Saturday, 24 September 2011

Two Years of relationship with my husband

Today is such a special day for my husband and myself. Two years ago today Jonathan and I were hanging out together as friends for most of the day. We enjoyed having lunch together at his parents place. Then we went out for a nice walk down the road from his home. We ended up down at the res beach on loch lomand road. In the back trails. It had lots of dirt road with deep holes filled with water from the down pour we had over night. So we ended up playing around and trying to push each other in the puddles. I ended up giving up on trying to push Jonathan in because he always some how twisted me around in such a way that he always had me in the position above the puddle by inches away. So after we were done messing around trying to push and trip each other, we made our way back to Jonathan's parents house. As we were walking we ended going up a side street where some newer homes have been recently built. Which was a nice view to look at. Most of the houses were astonishing. After we were halfway through street Jonathan asked me "THE QUESTION", but he did it different from other guys who ask women to be their girl friend. He stopped me a little and started walking with me at a very slow pace, then said to me as he turned his face to mine and asked me the following words "do you want to take it up a notch". Surprised as I was I knew what he was asking, but I did not know if I wanted to date him, only because we have only been hanging out for three weeks and before that I only seen him in church on Sundays. So I played the "give me time to think about it card". So as we kept walking in silence passed more beautiful houses I really thought about it. So I came to the conclusion before we ended our walk that he is different than most guys I have dated. He is very respectable towards me and I really liked how he was a gentlemen to me unlike others I have dated in the past. So I just blurted out to Jonathan "my answer is yes". So here is the funny part of the whole story that I laugh at each time I think about it. So once I said yes, Jonathan said "we have to seal the deal". I never had a guy ask me to kiss him with out actually asking me to kiss him. Instead he just uses funny phrases and figures of speech all the time. So I did kiss him which was so different. Since it was a mature relationship and not like other guys that just try to be perverted. So this is my story about how my husband and I first became an item. And also in case you ever read my blogs Jonathan Happy Two Years. I love you dearly.

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