What I do not understand about this world is that people label things such as Autism or Autistic people as dumb, because they lack certain types of knowledge or not only that, but lack good motor skills, and also lack speech and are silent. There are different types some are mild cases and not so severe and can not do a thing, but rely on their care taker. I find that autistic people and kids mainly some with mild cases are very smart and intellectual. If you put them in an environment of their own interests they know everything about that particular topic or interest. For an example my unlce Derek he is autistic he is a bit higher than normal mild cases, but he is very smart. His thing is cars. He has a love for them always has and always will. If you walk down the street with him, if you point at every car that drives by he can tell you the year, make, model and all the other significant things to know about cars. Derek is very knowledgeable when it comes to cars and he is good at reading more than anyone I know. Here is another example my brother Joel who is also autistic (as you are becoming aware autism runs in the family) he has bad motor skills when it comes to tying shoes, buttoning buttons and zipping his coat up. It does not make him stupid because he does not get it. He clearly sees how it is done, but what it is is that he gets to that point when he tries he thinks he is not doing it right when he is. I have seen him through good and bad and he does not have good confidence in being able to do it by himself. Another thing with Joel is he is very smart and has a good memory for things. I can tell him today that I had a stomach ache and vomited up all my supper and years down the road he will ask me if I remember me telling him how sick I was. Of course I would not recall, because we get sick in that way at least once or twice a year. So I would not recall that particular time. Or he will remember me talking to someone on the phone and then ask me months and even years from then about that conversation and I will not remember that at all. Another thing that I find interesting about Joel and autism is that like I said before about things that catch their interests about Derek well same goes with Joel. Joel loves video games. You buy him a game for either video game program he has like nintendo, play station, x box. As long as he is interested in that particular game he will beat it from beginning to end. He will make a mistake once with the video game and when he dies and re plays the game again he will recall out loud "oh i can't do this move or else my enemy will attack my guy and then it will start me over again". He has a good memory for when they are coming out. He remember every movement he has to make in all his video games in order to complete the game and beat the bad guys. One thing that I want to get clear and straight across is to those of you type of people and I know your type is out there I have witnessed it happen plenty of times. I can not stand when these people who see a person like my brother or like my uncle Derek and look and laugh, because you can tell the people who are mentally retarded or just have disorders and I am not only speaking about autism now I am speaking for people who have all kinds of disabilities. Is YOU people sit there and make fun of them and do mental retard type movements and suggestive actions. Or you just plain sit there look and laugh out loud right in front of these people innocent special people. I have seen people do it out in public towards my little brother a few times and it makes me sick that this world is becoming more corrupt. Also you blunt people who have enough gull to just straight come out to people like this and call them retards to their face. You think because they are retarded or mentally disabled that they do not understand. Well I am telling you one thing people they do understand. I have had a talk with my brother Joel and he asks me why people think he is stupid and retarded. He feels dumb because he is in the special class and he knows he gets made fun of by the kids who just don't know any better because their parents are idiots and uncouth. He asks why he has to be dumb and not learn as quickly as the others. And it breaks my heart that there are people out there that are like that and allow their kids to act in such a way and when this is brought to the attention of some parents how their kids are treating the special needs kids with in their school in such a way they dismiss it like it is not of importance and that these special needs kids don't have feelings. Well they do. They are just like the rest of us. I am so tired of these types of people. I see it not only done in school with regards to my brother, but I see it with other individuals just by random people walking by looking and pointing and making fun. I find autism amazing. These people little kids and adults are the ones with the most beautiful minds ever.
This topic is for you Joel and uncle Derek. My two great loves. You are loved no matter the people who seem to think you are not worthy of it. I love you all with my whole heart.
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