to check it out. That is what I am willing to give up. If I think of more things to add to the list in the mean I will surely update it here is the link http://www.listography.com/ashleyschecklist
Monday, 10 October 2011
I was browsing through other bloggers websites and came across some pretty interesting links that this particular blogger was joined up with, which I clicked on out of curiosity and most of the links were pretty interesting. Like I mentioned in one of my previous blog posts about pinterest.com which is one of them, well there is one more that I thought was pretty neat. This website was a site to organize your own lists of anything from movies you have seen, to movies to see, to things to do, goals, charts and anything else you can think of and the cool part is when you are editing your lists if you have accomplished something on any one that is mentioned on the lists you can make it appear to be crossed by putting "-" or make a check mark by putting "/" after the "*" you apply either one you would like to use according to preference. So I joined up for this neat site and see what I come up with on my own with this site so feel free to take a look at my lists. http://www.listography.com/ashleyschecklist
Cursive Writing
I have always thought that cursive writing is very nice and very classy. However, now a days, no one takes pride in making it look nice. People are so in a hurry that it seems as though no one takes pride in appearance of many things from hair to clothes to make up and all the way down to things such as Cursive Writing. It looks like a big nasty scribble that a kid did with a marker all over the page. Take doctors for an example, they write out prescriptions for us and when your walking out the door looking at what it says you can barely differentiate what it the prescription and which is the doctors signature. Doctors are smart people, but what I do not know is how did they pass medical school especially knowing that there most likely a lot of written projects and exams and they can not even write their name neatly enough to know what it even says. I think people should take cursive writing more seriously. Back in the days before I was thought of in the 1800's it was all cursive writing or Calligraphy as they call it. The writing is so neat and beautiful and they took pride in the small things as they did the big things. I know my self I am guilty of being so sloppy. So from here on I am making the best attempt to try to be more neat and cursive writing to be more improved. I might even go buy a plume with the feather stick and the bottle of ink or maybe buy the Calligraphy pens in the craft stores or maybe even try a fountain pen. Anyways enough rambling on for now about Cursive writing.
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
Immortal Island
Immortal Island is a book about vampires. Which I think is really interesting book to read. Since vampires seem to be on top of the popularity list lately for movies and books. I only had the privilege of reading a tiny section of the first chapter and so far I am hooked. I order it online. This book is only for the time being until further notice able to be bought online. The author is not only a good writer with a good imagination, but she is also my cousin Sabrina L. Ross. Here is a link to her facebook fan page for all you facebook users: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Immortal-Island-Series/195654497129751 and I have a link for you to be able to shop online to buy this wonderful book at: https://www.createspace.com/3478896. So please check out the following links if you wish. I highly encourage it if your a vampire fan. When my book arrives in the mail and I have read it in full I will blog again with at least a brief description of the book and my thoughts of the book. Anyways that is all for now. Good night to all.
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
Randy Trott Sr in loving memory
I just wanted to make a special mention in memory of a friend of the families. His name is Randy. He was that guy who I called my uncle which was not related to my mom or my dad. Just someone I loved and also someone my parents loved too. He is a funny character always full of great humor. He had a burnt out sense of humor and personality. He was a man who had done a few too many drugs in his time back with my father when my father was into that stuff. I sometimes blame all the drug in take for the reason why Randy was such a funny man. He was not afraid to be silly or funny in any way in public and not in public. I remember when I was little he use to chase me down the hall making the scaring nose laughter like them scary halloween decorations with the scary laugh going something like this "MUA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA, MUA HA HA HA HA HA". He was quite the entertainer. Oh gee could he ever make a good western omelet. He was very good at combining foods he claims he was a chef (in his own mind) by trade although he did not take any culinary courses for it to be true. He was such a great help when Christmas came. He always did a good job with the decor too. He was also a decor designer by trade as well. Full of crap as he was that is why I loved him. He was funny. I just let him go on and say what he wanted. Sometimes his was annoying, but for the most part I loved him so dearly through thick and thin. He and I shared a few yelling matches back and forth. I found that is what made us stronger through the years. I just wish these memories I could share more and make more with him again. However, I can't, he is gone now and passed on into eternity. I miss him dearly.
Monday, 3 October 2011
Well I decided to join this site called pinterest. It is really interesting. There are a lot of things you can get into. A lot of ways to reuse things in your house hold that you would not think to use. There are so many things to do to use for home decor and also recipes stuff for kids and loads more of stuff. I suggest any one to give it a try. It is so interesting. Anyways just wanted to fill ya'll in on this. It might be some what useful to some people out there.
