Sunday, 26 February 2012

A Book Idea

I always wanted to write a book, but I never knew what about. Since I been in the process of publishing my poetry. I feel that I should write a book about my testimony, but then I feel like writing a book about myself, but not in the testimonial way. I find that if I wrote about myself and teenage life experiences in a way that young readers would understand that it would sell. I had some pretty interesting and quite dramatic experiences. I know that either way the ordeals I have faced as a young girl is intense for someone of my age. Usually the stuff I encountered would happen to people when they are a little bit older in life. I am so lost, because I do not know in what way I should write my book. It is always running through my head on how to write it. So I did try to open up a compostion book I bought from the dollar store for the purpose of writing my book and I just kept going blank. I am not sure if I am ready or maybe I think of it too much and I am putting this book writing idea above God or not. I asked God to show me what to do and if it is for the purpose of a testimonial book then let it flow out of me at the right time and if it is in his will to allow to me write in more of the style of how writers such as Stephenie Meyer's and Aprilynne Pike does their writing then to also allow it. I understand that it is all in God's timing for an answer, but it is so over whelming and I can't stop thinking about it. Anyways I had to get this off my chest. Just holding the thought of this in was bugging me. I have not slept lately because of this issue.

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