Mommy: Wife, Cook, Poet & Make-up lover. Daddy: Work-outs, jewelry, hair products & cologne lover! Baby: Hugs, kisses, tinkerbell & peanut butter lover!
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Abortions & After Birth Abortions Are Murder!
I am very disturbed to come across a particular piece of writing that was shared on my cousin Emily's wall. I want to make this aware to people out there who read my posts. Some University student seems to think that pretty much killing an infant after birth should be permissible and it is okay. Especially after birth when examining the child and find out that the infant has down syndrome. That is just one 'example' that this student had come up with. I feel bad that this world has become so corrupt and hateful and just does not care at all. We are not to harm the little ones. It says so in the bible. Jesus loves the little children. So here is the link of the write up to this disturbing news At:
Ravioli Dough Recipe I Want To Try
- Ingredients
3 cups of flour - 5 egg yolks
- ½ tsp salt
- Enough water to make a smooth dough (if needed)
- Beat the egg yolks and add them and the salt to a mixing bowl already filled with flour. Use your hands and mix to form a dough. If you can’t get all the flour hydrated into a dough, add more water until you can form a nice firm but sticky dough.
- Knead the dough for about 10 minutes, or until it is smooth and stretchy. Although you can roll out the ravioli sheets immediately, letting the dough rest for 20 minutes or more allows the proteins in the dough to relax and makes rolling much easier. Rest the dough covered under the mixing bowl so it won't dry out too much.
Rolling out the Ravioli Pasta Sheets
- OK, once you have rested your dough, tear off a bigger than golf ball smaller than baseball sized hunk. Flatten it out with your rolling pin and start to roll. The dough will be sticky, so you will need a bowl of flour on hand. Sprinkle a little flour on the table and on the dough and roll it firmly a few times. After a few good rolls, lift the dough sheet off of the counter and flip it over, adding a little more flour onto the counter and onto the dough sheet as necessary. Use as little flour as you can get away with, but always keep the dough sheet loose and sliding on the counter.
- Keep rolling and flipping and rolling and flipping until you get a dough that is paper thin. This will take a little while and a little effort, but it's worth it. You want to be able to see your hand through the dough when you lift it off of the counter. Don't worry if your dough sheet is irregularly shaped – it won’t matter.
Cutting and Filling the Ravioli.
OK, once you have rolled out a sheet of dough nice and thinly, give your rolling arms a break and cut out your ravioli shapes.
- I like to use a water glass as a mold (About 3-4 inches in diameter). Invert the glass and press down on the dough with the top of the glass. Trace a knife point around the dough until you have cut out a circle of pasta (cookie cutter style). Repeat, cutting as many pasta circles as you can from your sheet of dough.
- Take the scraps that you have cut from around the glass mold and add them back into your (Covered) dough ball for future rolling.
Filling the Ravioli
- So now you have a counter filled with cut-out circles of dough. In the center of each circle, place about a teaspoon of your filling. Use as much filling as you can get away with and still be able to close of the ravioli well.
- In a bowl, beat an egg and then using your finger, spread a little beaten egg around the outside of the pasta circle. This beaten egg is the glue that will seal the folded over pasta circle into a finished ravioli.
- Fold the pasta circle over the filling and press the top down into the bottom, crimping with your fingers to fuse the dough and form a seal. Try to work from one side to the other, squeezing the air out as you go.
- Once you have filled all your circles and crimped them into ravioli, place them on a floured baking sheet and start rolling your next ball of dough into a pasta sheet.
If you plan on making these in advance, place the baking sheet full of finished ravioli (in one layer only) in the freezer. Once the ravioli have frozen solid, you can transfer them into a Tupperware style container and continue to freeze them until ready to use. When ready to eat them, drop the frozen ravioli directly into boiling water for 4 or 5 minute, and then toss with sauce.
