Friday 20 January 2012

Baby Talk

Oh how cute it is to hear your own baby talk. Aaliyah just wags her tongue in and out of her mouth about 3 or 4 times trying so hard to talk, but she sounds something like this, "DEE DA DEE DA LEE DA".  She makes other sounds when she tries to talk, but this is the only one I can put in words to give you all an idea of how it sounds. I am so blessed to have such a smart baby. She does try her best to talk and she tries to say bye bye but it comes out as, "DIE DIE". I know the word die is not one of the best words, but Aaliyah doesn't know that, she thinks that she is saying bye bye. Which is cute, because sometimes she puts her hands up to wave, but only does a half wave, waving her hand to the right. I am not liking how she continuously says, " DA DA" all the time. I would love to hear "MA MA", but that is not going to happen anytime soon, because she is the typical daddy's girl just like any other girl. Hmmmm, I wonder if when she understand me more if bribery will work so I can get her to say "MA MA". I can't wait for more baby talk as time goes on. It is so exciting. Well I am calling it a night for now. So good night to you all.

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