Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Christmas Done & A New Beginning

The shopping is done and so is the shipping! YAY. Christmas is dealt with early for once in my life. In the Morin house we are usually last minute shoppers, and shipping them off too late. Thank God we kept finding deals on the things that our family members liked and had the money on hand to grab it. I am a little late on decorating as far as the christmas lacey stuff from the dollar store. The tree is up and decorated though.
I kind of can't wait to get it done and over with. I always forget how much of a hassle it is just to get that perfect gift for everyone in the family. But then as a whole year goes by and as the next christmas is nearing for another time around I get excited, then go to being tired of it. Perhaps I put my tree up too early. I actually feel like taking it down right now.
I am lucky, because Aaliyah was so fascinated with the tree at first; so I thought I was going to have a problem with her taking the decorations off of the tree. But she only takes a bulb off once in a while and passes it to me, just to watch me put it back on. Nothing too major. She loves night time, because I put the lights on for the remainder of the evening.
Another chapter has started with my little wee one just today actually! I decided when her diapers were all used up that we would start training her on the potty, so we already had pull-ups available and a potty. So she just finished her last diaper. So onto the pull-ups and potty training we go. I was going to train her earlier this year, but she was still too young and little and still learning how to understand what I am saying to her when I talk to her. I know that she understand me for the most part now. So I know it is the right time.
So here's to hoping this does not take a long time to train her, because to be honest I am not up for it. I just wish my Mom or Grandma was here to help and guide me through it, because they have a special connection with her.

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