My husband took me to see the movie today, YAY! On another note, I was disappointed in the movie in some ways. I did like it, but I just do not like that lack of scenes put in the movie from the book, it seems as though a lot of scenes were made up to fit the movie better. I am really sad to not have watched the movie and be excited to see some of the scenes from the book on screen. Although the scenes that were made up were good, but just was not Breaking Dawn. On a more positive note. I cried at the beginning when they get married. I wasn't sure why. I thought it was because people cry at weddings, but then I got thinking, every wedding I have been to, I have never cried at any of them. So I think it is just the fact that there are no more books written for the series and no more movies series and after all the parts of Breaking Dawn are filmed that there will be no more twilight series. I really like the books. I am sad to see it come to an end, although not quite to an end yet until the last part of Breaking Dawn is filmed and in theaters. It is just a really sad thing. Maybe I am just an old sap when it comes to this kind of stuff, but that is just me I guess. I really have come to love Jacob more as he matured through out the years of filming. I did not like him at first. I thought he was a nerd in twilight, then new moon he looked better, then was an ass for not being there when Bella needed her most, but then I realized he was as hurt as Bella was when she lead him on and then BAM, because Edwards wants to be a wimp and kill himself she leaves him, when there were obvious feelings going on still between her and Jacob that were left undealt with. I understand why he is so mad at Edward and also at Bella for choosing to want to be a vampire. But now that Bella had that baby, he wins he imprinted on their baby. It's a win win., Bella can stop feeling bad for making Jacob hurt for wanting him always around when it hurts him to see her with Edward.
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