Friday 3 February 2012

Birthday Party

So Aaliyah's actual birth date has already passed, but we are not having the party until friday. I can not wait! It is all Cinderella theme. She loves Cinderella so much and I can not wait for her reaction to it all. I bought this photo prop that has the carriage that escorts her to the ball along with Cinderella's face in it, and then there is a space for some one to put their face in it. I am so sure Aaliyah will love it. Also half the presents we got her are all Cinderella. I can not believe how quick one whole year has went by. Like WOW. I am in total awestruck right now. I just remember the day I brought her home she was no bigger than the size of a load of bread. She was so tiny. She still is tiny, very long and thing. But she is growing too! She is a dainty girl. She is my little beautiful princess. I just love her. I will have to take some photos of all the decorating I did to make her day so special, before I get the party started. I am so pleased with myself. I have over come my bad decorating when it comes to oh what are those things called the word is really at the tip of my tongue. Umm??? Hmmmmmmm??? I am drawing a blank. Oh got it streamers. I was never good at twirling them around with out getting them all knotted up or I would do a good job then it would slip out of my hand, then I would have to recoil them all over again. Well it is about that time of night. I got to get my beauty sleep for tomorrow.  Big day ahead of me now. It is 1:00 am here in Edmonton. So good night for now. I'll check in later.

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