Saturday 15 December 2012

Prayers for Newtown Connecticut

It is such a shock to come home from the gym yesterday to see the status' all over facebook with regards to the shooting in Newtown Connecticut. It is so heart wrenching to watch on the news. I have been doing nothing but praying for all of the victim's families. It really opens your eyes to see that no matter how small of a town or city you live in, this kind of violence can happen anywhere's! Not just expected in the big cities. It can happen anywhere's, anytime and anyplace.
I definitely hugged my little girl a bit tighter last night with tears in my eyes thinking what if this was her in her school years from now when she is older?
My heart goes out to everyone that was hurt and had their precious little angel shot and taken away from them for good. I can't express how much I feel hurt for those families, I feel like it happened to me too.
May God be with us all in the world and reach out to others and help make change in our hearts and follow him and change our ways. So there will  be less or not more crime going on.

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