Sunday, 30 October 2011

Wet Brain

This is so funny. I was just in conversation with my mother about an ex boyfriend who drank alcohol like a fish in water. The funny part is that I use to make fun of him and gave him a nick name. I called him wet brain. He knew I did not like it when he drank so I tried to insult him by calling him that. I cared for him, but I just couldn't handle his drinking so that relationship ended soon enough, but just a funny memory that just got brought up. Thought I would share it with you. In case you are wondering (before I go) where I came up with the nick name wet brain is originated from something my father told me. He said guys that drink too much after a long period of time get what is called wet brain which they seem kind of on the DUH side and act and say dumb things that do not make sense. So that is where I got the idea to call this particular ex wet brain, because even when being sober he was always saying and doing dumb things.

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