I Found An Aged Paper Trick
Alright so I am trying to do different tutorials on how to age your paper to look like the old style. I have tried brushing cold black coffee onto my paper and then letting it dry over night, which I did not like the out come. It did not darken enough for my liken. So I have tried so money others as well, but now I finally found the one I am going to use with some of my poetry written on it for the cover of my poetry book. So here is the quick little method. Brush cold coffee onto your paper while on a cooking sheet, then cook in oven on 400 and keep light on to look in, when edges start to curl up take it out. It goes really dark. Also forget to mention to squirt some lemon juice on top of the paper and brush it up and down with a silicone brush. So I really like this effect, because not only does it get dark enough, but the edges kind of get a little burnt each time which gives the illusion of a distressed look so it makes it look much older too. It definitely keeps me from having to light up a tea light candle and then burn the edges and then quickly put the fire out with a cloth like some tutorials tell you to do in order to make the edges look distressed. So now all I got to do now that I found a method that works for me. I just got to get photos taken of the old paper then pick the best of the ones that turned out good and put it together as my cover.
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
Needle Time
Well Jonathan and I finally found a medical clinic that will give Aaliyah her needles she needs. We've been searching for a place that will take her on as their patient. But for now we are just going to stick with clinics instead of transfering all her medical records over to an official doctor since this move will most likely be temporary. We will be here for at least 3 or 4 years long enough to get our bills paid off. Today Jonathan and I took our little sweet heart to get her needles. She is so brave I must say. She had 4 needles. One in her left arm then two into her left leg, then one in right leg. I just felt so helpless sitting while helping the nurse hold my little princess down to give her the needles. As Aaliyah is looking up into my face with a plethora of tears coming down her face and question in her eyes saying "MOMMY HELP ME". It just breaks your heart to have to see your little one go through any form of hurt. I just love my daughter so much. She means the world to me. She is doing good now though. It has now been a few hours and as always when babies get needles they tend to be more sleepy and such. So she is resting for now. I am so proud of her for being a brave little girl.
People Are Being Deceived
Jonathan and I went for a walk across the street with Aaliyah to the mall to pick up a few things. So as we are on our way home from running our errands these two people a guy and a girl come to us introducing themselves. The guys name was Matthew and the girls name was Amy. They told us about how they are from Romania and that they are christians and asked if they could talk to us about God and the bible. I am sure they were assuming we weren't christians so I played along to see what they wanted to tell us. They start by telling us that Jesus' second coming already happened blah blah blah, but the only proof they use in the bible about his so called second coming was the fact that Jesus died and rose again. So when he rose again that is apparently his second coming. Then they tell us that there is not only God our father, but we have a God the mother too. Although they never gave us any verses to back up that part, but gave us a pamphlet for it. Then they started to tell us that Jesus is not Jesus and he has a new name due to the manna which was read to us from revelations. They said that Jesus is going to come as himself in person which I obviously believe, because when Jesus went into heaven and the people were marvelling at that, he said why do ye marvel? Because the same way I leaveth is the same way I am going to come back for my people. But they are saying that he is coming alone and not with the saints and he will not be on a cloud and that the word cloud means something different according to the word. Anyways I just had to type all of this out so I do not forget, so I can actually do a bible study on what they told us so for future reference if we get attacked by a mob of deluded Christians again, then I can have verses to back up what I am saying and what they is wrong. It says in the bible when we come across people such as this to rebuke them harshly. So I intend to do so, but just need to be more studios in the word of God and be more knowledgable.
Monday, 27 February 2012
Poetry Book Update
So all I need to do in order to upload my document full of poetry is get my paper aged with the nicely hand written poetry in calligraphy style for my book cover then take some photos of it. Soon enough my book will be done. I was aiming for the end of this month, but that is not going to happen. I will try to get things done for the end of March. Sorry for not getting it all done. I really want to get my book published as soon as possible with all my poetry for everyone to read.