Sunday, 25 September 2011
Wings book series
Okay since I am still awake since my previous note. I just wanted to share my excitement about the 4th book being in the process of published. I got to see the title it is called un-enticing. I just love the series. Also Aprilynne Pike had included at least half a chapter in one of her blogs as a sneak peak. I am so filled with joy and can not wait to read this book and see what it all entails. Anyways I am going to try and go to bed now. Night all. Sorry for posting such a short blog, but I can not think of anything else to add.
Can't sleep! Is it insomnia??
So I am up and can not sleep it is 12:19 am and I went to bed at 10:00 pm. I do not know why I am having such a hard time falling asleep. I usually always have this problem, but it has not been like this for a long while now. It has literally been months. Only thing I can think of for a good enough reason for me not being able to sleep would be the fact that Jonathan is going back to work on the rigs for another three weeks again. It kind of sucks, because he gets one week off and then works like crazy. I miss him terribly when he goes. So while I am up I decided that a piece of old cheddar cheese was good to munch on along with a piece of shaved black forest ham and then a little bowl of yogurt. I should not be snacking so late, but it is not like I am eating full course dinner and besides it is not healthy to ignore your hunger pains and that stomach yelling from inside you saying "FEED ME" until you decide to get up and feed him. Well I guess I am going call it a night with regards to blogging to you all for now and see what I can do to tire myself out. Good night all. :)
Baked Soaked Oatmeal by Emily
I really love to cook and bake and love new recipes so as of right now I am trying this recipes that I came across on my cousin Cory's wife Emily on her blog. It is very scrumptious looking just from staring at the picture Emily has featured for this recipe. I just have to get a couple more ingredients to get this recipe started. Here is Emily's link if you wish view her blog on the recipe: http://vail-family.blogspot.com/2011/09/baked-soaked-oatmeal.html
I really hope you think it is yummy in my tummy looking as much as I do. I just drool from looking at the picture. Yum. Feel free to browse her site she has awesome recipes on there for a lot of different things. Thank you Emily for posting such appetizing looking recipes.
I really hope you think it is yummy in my tummy looking as much as I do. I just drool from looking at the picture. Yum. Feel free to browse her site she has awesome recipes on there for a lot of different things. Thank you Emily for posting such appetizing looking recipes.
Saturday, 24 September 2011
What I do not understand about this world is that people label things such as Autism or Autistic people as dumb, because they lack certain types of knowledge or not only that, but lack good motor skills, and also lack speech and are silent. There are different types some are mild cases and not so severe and can not do a thing, but rely on their care taker. I find that autistic people and kids mainly some with mild cases are very smart and intellectual. If you put them in an environment of their own interests they know everything about that particular topic or interest. For an example my unlce Derek he is autistic he is a bit higher than normal mild cases, but he is very smart. His thing is cars. He has a love for them always has and always will. If you walk down the street with him, if you point at every car that drives by he can tell you the year, make, model and all the other significant things to know about cars. Derek is very knowledgeable when it comes to cars and he is good at reading more than anyone I know. Here is another example my brother Joel who is also autistic (as you are becoming aware autism runs in the family) he has bad motor skills when it comes to tying shoes, buttoning buttons and zipping his coat up. It does not make him stupid because he does not get it. He clearly sees how it is done, but what it is is that he gets to that point when he tries he thinks he is not doing it right when he is. I have seen him through good and bad and he does not have good confidence in being able to do it by himself. Another thing with Joel is he is very smart and has a good memory for things. I can tell him today that I had a stomach ache and vomited up all my supper and years down the road he will ask me if I remember me telling him how sick I was. Of course I would not recall, because we get sick in that way at least once or twice a year. So I would not recall that particular time. Or he will remember me talking to someone on the phone and then ask me months and even years from then about that conversation and I will not remember that at all. Another thing that I find interesting about Joel and autism is that like I said before about things that catch their interests about Derek well same goes with Joel. Joel loves video games. You buy him a game for either video game program he has like nintendo, play station, x box. As long as he is interested in that particular game he will beat it from beginning to end. He will make a mistake once with the video game and when he dies and re plays the game again he will recall out loud "oh i can't do this move or else my enemy will attack my guy and then it will start me over again". He has a good memory for when they are coming out. He remember every movement he has to make in all his video games in order to complete the game and beat the bad guys. One thing that I want to get clear and straight across is to those of you type of people and I know your type is out there I have witnessed it happen plenty of times. I can not stand when these people who see a person like my brother or like my uncle Derek and look and laugh, because