Saturday, 29 October 2011

Stripped Hair

So I made the ultimate mistake back in August. I have had every color of the rainbow as hair colors for my hair, but I did the ultimate mistake of dying my hair black. Yes I dyed my hair black. I have tried all the home remedy advice online on how to strip the color. Nothing worked for me at all. I tried dawn dish soap, I tried washing my hair multiple times a day. I soaked my hair in rubbing alcohol (which only dried my hair out), I tried deep conditioning my hair, I tried heated olive oil and then applying it to my hair and letting it sit, I tried vinegar. Probably tried lots more too. So I think you get the picture. I tried it all. So do not listen to all them crap advice's online. Only thing I did not try is bleaching out my hair. I will not do that. I have dyed my hair all sorts of shades of blondes. I am sick of blonde,it looks horrible and it washes me out. Not to mention it dries your hair out badly and makes your hair stringy and makes it feel like barb wire. So after all my different attempts I finally went out and bough Loreals Color Remover. So hopefully this works, because I do not want to wait for my hair to grow out.

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