Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Randy Trott Sr in loving memory

I just wanted to make a special mention in memory of a friend of the families. His name is Randy. He was that guy who I called my uncle which was not related to my mom or my dad. Just someone I loved and also someone my parents loved too. He is a funny character always full of great humor. He had a burnt out sense of humor and personality. He was a man who had done a few too many drugs in his time back with my father when my father was into that stuff. I sometimes blame all the drug in take for the reason why Randy was such a funny man. He was not afraid to be silly or funny in any way in public and not in public. I remember when I was little he use to chase me down the hall making the scaring nose laughter like them scary halloween decorations with the scary laugh going something like this "MUA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA, MUA HA HA HA HA HA". He was quite the entertainer. Oh gee could he ever make a good western omelet. He was very good at combining foods he claims he was a chef (in his own mind) by trade although he did not take any culinary courses for it to be true. He was such a great help when Christmas came. He always did a good job with the decor too. He was also a decor designer by trade as well. Full of crap as he was that is why I loved him. He was funny. I just let him go on and say what he wanted. Sometimes his was annoying, but for the most part I loved him so dearly through thick and thin. He and I shared a few yelling matches back and forth. I found that is what made us stronger through the years. I just wish these memories I could share more and make more with him again. However, I can't, he is gone now and passed on into eternity. I miss him dearly.

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