Sunday 29 January 2012

Early Riser Today

I am so upset when I look at the alarm clock to find out that it is 5:20 am. So now I have to get up, because lying there in bed for an extra 5 minutes did not help me get back to sleep. And no I was not trying to go back to sleep from hearing Aaliyah crying or anything. I was not ignoring her. I was trying to ignore myself being wide awake as I am. I love my sleep and for some reason today I could not make myself feel sleepy again after waking up so randomly early in the morning. I am not usually an early riser. If anything I wake up to the beckoning call of my daughter Aaliyah. So I am up!! Yay. NOT!! I want to go to sleep. I feel sleepy I look sleepy, but all I am doing is tossing and turning with out any progress of actually falling asleep. So I am up for the day. So I am drinking my coffee, and just hoping that I start to get rid of this grouchiness I have going on. I always felt that if it is still dark in the sky when you wake up, then you should not be up, you should be sleeping. What should be the only thing that wakes you up is the sunshine beaming through your curtains and onto your face in the morning, not just waking on your own account. Especially when you are still very tired. So here's to my early day. Hopefully I accomplish a lot more than usual since I will have more time today. So good morning to all you early risers on here who may be possibly reading. Wish me luck as I drink my first coffee of the morning. I hope I can go on with out falling asleep later on through the day. Maybe I will read some bible devotions.


  1. Look at it as a blessing! A few minutes in a quiet house all by yourself with no one interrupting you. I never used to be an early riser, but I've come to treasure getting up before the kids to have my coffee and read my Bible in peace, before I have little ones climbing on me and wanting to be fed!

  2. Yes I actually found it a blessing, once I was more awake. I wish I could get enough strength to just wake up on my own. Which I am going to try to do. I found that I got a lot more done when I was up. Thanks for the input always good to have other Christian Mom's input and ideas. I do appreciate it.
