Friday 10 February 2012


Well I have decided to make my life easier. I am going to do some food prepping. I been getting into canning sauces for spaghetti's and pasta's. So why not have garlic and onions diced up in jars and ready for me to use when I am cooking. It will save me some time. I just did a bunch of garlic cloves. I am waiting on the onions, because I do not like how my eyes water while doing so. I might just start doing some jars I seen done. Some women actually take the time to make huge jars full stews. From the celery chunks to potatoes, to carrots, to all the vegetables you would cut up for stews and soups and layer them in a jars and have them ready to dump into your pot or into your slow cooker.  Lets see how I do with that. I gotta get my hands on some more mason jars. Anyways gotta go get my onions done. A big thanks to Emily Vail. I get a lot of ideas from her.

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