Friday 21 October 2011

Taking on Photography

I have always had a love for photography ever since I was a kid. I was always a ham for the camera. I love getting my picture taken and also taking pictures as well. I have for a while practiced trying to take pictures the way photographers do. So I noticed I have actually done a some what good job for being self taught in the line of photography. So I am going to try and attempt to do photography for fun for now. Just to help make a jump start on my portfolio. So for now I consider myself an Amateur Photographer learning each passing day. Although I have made a huge improvement within the last 2 years of photography. All of my photos I have done are completely self taught and I have not taken a course although some of my photos look like some one professional did them. So here's to hoping to improve more and more each day. Hopefully maybe someday I can go big with this as it does spark my interest I am sure I will achieve my goal as a photographer. Eventually I will post up some of my photos I have taken on my blog here for everyone to see.

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