you can tell the people who are mentally retarded or just have disorders and I am not only speaking about autism now I am speaking for people who have all kinds of disabilities. Is YOU people sit there and make fun of them and do mental retard type movements and suggestive actions. Or you just plain sit there look and laugh out loud right in front of these people innocent special people. I have seen people do it out in public towards my little brother a few times and it makes me sick that this world is becoming more corrupt. Also you blunt people who have enough gull to just straight come out to people like this and call them retards to their face. You think because they are retarded or mentally disabled that they do not understand. Well I am telling you one thing people they do understand. I have had a talk with my brother Joel and he asks me why people think he is stupid and retarded. He feels dumb because he is in the special class and he knows he gets made fun of by the kids who just don't know any better because their parents are idiots and uncouth. He asks why he has to be dumb and not learn as quickly as the others. And it breaks my heart that there are people out there that are like that and allow their kids to act in such a way and when this is brought to the attention of some parents how their kids are treating the special needs kids with in their school in such a way they dismiss it like it is not of importance and that these special needs kids don't have feelings. Well they do. They are just like the rest of us. I am so tired of these types of people. I see it not only done in school with regards to my brother, but I see it with other individuals just by random people walking by looking and pointing and making fun. I find autism amazing. These people little kids and adults are the ones with the most beautiful minds ever.
This topic is for you Joel and uncle Derek. My two great loves. You are loved no matter the people who seem to think you are not worthy of it. I love you all with my whole heart.
This topic is for you Joel and uncle Derek. My two great loves. You are loved no matter the people who seem to think you are not worthy of it. I love you all with my whole heart.
Al Cannon
I worked at a call center the name is NCO. I worked on the Capital One campaign on day shifts on the year of 2007. I was there for only 6 months. I met a lot of people there and made one good friend along the way. The funny part is this friend I met was actually an old high school friend of my mother's. This friend was a grade younger than my mom. His name was Al Cannon. I only kept our friendship strictly at work basis. I than moved away for the summer time to Ontario, but I could not bare living away from home so I came back to Saint John NB and worked back at NCO. I had no family. I room mated with another friend I had met from working at NCO. I reapplied back to NCO. Al and I reunited and started hanging out all the time. I never would have thought that I'd become best friends with an old friend of my mother's. We just hit it off. Rumors started that Al and I were dating. Which were not true. You see I was 18 at the time and for my age I was a very mature. I never got along with girls my age. They always seem to start unnecessary bull crap. I always did get along with people much older than me anyways. However, the accusations of me dating my friend Al was too much so we stopped hanging out as much to shut people up. I did end up leaving the call center and kept in contact with Al. We remained friends forever. The following summer we spent almost everyday together and I met his sons which were close in my age. We all got along which was nice. Then after the summer we all got busy. I was in a new relationship with my now husband Jonathan. About 6 months after I was in my relationship Al was in a relationship too. He was happy which was nice to see. We always intended on doing double dates since we now have a significant other, but as you know relationships always tend to keep us busy. I eventually got married to Jonathan. Al made it for a split second to the reception. I wish he could have stayed longer, but he was busy with work and could not get it off for my wedding. I made attempts plenty of times to get together with Al and my husband and Al's girlfriend. I eventually got pregnant and Al's girlfriends daughter was pregnant too. However, her daughter gave birth before I had mine. So I went into labor approximately 2 or 3 weeks after her daughter. I texted Al from my cell in the middle of the night to let him know I was in labor. He did respond and said he will come in with his girlfriend to visit me. I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on January 30th 2011. I was in the hospital for 2 days before I was released . I had not seen Al at all. He hadn't come to visit me at all. I was kind of sad and a little mad. Only because we try to make plans and nothing has been falling through for the past year. On the day of my release I received a phone call from my mom while I was being driven home by my grandparents. She told me that she was talking to his eldest son on facebook chat. He said that his father took a heart attack the night Aaliyah was born. So it was not long after Al and I texted that he had passed away. And the part that really gets me the most. Is in the most happiest time of my life giving birth to my daughter my friend was dying while I was being happy. So I sometimes still feel guilty for being happy, because I was mad that Al had not shown up at all before and after the fact I gave birth to Aaliyah. So here you go. This is a blog story of my best friend Al Cannon. I love you Al. I miss you so much. I'd give anything to be eaten a shawarma with you one more time. Rest in Peace my dear friend. I am sorry for being mad that you weren't there. It was not your fault.