Sunday, 26 February 2012
A Book Idea
I always wanted to write a book, but I never knew what about. Since I been in the process of publishing my poetry. I feel that I should write a book about my testimony, but then I feel like writing a book about myself, but not in the testimonial way. I find that if I wrote about myself and teenage life experiences in a way that young readers would understand that it would sell. I had some pretty interesting and quite dramatic experiences. I know that either way the ordeals I have faced as a young girl is intense for someone of my age. Usually the stuff I encountered would happen to people when they are a little bit older in life. I am so lost, because I do not know in what way I should write my book. It is always running through my head on how to write it. So I did try to open up a compostion book I bought from the dollar store for the purpose of writing my book and I just kept going blank. I am not sure if I am ready or maybe I think of it too much and I am putting this book writing idea above God or not. I asked God to show me what to do and if it is for the purpose of a testimonial book then let it flow out of me at the right time and if it is in his will to allow to me write in more of the style of how writers such as Stephenie Meyer's and Aprilynne Pike does their writing then to also allow it. I understand that it is all in God's timing for an answer, but it is so over whelming and I can't stop thinking about it. Anyways I had to get this off my chest. Just holding the thought of this in was bugging me. I have not slept lately because of this issue.
Saturday, 25 February 2012
A Christian Social Network
Hi everyone. For all of my Christian family and friends I wanted to make aware to you about this new social networking which is much like facebook. But less drama with out all the non christians posting cuss words and sexual contest and what not. I am tired of having friends added that are like this. It is sad to find out that half the friends I once attended school with turned out that way. This site is layed out like facebook and has lots of good stuff going on. I am not going to delete facebook, because half my family are not Christians so they would not join this site, but for those of you out there that are interested this site was designed specifically for us Christians. So we can escape all the worldly stuff being posted onto facebook so I am done blabbing about I am sure you just want to try it out so here it is: ENJOY!!!
Friday, 24 February 2012
I Love My Husband
I am really been getting closer with my husband more than ever. I did not think that our marriage would even come close to the 2 year mark. It will be two years on June 11th, 2012. We have had some very trying times and always butting heads. I was so lost for a while with my feelings for him, because of a lot of different things. I was so sad, because at one point I felt like I was going to be stuck in a marriage that I was miserable in. I was so sad that we lost the love we once felt for each other back when we first started to date. I never wanted to be one of them wives who feels trapped and stuck. A lot of our arguing had to do with financial things, because living back in Saint John both our incomes were not enough and we were hardly feeding ourselves. I was so mad that all my suggestions about moving away to Edmonton or any big city would be sluffed off. I would feel mad and hateful to him, because of that. I thought he did not love me no more. He stopped telling me and I had stopped telling him. We were still on the rocky roads even after moving up here to Edmonton and also after the fact that we are now bringing in more money to afford feeding ourselves. I also at one point was mad at myself then mixed with the emotions of being at Jonathan, because we fornicated and got pregnant so we did what is honourable and got married. I felt that maybe marriage was the wrong idea for us and maybe we felt pressured to do the right things according to God, but , yet living a lie, because we did not conceive our daughter Aaliyah appropriately. Then I started to realize that the devil will do anything to discourage us from trying to draw closer to God for even asking help. Since it says in his word we all fall short of the glory of God and that we are all forgiven as long as we repent from our sins and turn from it. I remembering thinking that I thought I was not forgiven, but then I remember hearing a sermon about people such as myself feeling really badly about one of our sins to the point of no forgiveness. Then the preacher said that we are insulting God and calling him a liar, because it says in his word that we are all forgiven. If it says that we are forgiven then we are forgiven so I realized I had to accept that I am forgiven and to start living the Christian life that I needed to be. I have done a lot of thinking and praying and reading of Gods word which has been encouraging. I have come to realize that my husband does a lot for me. He provides for me and my daughter and now I do not have to work and I can be the Mommy I want to be. With a lot of getting prayer and having regular talks to Jonathan about my feelings and him telling me his, it has brought us so much closer. I did not think that we would over come this. But I had a verse come to me a while ago that all things are possible. There is not a thing that God can't handle. I am so glad to have the love back into my relationship with my husband. The last thing I want is for our daughter to experience a home of parents that don't show love to one another. I really love my husband so much and I am glad that we have been drawn so much closer to each other then we have been ever. It makes me feel like crying right now as I am writing this.
Pic Nik
I am so excited to announce that my favorite photo editing site is allowing us to use all the premium photo editing features for free, but the down fall about it is, they are selling their site to google. So it will no longer be anymore. It is only free until April 19th, 2012. Anyways Just for those of you who read my blogs thought I'd make a mention.
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Roll Ups YAY!!
