Thursday, 15 December 2011

Crawling Kid

Aaliyah is not 10 months old. She has been crawling for at least 3 weeks now. I am not getting much done around the house now especially since now she knows she can crawl she does not want to be inside her exersaucer or her high chair, she wants to crawl. So I am always forever watching her more than I am able to get anything done around the house. I'd give anything to live in a house with out stairs, so I wouldn't have to worry about her falling down stairs or climb up them with possibly falling as well. I am happy that she is crawling for sure, but not when I have to run after her when she hits the corner near the down stairs basement. She makes me so nervous, now that she is older too she does not sleep as often as she did when she was new born. She has 1 nap a day now. I'd love for her to sleep more often so I could get things done around here.  I still love her lots for sure. Just wish I had some more time to get things done.


  1. I hear ya Ashley, sometimes it would be really nice if they slept more. Would it be possible to get a baby gate for your stairs? That relieved a lot of my anxiety when Eli started crawling. Theo's only six months old but he's rolling all over the place and would rather be on the floor rolling and putting things in his mouth than in his excersaucer. They make up for it by being so dang cute though :)

  2. Ya I was thinking that this pay period that I am going to go look for a gate for the stairs. I did not think she was going to be crawling like cray and that I would have enough time to get one when I had the chance to, but looks like she is crawling fast enough that I look one second she is there and then I look again a moment after and she is gone. I try to do everything to tire that little one out too. I try right after her nap to get her going and moving especially letting her crawl, she uses so much energy, but she still wakes up a lot through out the night.