Two Years of relationship with my husband
Today is such a special day for my husband and myself. Two years ago today Jonathan and I were hanging out together as friends for most of the day. We enjoyed having lunch together at his parents place. Then we went out for a nice walk down the road from his home. We ended up down at the res beach on loch lomand road. In the back trails. It had lots of dirt road with deep holes filled with water from the down pour we had over night. So we ended up playing around and trying to push each other in the puddles. I ended up giving up on trying to push Jonathan in because he always some how twisted me around in such a way that he always had me in the position above the puddle by inches away. So after we were done messing around trying to push and trip each other, we made our way back to Jonathan's parents house. As we were walking we ended going up a side street where some newer homes have been recently built. Which was a nice view to look at. Most of the houses were astonishing. After we were halfway through street Jonathan asked me "THE QUESTION", but he did it different from other guys who ask women to be their girl friend. He stopped me a little and started walking with me at a very slow pace, then said to me as he turned his face to mine and asked me the following words "do you want to take it up a notch". Surprised as I was I knew what he was asking, but I did not know if I wanted to date him, only because we have only been hanging out for three weeks and before that I only seen him in church on Sundays. So I played the "give me time to think about it card". So as we kept walking in silence passed more beautiful houses I really thought about it. So I came to the conclusion before we ended our walk that he is different than most guys I have dated. He is very respectable towards me and I really liked how he was a gentlemen to me unlike others I have dated in the past. So I just blurted out to Jonathan "my answer is yes". So here is the funny part of the whole story that I laugh at each time I think about it. So once I said yes, Jonathan said "we have to seal the deal". I never had a guy ask me to kiss him with out actually asking me to kiss him. Instead he just uses funny phrases and figures of speech all the time. So I did kiss him which was so different. Since it was a mature relationship and not like other guys that just try to be perverted. So this is my story about how my husband and I first became an item. And also in case you ever read my blogs Jonathan Happy Two Years. I love you dearly.
Friday, 23 September 2011
Spaghetti Recipe
I have a really big love for food and cooking food. So I just wanted to share my favorite recipe for a nice spaghetti dinner with you. So here I go:
Ingredients Needed:
1lb ground beef (my preference lean)
1lb hot Italian sausage (I prefer ground or some times I just sliced them up if I get links)
Green bell pepper
Spaghetti noodles
Tomatoes for sauce
Any kind of spice or herb that you prefer in your pasta
Mozzarella cheese
Sauce: Take whole tomatoes boil them in water until the skins are easily to come off. Should not take longer than 5 minutes. Once done take tomatoes and mash them up with a potato masher or put them in blender. What ever you find more convenient for yourself. Add thyme, oregano, garlic and take an onion and grate half of it the sauce and put it on the stove top on simmer. Stir occasionally.
At this time add noodles to boil water and keep eye on them so they don't go to stringy.
Meat: Take sausage and ground beef cook them on stove top on number 3 add salt and the above seasonings to both meat types. Break up the ground beef up in small pieces as they cook. Do the same if you choose the have ground sausage. If you do not do your sausage that way and choose the links I find it tastes best if you slice them as thin as possible and fry them up in all the seasonings mentioned or whatever you prefer to use. Break down meat occasionally.
Moving along to the rest of the ingredients, take your mushroom and slice them and dice them up. I like them tiny in cube like forms same goes with the green bell peppers. Put them both together in a bowl. I like to sit them soaking in olive oil or grape seed oil with all the seasonings and take your onion and grate that into the mushroom and bell pepper mixture and stir it around so the flavor get all through the ingredients.
By this time your noodles should be done so strain them out and put them back into pot. Also your meat should be done by this time. I like to add both meats in with all the grease from frying pan into the sauce. I find the grease holds lots of flavor and plays a big part in flavor since the meats were both seasoned. However that is optional if you want to use the grease left over. So add meat to sauce. Now that you have done so take the bowl mixture of mushrooms, green bell pepper and grated onion and put it onto a frying pan on low heat and just let it slowly cook. Once you have done so take a few cloves of garlic approximately two and grate them both into the frying pan. Than once all the mushrooms and bell peppers are cooked add all the contents from pan into sauce and allow sauce to simmer and absorb all the flavors.