I was out running errands with my husband today. And there I seen it walking by me in some strangers hand. Roll Ups from Tim Hortons. I am so excited. I love getting freebies of donuts or coffees and what ever else there is to offer. I am not lucky enough to win any of the large prizes like the car, camera, plasma tv and gift cards. Although last year when they came out I had no luck. I never won anything accept for when someone treated me to a coffee and if I won it is only fair to give that person the winner :( I hope this year turns out better. I was much more lucky as a kid going to Tim Hortons and winning freebies. So happy rolling up your rims this year people. I hope someone I know that could deserve the car or tv or camera will win. Instead of reading about people from KV area in New Brunswick winning the grand prizes which do not seem to be fair. Anyways happy rolling. :)
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
Routine Stopped
I decided a while ago that I was going to get into a ro tine of getting up early when the baby first cries and is awake for the day, but for some reason Aaliyah cries and just her diaper changed and a new bottle and she falls asleep, then does not cry to wake me up again until 10am. I was really liking the whole idea of forcing myself up at 6am when she awakens, but for some reason, it is almost like now I have decided this. Then she decides ochange her sleeping patterns. Aaliyah was like my own personal alarm clock to help me up in the morning . But now my original routine has stopped on the account of her wanting to sleep longer even after waking early. I wish I had the strength to just get up on my own, but I just don't. I look at the clock even when I wake early and just tell myself 5 more minutes, then when I doze off a bit not entirely asleep I just lay there until 9:30 sometimes 10:00am. I guess it does not help that our part of the bedroom is located in the basement with no windows so no sun light peaking through to help wake me up more. I am lost. Not sure how to just push myself to get up in the morning earlier. My routine has officially been stopped. No matter how early I get myself to bed. Oh the joys of being a Mom. I love Aaliyah she is so fun.
Friday, 10 February 2012
Well I have decided to make my life easier. I am going to do some food prepping. I been getting into canning sauces for spaghetti's and pasta's. So why not have garlic and onions diced up in jars and ready for me to use when I am cooking. It will save me some time. I just did a bunch of garlic cloves. I am waiting on the onions, because I do not like how my eyes water while doing so. I might just start doing some jars I seen done. Some women actually take the time to make huge jars full stews. From the celery chunks to potatoes, to carrots, to all the vegetables you would cut up for stews and soups and layer them in a jars and have them ready to dump into your pot or into your slow cooker. Lets see how I do with that. I gotta get my hands on some more mason jars. Anyways gotta go get my onions done. A big thanks to Emily Vail. I get a lot of ideas from her.
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
My Favorite Egg Wash For All Occasions
Alrighty!!! I just love making good tasting deep fried foods with a good hidden flavor, but not in the actual main food item itself. I hide it by adding to my egg wash. I always season my egg wash and actually I season my flour too! I always put a little bit of pepper and sea salt. To flour and to egg wash. For a little kick with some hot spicy flavors just add to egg wash any hot sauce you buy for your fridge. I usually buy franks red hot. For your flour I just add chili powder or what hot spicy thing I can find. This is good for making some good old home made chicken wings. For Wednesday wing night. When I am deep frying fish I usually add some grated garlic cloves to my egg wash and I add some fresh chopped dill to my flour. It all depends on what types of fish you are cooking though. I usually use that one for salmon. One more tasty hidden flavor for egg wash and flour is making home made pop corn chicken/ chicken nuggets. I always put my frozen boneless skinless chicken in a pot to boil first, while making up some nice egg wash and flour. Now for the flour I just use some cajun seasoning and for the egg wash I put some mustard in it. It turns out really good everytime.
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
Win a free camera
Hey everyone if you like to do photography or just would like to win a free camera go to this website and enter the contest at:
Ashley Morin
Ashley Morin
Monday, 6 February 2012
I am so thrilled. I am finding more and more ways of using the internet for marketing my book and getting the word out there. I found a really good website to use to upload a copy of my book for e-books. I signed up with smashwords. Which is amazing. I am so excited. Once I finally upload my book and get it out of the way and ready for ordering I will post a new blog. Anyways thought I would share the excitement with you.
