Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Donnie Snook

So I have been waiting a while first before I posted about this particular topic. I did not want to post anything in hate at all. Which I can assure you I was pretty upset with regard to Donnie Snook and what he has done. Although, right now he hasn't been sentenced yet, so the term 'innocent until proven guilty' applies to him right now.
I use to go to the kids zone get together for all the kids in the city of Saint John when it was being held at Vineyard church in the south end. It was fun and I enjoyed being there. Although, even as a kid for some reason I always had this thing where I would feel uneasy about people and can almost determine from this weird 'gut feeling' I suppose you can call it. I felt uneasy around Donnie Snook when in his presence as a kid, but at that time I thought it was because I was a kid and at that time I was afraid of my own shadow and was also so very sheltered at that age. I just never bothered to speak of how uneasy his presence was when I was around him when I was a kid, because I figured my parents would say the usual parent thing 'it's all in your head'.
So, kids zone lasted a bit then I remember moving away to Oshawa Ontario for two years and coming back to Saint John NB. And I was 11 at the time of being back. Kids zone was no longer going at the time, but then years later the church I was attending school at (which was a private christian school) decided to help Donnie Snook out and start up kids zone again in our church. And the principal at the time had a son who was a pastor in Baton Rouge Louisiana and he brought the youth group from his church along with some of the parents of the kids in the youth to help start up kids zone. At this time years had passed since I was back from Ontario. I was a teen and not a kid, so I took part in helping. And totally forgetting about those weird uneasy feelings I had about Donnie Snook as a kid.
We did things from going door to door slipping flyers in the mails boxes all over town for a good two to three weeks. And also did a BBQ in every area of town, a location in south end, north end, east side and west side. The BBQ was free for all kids and we had games and things. And at the end of the day we would encourage them to be ready to get picked up by the city transit buses that would be coming at certain times twice a month.
It was all nice and we had money give aways and two bike give aways and we would draw a name from the boys bin and also the girls bin. We had a form on the back of the flyers for the kids to fill put, so when they did attend kids zone we the helpers of kids zone would collect them and put them into the bins.
Donnie Snooke preached about the bible and God and sin and hell. Pretty much every topic you can think of in the bible to the kids. Even at that point being older and 17 at the time being involved in helping out with kids zone. But during the times we spent spreading the word about kids zone being at the church I attended, all of us helpers from my church and the church from Louisiana were split into about four groups and went to north, east, south and west. I was amongst the group that Donnie happened to be in. Being in the same vehicle with him and others. I got that uneasy feeling about him and I don't know why. I thought that because I was older that maybe things would be different being around him. But even then he creeped me out.
I thought at this time that maybe I was just being paranoid, so I sluffed it off. And now today recently he is being charged for possession of pornography and distributing it and sexual advancements towards a kids under the age of 16.
When I first found out, the first thought was as typical as anyone elses: "That disgusting pervert." Then I got thinking "I am not really that surprised." (and because of what I have felt being around him in his presence I suppose would be the reasoning of not being too surprised). But thinking upon it now, I really am so sorry that this is the outcome of all his hard work.
I feel bad that everything is happening and that these innocent kids are being hurt. I don't want to focus on Donnie Snook, but more so on the kids who have been hurt the event.
I don't wish Donnie and ill will, but I really feel sad for him to have turned out this way. The best thing I can honestly do for the man is pray for him, and hope that he gets help and talks to a shrink or something. I don't want to be the typical judge mental christian. I am no better than him or anyone. We all have faults. And no one is better than him or better than me. He is just one of the many sick perverted men out there that got involved with what he did. He made a decision that will likely ruin his life and reputation. And for the day when he gets out of prison for doing his time, he will receive from a lot of people. A lot of hateful, glares, stares and maybe some people out there will shout and yell things towards him.
I am not justifying what he did, but when he gets out he will not be treated like a human being. Whether he gets help inside from a shrink and turns his life around for the better. He will be rejected, and even more so from so called christians that are to be loving and forgiving. I am so thankful that I am not him. But fear for him and everything that his future holds.
May God be with Donnie and may he get the help he needs.