Now that you have everything cooked just add desired amount of cheese either into the sauce and let it melt or just add it on after you plate your meal.
Ingredients Needed:
1lb ground beef (my preference lean)
1lb hot Italian sausage (I prefer ground or some times I just sliced them up if I get links)
Green bell pepper
Spaghetti noodles
Tomatoes for sauce
Any kind of spice or herb that you prefer in your pasta
Mozzarella cheese
Sauce: Take whole tomatoes boil them in water until the skins are easily to come off. Should not take longer than 5 minutes. Once done take tomatoes and mash them up with a potato masher or put them in blender. What ever you find more convenient for yourself. Add thyme, oregano, garlic and take an onion and grate half of it the sauce and put it on the stove top on simmer. Stir occasionally.
At this time add noodles to boil water and keep eye on them so they don't go to stringy.
Meat: Take sausage and ground beef cook them on stove top on number 3 add salt and the above seasonings to both meat types. Break up the ground beef up in small pieces as they cook. Do the same if you choose the have ground sausage. If you do not do your sausage that way and choose the links I find it tastes best if you slice them as thin as possible and fry them up in all the seasonings mentioned or whatever you prefer to use. Break down meat occasionally.
Moving along to the rest of the ingredients, take your mushroom and slice them and dice them up. I like them tiny in cube like forms same goes with the green bell peppers. Put them both together in a bowl. I like to sit them soaking in olive oil or grape seed oil with all the seasonings and take your onion and grate that into the mushroom and bell pepper mixture and stir it around so the flavor get all through the ingredients.
By this time your noodles should be done so strain them out and put them back into pot. Also your meat should be done by this time. I like to add both meats in with all the grease from frying pan into the sauce. I find the grease holds lots of flavor and plays a big part in flavor since the meats were both seasoned. However that is optional if you want to use the grease left over. So add meat to sauce. Now that you have done so take the bowl mixture of mushrooms, green bell pepper and grated onion and put it onto a frying pan on low heat and just let it slowly cook. Once you have done so take a few cloves of garlic approximately two and grate them both into the frying pan. Than once all the mushrooms and bell peppers are cooked add all the contents from pan into sauce and allow sauce to simmer and absorb all the flavors.
Now that you have everything cooked just add desired amount of cheese either into the sauce and let it melt or just add it on after you plate your meal.
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
Edward or Jacob
So as you already see my topic is about Edward and Jacob of course, but I just can't help but write about it.
I know that all the bloggers on here may have their blogs about it, but I think mine may be a bit more intriguing. My reason being for that is the following. Okay so we got Twilight the first book and movie. We have our adorable Edward so charming and sweet and also might I ad the picture perfect boyfriend we all would love to have as our own. So you see when I watched and read twilight I minus Bella and vision me as in her place. So for as twilight goes I am TEAM EDWARD. Because he treats ME (not Bella) so awesome in OUR relationship. Now onto New Moon, I love Edward a lot until MY birthday in the movie (not Bella's) because the day after he breaks up with me. Although I do realize he was only leaving me/Bella for OUR protection, but not only did I stop being team edward , Edward pushed Bella/ME into Jacob's arms, by not being around. So I fell for Jacob in New Moon. Not only because he was hotter than he was in twilight, but because he helped heal Bella/ME through out the time of depression. So my choice has jumped from Team Edward to Team Jacob. So here we have Eclipse. So I am kind of playing both sides I really love Edward and Jacob. Although I don't fully trust Edward since he left Bella and myself. So because he left Bella has this unavoidable bond between Jacob that just can not be undone now. I do not like the way Jacob is being a jerk in eclipse, but however I see where he is coming from. He loves Bella, but some times I feel his rudeness is uncalled for.. So here I am stuck between the two in eclipse and just can't chose although I more so chose Edward over Jacob, but will not make the decision definite at this point. So we have breaking dawn which is not yet done as a movie yet, but at this particular moment is being filmed. I did read the book so my view on the last novel is I am totally stuck even more between the two because they both genuinely care and it is hard to just to chose. For some reasons I chose Edward, but than for others I chose Jacob. We all know Bella picks Edward in the end, but for some reason I am still undecided. I want them both, but still more Edward than Jacob. So that is how I view it. I put my self as Bella's character. It almost feels like you when you read this novels and it really cuts deep when Edward leaves Me/Bella in New Moon, because with my imaginary mind reading and taking it all in I don''t vision Bella there at all. I vision myself. If what I am talking about makes any sense. So here it is Team EDWARD. Only because we can live on forever, and some day Jacob will die and Edward will not.
