Wednesday 9 January 2013

My Old Facebook Was Hacked People

Wow, I can't believe that some of my friends from my other account that got hacked into, they don't believe it is me trying to add them back! How crazy is that? And asking me to prove it is me by saying or mentioning something that only myself and that person only know.
Wow! Anyways I don't even have the patience to add anyone else right now. If people want me on their list, by all means add me. I had well over 400 and some odd people on there.
Anyways I've got to get going. I am starting to read all the novels of the awesome lady Jane Austen! I can't wait. I am starting with sense and sensibility.
Good night to you all.

Oh and for the record, the hacking of my facebook took place about a month and a half ago and I have been contacting facebook tech support and they are stupid and can't help me get my old account back. So, I did not add anyone accept for immediate family until just recently, in case I could have gotten my old account back and save me the time on having to add anyone to a new account to begin with.
Just in case anyone is wondering why I haven't done so or added anyone sooner. That is why.

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