Friday 28 December 2012

Mind Boggling Exhaustion

Sitting here right now feeling kind of sluggish. For the last 15 minutes I sat here and stared at my laptop's screen absentmindedly, yet can't seem to get myself out of whatever it is I am going into. I am sleep deprived for one I know that is one of the main causes. I went to bed at 1 am and got up at 7:30. I so use to being in bed by 10:30 pm. Jonathan and I ran around all day and he was so tired he left me to do all the grocery shopping, which is odd for me because I hate him coming because he nags me to hurry up the whole time. But this time I was so tired that I couldn't even think straight as what to put in the cart. I felt like I was going to fall asleep pushing my cart. I like when Jonathan goes down aisle ahead of me and grabs the necessities while I am slowly and carefully watching for items that are usually pricey to be on sale or half price or even 99 cents.
Maybe my lack of work out the past two days. I have been going regularly, but when I don't work out I feel like a bump on a log. Or is a lump on a bog? See I am extremely exhausted that I am not quite sure which one is the right saying. Well I am going to go before I make this blog sound senseless, although I am sure I already have.
Going to go get some reading into me to help me think straight/better.

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