I know that all the bloggers on here may have their blogs about it, but I think mine may be a bit more intriguing. My reason being for that is the following. Okay so we got Twilight the first book and movie. We have our adorable Edward so charming and sweet and also might I ad the picture perfect boyfriend we all would love to have as our own. So you see when I watched and read twilight I minus Bella and vision me as in her place. So for as twilight goes I am TEAM EDWARD. Because he treats ME (not Bella) so awesome in OUR relationship. Now onto New Moon, I love Edward a lot until MY birthday in the movie (not Bella's) because the day after he breaks up with me. Although I do realize he was only leaving me/Bella for OUR protection, but not only did I stop being team edward , Edward pushed Bella/ME into Jacob's arms, by not being around. So I fell for Jacob in New Moon. Not only because he was hotter than he was in twilight, but because he helped heal Bella/ME through out the time of depression. So my choice has jumped from Team Edward to Team Jacob. So here we have Eclipse. So I am kind of playing both sides I really love Edward and Jacob. Although I don't fully trust Edward since he left Bella and myself. So because he left Bella has this unavoidable bond between Jacob that just can not be undone now. I do not like the way Jacob is being a jerk in eclipse, but however I see where he is coming from. He loves Bella, but some times I feel his rudeness is uncalled for.. So here I am stuck between the two in eclipse and just can't chose although I more so chose Edward over Jacob, but will not make the decision definite at this point. So we have breaking dawn which is not yet done as a movie yet, but at this particular moment is being filmed. I did read the book so my view on the last novel is I am totally stuck even more between the two because they both genuinely care and it is hard to just to chose. For some reasons I chose Edward, but than for others I chose Jacob. We all know Bella picks Edward in the end, but for some reason I am still undecided. I want them both, but still more Edward than Jacob. So that is how I view it. I put my self as Bella's character. It almost feels like you when you read this novels and it really cuts deep when Edward leaves Me/Bella in New Moon, because with my imaginary mind reading and taking it all in I don''t vision Bella there at all. I vision myself. If what I am talking about makes any sense. So here it is Team EDWARD. Only because we can live on forever, and some day Jacob will die and Edward will not.
Coke or Pepsi
I always thought for the longest time that I love pepsi only, because everyone else loved pepsi. Also when my parents bought groceries they didn't have a favourite or particular one they bought, they always bought what was on sale between the two of them. So since my friends and all the families were big pepsi drinkers I thought it was awesome. However, when I got my first job when I was seventeen at a dollar store. They only carried Coke. So no problem to me. Pop was pop in my eyes. So I spent that whole summer every day I did work buying a bottle of Coke on all my breaks all the time along with my lunch. So once summer was over and gone back to school I had a pepsi for the first time in like three months. My parents started buying Coke all summer from my store I worked at because it was a good deal for a 1litre of Coke for a dollar so they stocked up in a bunch of Coke all summer. So I finally had pepsi not much longer after being into school after I was done my job. I come to realize that Pepsi now to me and my taste it seems flat and does not have much fizz to it nor does it taste good at all. I like Coke, because it is sweeter and has more fizz and flavor. So there you have it. I love COKE!!
David or Tamani?
I have been reading these books written by Aprilynne Pike called: Wings, Spells, Illusions. So there are obviously two guys that the main girl kind of like so those of you who may be reading whether you know the book or not. Who would you pick? I ask of those of you who have read the series? David or Tamani. So just to give a brief explanation to those of you who haven't. Well the series of the three books are about a girl named Laurel. She finds out she is a faery and David is her boy friend whom she confides to when she finds out abnormal things happening to her body. And Tamani is her long lost faery soul mate she is in love with Tamani clearly, but is clinging onto being in a relationship with David , because she feels she owes him loyalty since he was there for her during her process of finding out what was going on. Tamani is also a faery as well and they are meant to be together from what he talks to Laurel about before the faery queen decided to erase her memory and turn her into a scion as a young baby to save their faery land. Before Laurel lost her memory she was suppose to be with Tamani in the faery world, but she does not remember him, however, she loves him for what she knows of him in the current situation.
So I pick Tamani. I encourage you all to read these three books if you're into faery books or mythological type stories.
So I pick Tamani. I encourage you all to read these three books if you're into faery books or mythological type stories.
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