Sunday, 5 February 2012
Addicted to Asparagus
Alright I tried my cousin Emily's home made pizza that she invented one day by adding a bunch of left overs on top of a pizza. One of the main ingredients was asparagus. Ever since then I been eating it with everything. Some times I even eat it alone. It is all Emily's fault! In a good way though. I tried asparagus once, but did not acquire the taste for it at that time. I still thought that I would not like it once I put it on the pizza, but this time it was different. I just fell in love with it. I stock up on it every visit to the grocery store even if we have not ran out of it yet. I find ways to incorporate it into all my meals. So I been laying off cereals and all that stuff for break fast so I can just have a western omelette. I always put asparagus in it with the rest of the ingredients. I usually dice up onions, celery grate a little cheese, tomatoes and asparagus. Although I should stop eating it so much. Because there is that saying that too much of something good is not good for you. I do not want to make myself sick of eating it. Like I did when I was all into eating sushi. I ate sushi all the time almost every other day back when I was 19. I made myself so sick of it, that I did not eat it for months. On a good note, I lost a little bit of weight eating better. I been also getting up before Aaliyah so I can have my break fast at the right time and eat proper snacks in between my meals and eat the right foods for all main meals. Also, a great big THANK YOU EMILY for you blog on your favourite pizza.
Hmmm??? Asparagus for a bed night snack??? Maybe not. Should not really be eating past 6:00pm.
Hmmm??? Asparagus for a bed night snack??? Maybe not. Should not really be eating past 6:00pm.
Saturday, 4 February 2012
Party Fun
We celebrated Aaliyah's birthday yesterday. It was so much fun. She was so excited to see all the decorations. We had all Cinderella stuff as much as we can. The most amazing part of the party was not the gifts or presents. She was so taken to her birthday cake. She was in love with the sparklers we put on top. She was all eyes and they were bugged out. She looked so cute. She could not stop smiling. I enjoyed her first birthday very much. Aaliyah is a very beautiful baby. I am so glad to see her eating foods that some kids her age would not even eat or try. It was a huge fun success this whole party was. Anyways Got to go. Duty calls for another diaper change.
Friday, 3 February 2012
Birthday Party
So Aaliyah's actual birth date has already passed, but we are not having the party until friday. I can not wait! It is all Cinderella theme. She loves Cinderella so much and I can not wait for her reaction to it all. I bought this photo prop that has the carriage that escorts her to the ball along with Cinderella's face in it, and then there is a space for some one to put their face in it. I am so sure Aaliyah will love it. Also half the presents we got her are all Cinderella. I can not believe how quick one whole year has went by. Like WOW. I am in total awestruck right now. I just remember the day I brought her home she was no bigger than the size of a load of bread. She was so tiny. She still is tiny, very long and thing. But she is growing too! She is a dainty girl. She is my little beautiful princess. I just love her. I will have to take some photos of all the decorating I did to make her day so special, before I get the party started. I am so pleased with myself. I have over come my bad decorating when it comes to oh what are those things called the word is really at the tip of my tongue. Umm??? Hmmmmmmm??? I am drawing a blank. Oh got it streamers. I was never good at twirling them around with out getting them all knotted up or I would do a good job then it would slip out of my hand, then I would have to recoil them all over again. Well it is about that time of night. I got to get my beauty sleep for tomorrow. Big day ahead of me now. It is 1:00 am here in Edmonton. So good night for now. I'll check in later.
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
Heartless People
I am sad at this generation. I have a friend on facebook who is very opinionated, but the sad thing is. She posted a not so nice status with regards to how annoying she finds people who share or post abused animals and babies or sick animals and babies, because it does not change a thing. So here is her status I took the liberty of copying it so I am going to paste it. Here it is: Take this however you wish: I'm so frustrated coming on facebook and seeing bloody animals and beaten or abused pictures of children to "raise awareness". I realize this happens in the world but sharing these pictures isnt doing anything more than disturbing the minds of myself and others on facebook.
