Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Routine Stopped

I decided a while ago that I was going to get into a ro tine of getting up early when the baby first cries and is  awake for the day, but for some reason Aaliyah cries and just her diaper changed and a new bottle  and she falls asleep, then does not cry to wake me up again until 10am. I was really liking the whole idea of forcing myself up at 6am when she awakens, but for some reason, it is almost like now I have decided this. Then she decides ochange her sleeping patterns. Aaliyah was like my own personal alarm clock to help me up in the morning . But  now my original routine has stopped on the account of her wanting to sleep longer even after waking early.  I wish I had the strength to just get up on my own, but I just don't. I look at the clock even when I wake early and just tell myself 5 more minutes, then when I doze off a bit not entirely asleep I just lay there until 9:30 sometimes 10:00am. I guess it does not help that our part of the bedroom is located in the basement with no windows so no sun light peaking through to help wake me up more. I am lost. Not sure how to just push myself to get up in the morning earlier. My routine has officially been stopped. No matter how early I get myself to bed. Oh the joys of being a Mom. I love Aaliyah she is so fun.

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