Friday 20 January 2012

Eating Healthier

I have come to the conclusion that I need to start eating healthier, because all I do eat is a lot of processed foods and canned good, which really is not that good. I am going to start making my own pasta sauces and canning them. I will have to make chowders and bisque's from scratch too. Which will be hard for me to give up Campbell's Chunky Clam Chowders and their Seafood Chowders also. I don't know why I haven't tried to do this before, because I know how bad all this stuff is for me, and I certainly know how to cook and bake, I guess I am lazy when it comes to doing everything from scratch. I am having a hard time losing my pregnant weight and no wonder why, I eat things that are suppose to be meant to be healthy and eat it from take out joints and mall food. Which is not good for you at all. So from this day forward I am going to do what I can to the best of my ability to eat healthy and cook healthier meals for the family.

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