Wednesday 18 January 2012

Progress With My Poetry Book

So as you already know, I have been in the process of copy righting and publishing my poetry. So what has been going on lately is I had to find the time to take all my separate poems that are in their own document and copy and paste them all into one. Due to the fact that the website I am using to upload my poems and create my book cover will only allow one full document uploaded, so I put all my poems in order from my very first one I wrote to the most recent one, all according to the dates they were written in.  Now that I got all that done, I have to work on my book cover. My idea that I have for my book cover is I want to take a picture of my best poem that I had written and write it out on old aged paper with withered edges and with my hand finishing up the last sentence to my poem, with my plume and ink bottle.

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