Saturday, 19 January 2013

My Point Of View

So, there is the show that has been on for a few years now and I can't really stand seeing it anymore. I watch Days of Our Lives and as soon as it is over, this show I cannot stand comes on right after it. And the show I am referring to is called 'The View.' My reason for not liking it is simply this.
They are a bunch of gossiping old hags, well Sharon Osbourne is old, and the rest are old enough to be my mother and what not. Still anyways they are a bunch of gossiping, nagging women. Everything they talk about they really have nothing nice to say about the topic of the day. And when a real issue/matter is being talked about on their show (like the Justin Bieber getting caught smoking weed thing), they totally glorified him and stood up for him.
But something as silly as today's discussion about Nicki Minaj going to a restaurant and having her assistant go out and buy her favorite A1 sauce or whatever. They ragged about it implying she is rude and has bad behaviour and blamed it on her fame getting to her pretty much. Also, the only people who stood up for her, were her own kind. The two black ladies on the show. One lady pulled a piece of stack that was attached to her inside of her jacked inside of a ziploc bag and a paper plate in her pocket, with some sauce in another pocket and a plastic fork and started eating.
Now I am not saying I like Nicki Minaj's style of singing and the way she portrays herself in her videos, but come on!When you go to a restaurant anywhere's most restaurants want you to come and enjoy their food in the way you want and have it the way you like it, and if you want to bring your own bbq sauce to place they shouldn't be so offended.
Really though I think the view should stop airing on tv until they can come up with something worth talking about. They think, because they are talking about a plethora of different things, that people are really going to care about what they think. I certainly don't give a hoot what they think, especially if they can praise Justin Bieber for smoking drugs and letting down his fans (just so you know, I am not a Bieber fan either). And put down Nicki Minaj for wanting something that she liked at a restaurant.
I honestly think that I could do a better job being on their show, because I wouldn't be so quick to make a decision about anyone. People need to learn to be quiet and talk about real matters for frig sakes!
Anyways, I am done my ranting for now.
No offense to the ladies on the show, they are all great and I like them. Just not what they discuss for the most part.

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