Thursday, 24 January 2013

About 2nd Birthday For My Wee One

It is the night before Aaliyah's birthday party and it is really crazy busy even up to the late hours of the night. I have on the go non stop all day from the time I rose in the am. It is 11:20 pm here in Edmonton. I only took breaks for the essential things like diapers changings, breakfast, lunch and dinner. I have been attacking my house with mops, brooms, vacuums (which hardly works, I guess I'll be picking up with my hands the pieces of dirt and whatnot off the carpet myself tomorrow). Plus, I decorated! The only thing left to do, which won't take long is clean the bathroom. I am not looking forward to it, but at least that is all I have to do. Well beside pop all the food in the oven and also decorate the cake. Thank God the decorations for the party are up!
And thank God to my beloved for coming home from work after pulling a long double shift and willing to help me put up the drapes I wanted to hang from the ceiling. God bless his tired little self. I can hear him out in the living room typing up reports for his third small side job. Poor guy, he works too much, but I am glad he does work instead of the men out there who can't or won't work. He is so tired all the time lately. I am praying that he gets to leave early tomorrow as usual on friday's so he can come home and take a quick nap before the party. My poor baby; I just love him.
Well everything is all done for the party and I can't wait. Since I have a plethora of family members who wanted to skype online and I just simply couldn't, because it would have been chaotic trying to converse with them and also I am not too sure if skype allows you to do 10 video calls. So, I posted on my status for them to know that I will go live on the website and if they wish to see Aaliyah's party happening to sign up for an account with the site and then search my username which is epicheart and tune in at 8pm Saint John time. The only down fall is, they will see us, but we can't see or hear them. Well it is a downfall for them, but I don't really want to try and converse with a bunch of people while trying to eat and do party things, and having requests from all the grandparents to take Aaliyah away from the party table and shoving her into a laptop which she is never interested in any other time I skype with them separately. She gets fidgety real quick. So, I am hoping this is a better alternative for everyone involved.
Oh, yeah I almost forgot I still haven't wrapped the presents that we have bought for Aaliyah. Well I best be on my way. Aaliyah has been in bed since 9pm tonight and she is rising earlier than usual. So, if I want any sleep at all. I must go now.

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