Wednesday 18 January 2012

Congratulations to Emily

Hi there everyone! Emily is my second cousin Cory Vail's wife and she has been accepted to post her ideas,thoughts, recipes and all that jazz onto this really sweet blog site at: The Purposed Heart . I will tell you a bit about her. She is a good inspiration when it comes to blogging. Not only does she have an attractive blog layout, but her topics are so real and true to life. She blogs about the simple sweet things with regards to her husband and kids and her family. She also posts about her loving relationship she shares with God and her own recipes or some she has tried from other people. Emily is a beautiful lady inside and out. I am glad to have her in our family married in or not. She is lovely. I wish I could try to strive more so in the direction she is when it comes to my relationship with God in the same way that she does and still have the patience for everyday cleaning, cooking, taking care of my daughter and time with my husband, she sure is a good example of what I think a Christian women should be. Please do check out the above link if you wish to read posts from her.

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