  1. You my friend just made me smile..I have known Donnie for 19 years and did Ministry with him for 3 years before he got transferred to Saint John from Corner Brook NL. We had many wonderful times. I can understand how you feel about feeling uneasy. I think sometimes those feelings get brushed away by all the good he did. Donnie did so much to the point that people had him on a pedestal..Donnie once said " don't put me on a pedestal cause the only place to go is down"
    Sometimes i think he took on way to much and with his "double life" it was more then he could stand..I do believe if he is guilty of all these charges he will need extensive counseling. His life will never be the same but I for one have chosen to separate the man i love as my brother from the sin he has committed. There is a difference.
    Donnie has his own past i am sure and whither he will ever dispose that to the public i am sure he won't.
    No one begins a life like this without going through his own secret pain.
    I have gone through my own levels of emotions from anger, hurt, betrayal, pain,sadness but decided to now turn those emotions into empathy,kindness and love for a man who is in need of Grace and the Lord.
    Thank you for being a wonderful Christian lady that people can look up to..We are living in a world where Jesus Christ is just a curse word and any excuse to see God as trouble or pain has become a daily occurrence. I live my life in Christ as a example of love and forgiveness and if i did not know Jesus as my personal savor i would probably have the same mindset as so many others right now.
    Keep praying for Donnie. I sent him a letter cause he was expecting one but upon my next one when he writes me back i will be sure to let him know of your forgiving kindness..
    May God bless you in your walk with him each day.

    Faithful friend

    1. Yes, we must pray for Donnie. Guilty or not. It is hard battling the flesh of wanting to be what the devil wants us to act out upon 'HATE'. I don't hate him, but hate the sin of what has been done. It really bugs me more so only because I have a 2 year old little girl. And if anyone hurts her ever, you know mama bear will come out and protect her.
      Please, wish Donnie well for me and tell him that I am praying for him and forgive him. Also, tell him to just read the word it is the only thing that will help you through being inside jail and keep him sane.

      Your friend in Christ,

    2. Hi i sure will let him know you wish him well.. Thank you for your story. It is nice to see people's perspective and love! I will find out if he has a Bible and if he does not i will send him one..That is all he needs right now...I told him in my letter to spend time with God in prayer cause he knows your heart and thoughts before you say them. Lets keep uplifting him in prayer that God will do a work in him!

    3. Thank you for passing my wishing him well along. As far as I know they provide things like the bible inside jail. My father was an ex convict and he told me that he had access to a bible. But no harm in asking him just to be sure. Remind Donnie, that Jesus loves him no matter what! He is already forgiven before even asking. God knows his heart inside and out.
      Before I end this reply I would like to end it in a prayer for Donnie and I hope you will agree with me as well.

      Dead Jesus,
      I humbly pray unto you first and fore most for any wrong doings or any sin that may be under lining in my life. I pray for Donnie right now and that you help him repent for all sins and help him get into your word and help him renew his mind with your word and cleanse him from all unrighteousness and make him pure in heart once again. Take any heavy burdens off of his chest and allow him to feel relieved of it all. I also pray that when the times get discouraging that you shower him with your presence. I thank you Lord Jesus for everything, for taking my place on that cross. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

  2. It runs in the snook family im a victim not of him bit others in the family. Its discusting. His dad my great uncle Don Snook who was a salvation army officer looked away while his sister abused us all

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Don’t forget to pray for the victims who live shattered lives in darkness. When you finish praying try to contribute to something useful like changing the justice system, social programs, policies to protect children and body safety education. Reread what you say and consider how it makes child victims feel when people only prayed for him and not them.

    1. I still do pray for the victims to this day. Because it's the only thing that I can do.