Now I am not saying that her freedom of speech should be impeded. Or that she is wrong of thinking it and all, but I really feel bad that she does not care enough to want to share. I know some things are gruesome on there. I do find some stuff posted is pretty gross and vile at times. But it does not always have to do with awareness. Some people like to post things for the sake of spreading the word through out all Christian families to get prayer of healing as well. All I can say is I will not stop posting and sharing things that I feel needs attention to get prayer for. I just find the way she worded her status and posted it made her appear heartless. Along with all the people who actually agreed with her on this comment. I am surprised of the people who feel the same way as her. It is sickening, that this world is slowly learning not to care for anyone in the world, besides themselves. We are truly in a selfish and vain society. Sorry that reality offends you all. Sometimes people need to learn when to shut off their minds and just give certain topics some deep thought before proving yourself a heartless person.
Now I am not saying that her freedom of speech should be impeded. Or that she is wrong of thinking it and all, but I really feel bad that she does not care enough to want to share. I know some things are gruesome on there. I do find some stuff posted is pretty gross and vile at times. But it does not always have to do with awareness. Some people like to post things for the sake of spreading the word through out all Christian families to get prayer of healing as well. All I can say is I will not stop posting and sharing things that I feel needs attention to get prayer for. I just find the way she worded her status and posted it made her appear heartless. Along with all the people who actually agreed with her on this comment. I am surprised of the people who feel the same way as her. It is sickening, that this world is slowly learning not to care for anyone in the world, besides themselves. We are truly in a selfish and vain society. Sorry that reality offends you all. Sometimes people need to learn when to shut off their minds and just give certain topics some deep thought before proving yourself a heartless person.
New Blog
Alright so I started another blog. I am not too sure where it will take me to when it comes to the topics and stuff. I kind of want to separate what I write about. I want to have my life as a mom and wife and stuff with cooking and things in one and what ever I come up with on my other blog. We'll see how it turns out. So for those of you who follow me please feel free to follow my other blog at:
Corrupt Bibles & No Contradictions in King James
I love the word. The Bible I mean. Well King James version to be exact. What I can't understand is why anyone would want to read any other version. King James is correct and exact. Every other version besides the King James takes away from the bible and out right omits verses from the bible. It is true. I had a teen bible bought for me from my old youth pastor from Full Gospel Assembly. I do believe it was the NIV Bible. I got into reading it then some where I believe in Matthew it out right put beside a few verses "OMITTED". If you are a true Christian and read all through the bible we all know what it says in revelation in the last chapter. That we are to not take away from the bible or he God the father will take us out of the book of life. I have had all the versions at one point. I claimed to not be able to understand the King James version, but God has opened my eyes spiritually to understand it. In each version I found a lot of verses were completely omitted and some words were changed to other words, which completely changes whole definition and meaning of the verses as a whole. And this where I am about to get in depth here. I do not like non believer claiming that bible has contradiction, when they do not educate themselves about how there are many versions of the bible. All the corrupt ones you will find it all contradicts, because I myself have come across contradictions in all the other versions, but not in King James, because it is accurate and true. All people are aware of the fact that there are other versions and if you were a smart person you would at least think to yourself. Not all the versions probably agree with one another. That is just like for an example how there are all different versions of the Cinderella story. Even though it is not a true story, but there are different movies. You got the classic Walt Disney Version, now you got the Ever After Version and so on and so forth. They all have different stories and different scenes and none of them line up with one another. Same goes with putting every Version of all the bibles together they do not all line up. And the only one that has truth to it is the King James version. I am actually appauled, because it has been brought to my attention from a friend of mine that the ESV bible. Which is funny, because my friend calls it the "EVIL SATAN VERSION". lol It kind of applies to what I am about to say though. The people who wrote the ESV bible are the same people who wrote the Satanic Bible. How can anyone find comfort in wanting to read something of the sort knowing that about it. What is worse is when people buy them stupid bibles with commentaries. Who cares what other people say and what there opinions are, because we are suppose to worry about Gods opinion. Not Benny Hinn or John Hagge or Billy Graham. They are just people telling you what the bible means, when not everyone is exact or correct. As most of you all know everyone does interpret the bible wrongly or differently. That is why we need to study it for ourselves. Study to shew thyself approved. We do not need a man to tell us what it means. God will reveal the real meanings of all the verses if we truly study the word and seek him.
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