Wednesday 26 October 2011

My Mom Is Making Red Chicken Tonight!

YAY!! How excited I am for red chicken. Okay so maybe you're a bit confused and do not know what red chicken is and just to get this out of the way: it is not chicken smothered in ketchup if that is what you are thinking. So I am going to tell you what it is.  Well I only get this cooked for supper once in a while and it is tasty and all you have to do is get a package of boneless skinless chicken place it into a roasting pan and then take a bottle of Russian dressing and a jar of marmelade and mix them both together thoroughly until marmelade is not orange any more and is all red. Pour the sauce on top of chicken and cook it in your oven on 350 for about 45 minutes. There ya go!! Yummy in my tummy. I hope this sounds as appetizing to me as it is to you. I just love it. Anyways I would stay on longer and blog on other topics, but today is a hectic day today.

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