Wednesday 1 February 2012

Corrupt Bibles & No Contradictions in King James

I love the word. The Bible I mean. Well King James version to be exact. What I can't understand is why anyone would want to read any other version. King James is correct and exact. Every other version besides the King James takes away from the bible and out right omits verses from the bible. It is true. I had a teen bible bought for me from my old youth pastor from Full Gospel Assembly. I do believe it was the NIV Bible. I got into reading it then some where I believe in Matthew it out right put beside a few verses "OMITTED".  If you are a true Christian and read all through the bible we all know what it says in revelation in the last chapter. That we are to not take away from the bible or he God the father will take us out of the book of life. I have had all the versions at one point. I claimed to not be able to understand the King James version, but God has opened my eyes spiritually to understand it. In each version I found a lot of verses were completely omitted and some words were changed to other words, which completely changes whole definition and meaning of the verses as a whole. And this where I am about to get in depth here. I do not like non believer claiming that bible has contradiction, when they do not educate themselves about how there are many versions of the bible. All the corrupt ones you will find it all contradicts, because I myself have come across contradictions in all the other versions, but not in King James, because it is accurate and true. All people are aware of the fact that there are other versions and if you were a smart person you would at least think to yourself. Not all the versions probably agree with one another. That is just like for an example how there are all different versions of the Cinderella story. Even though it is not a true story, but there are different movies. You got the classic Walt Disney Version, now you got the Ever After Version and so on and so forth. They all have different stories and different scenes and none of them line up with one another. Same goes with putting every Version of all the bibles together they do not all line up. And the only one that has truth to it is the King James version. I am actually appauled, because it has been brought to my attention from a friend of mine that the ESV bible. Which is funny, because my friend calls it the "EVIL SATAN VERSION". lol It kind of applies to what I am about to say though. The people who wrote the ESV bible are the same people who wrote the Satanic Bible. How can anyone find comfort in wanting to read something of the sort knowing that about it. What is worse is when people buy them stupid bibles with commentaries. Who cares what other people say and what there opinions are, because we are suppose to worry about Gods opinion. Not Benny Hinn or John Hagge  or Billy Graham. They are just people telling you what the bible means, when not everyone is exact or correct. As most of you all know everyone does interpret the bible wrongly or differently. That is why we need to study it for ourselves. Study to shew thyself approved. We do not need a man to tell us what it means. God will reveal the real meanings of all the verses if we truly study the word and seek him.


  1. I would recommend watching this video if you want to learn more about translations:

    It's quite good!

    1. Thanks. I know and am aware of all the other kinds of translations out there and I will stick to King James. :)

    2. What parts of the video did you disagree with?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
