Saturday, 5 January 2013

Homemade Laundry Detergent

I have been doing/trying this new way of doing things the Morin house lately. The way we wash our clothes etc. And It has been a little while now about over a month since we stopped buying laundry soap/detergent. And I want to share it with you, because I am so happy with the results and I will never look back again at the stuff in stores.
Most homemade laundry detergents are made of borax, washing soda (not baking soda, BIG difference if you mistake one for the other), and a bar of fels naptha soap, which it seems to be a soap sold in America or I could be mistaken and just over looked it in the grocery store. So I choose ivory soap instead. And for a touch of scent you can use essential oils, or the Purex scented salts, or downy unstoppables. Whatever you like your clothes to smell like. I have made a couple of different batches myself with different scents to see which one is more strong in scent in my clothes after my wash.
So here's how to do it.
Grate your soap, then add the a pot, with a cup of water let soap melt down then add 1 cup of borax, one cup of washing soda and 9 to 10 drops of essential of your choice, or if you choose to use the other scent boosters add a cap full of the scent you bought. Stir continually until all of the dry ingredients are dissolved. Then add about nine cups of water to the batch and allow for it to cool off.
Once it has cooled down, simply take an old laundry jug and a funnel and use a ladle to scoop homemade laundry detergent in. There you have it, your very own homemade laundry soap.
I have come to like this recipe so much! I was kind of skeptical on the no suds and bubbles, but it has come to my attention while doing more research which I will find the link later after this post and add here, that it is a harsh chemical they use that makes your soap lather, so I rather be chemical free instead of having that stuff embedded into my clothes.

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