Alright so the movie is finally out in theaters and what is so not fair at all is I do not get to see it until my husbands day off. I really want to see this movie so much!! I am in love with the book and all the characters. Although, I am not fond of Kristen Stewart's acting. I do like her as a person ( not hating on her in any way), I just do not prefer her acting. She acts the same way in all her films as she does when you see her in interviews on tv. It just drives me insanely crazy. Acting is about acting like someone else. The character described in the so called script. I do not understand why Kristen is some form of acception to that. I always felt if they can not act then do something else. I know it takes a lot of guts to get in front of a camera to begin with to act at all. I am no actress, but I can certainly tell when someone can act or not. Just in case if some how or some way Kristen Stewart you ever stumble upon my blog I do not have anything against you just to clarify that. So anyways back to the topic which is not even about Kristen's acting. Breaking Dawn!! Like wow I just want to see the movie so bad. The trailers look so amazing. Although Edward seems to keep getting new hair styles and cuts in each movie. The first movie he has the hair that is described in the book. The golden bronze hair, then new moon he just has like a mixture of brown hair and dirty blond hair with a little bit of high lights, then eclipse he has light brown hair. Now in Breaking Dawn from what I have noticed from seeing the trailers he is like a dark brown. Actually the same thing goes for Esme, Alice, Jasper and Emmett. Anyways enough of my ranting on what I keep on noticing and not liking. I do not want to appear as if I do not like the series, because I do. I just wish they would stick to the script of the book. I am well aware they keep having new people producing and filming the movies, but at least make the characters look the same and according to how they are described in the book. It would make real "TWI-HARDS" happy. So ya I can not wait to see the movie. I hope it is as awesome as it appears to be on the trailers.
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