Monday, 28 January 2013


So I have wrote about a situation where I witnessed a time of sometone getting bullied. I wrote about it back in November of 2012, but it had taken place a lot earlier then the time it was written. It took place the summer of 2011. And it is something that is still going on with this women I had written about. Since my leaving the work place and such I had kept contact with this women through e-mails on a daily basis and the situation for her hasn't stopped. If you haven't read my post about it before here it is now at:Suffering In Silence.
It is pretty sad that what was going on then is still going on now. Even after being informed not by the women in the post who is being bullied but by the women who I also mentioned in the post who is my cousin, she informed me that the women who has been bullying this particular lady was fired from being over heard by a student cursing and swearing,this student also happens to have a parent that is a professor at the university and complained about the women.
It is sad, because even with the women who was bullying the lady that I had witnessed being bullied by her, it hasn't stopped. It never really has even after the incident I had witnessed. Everyone is so verbally abusive to this lady and complains about her to the supervisor, which does not help, because the supervisor is friends with all the co-workers of the bullied lady. And she believes every little word coming from their mouth. They could be making up lies about the bullied women and the supervisor will punish her for it.
I only speak of this and know it is the truth, because my cousin who is a co-worker and was once friends with the bullied women (until she found out how unliked she was at work) told me how people would treat her. People would blame the lack of work that doesn't get done unto the bullied women. And some of the other co-workers just plain out bad mouthed her.
See I worked as a security guard for the university and all of these people were the cleaners. So one time doing my usual rounds most of the cleaners would make conversation with me if I was in their building that they were responsible for keeping clean. And some of them would just plain out volunteer their dislike for the bullied women to me (as if they were trying to get me to agree with them, or partake in their gossip). It is so bad that they can feel it is okay to just say whatever they darn well please about her.
And what gets me the most right now is today I received an e-mail from the lady who still is being bullied by all of her co-workers. With being down talked unto and just giving her dirty stares,glares and plain out ignoring her existence when in the same area. And the supervisor wrote her an e-mail and lit right into her saying it is all in her head and she has to deal with it and stop dwelling on being bullied.
Well, how in the heck can she stop dwelling on it when people are intentionally being rude her. In one part of the e-mail to this lady from the supervisor was also implying that the lady who is being bullied was told that she was just making it up.
Like come on! A person being bullied wouldn't make such things up for fun. I am sure almost everyone wishes to be treated with the utmost respect. I know myself I would not go bragging to people that I was being bullied if I was not. And even you are being bullied it is sometimes embarrassing, just knowing that you are being bullied. It takes a lot of courage to confide to someone about being bullied to begin with, but to be told it is all in your head, or that you are making it up! What in the world would anyone want to make it up for? To get attention? Because I know I wouldn't make something like that up for attention. This lady is simply trying to seek help in her situation and she is being shut down before she can even be heard.
How fair is that? Do you think it is fair? Because I certainly don't feel it is fair.
For future reference don't work at the university as a cleaner in Saint John New Brunswick, because you will not be treated with respect at all if you happen to be a target like this lady has been. And if you try to be open to the supervisor there, she will just shut you down.

Friday, 25 January 2013

Bye Bye Party

Well the long planned party is finally over! And well kind of glad it is. Although, I love doing all this planning so I can make my little one happy. Even though I run myself through the ground trying to make it all special. After a long day doing some finishing touches on decorations and also having to dirty dishes to keep Aaliyah fed before the party even starts which I didn't want to do, because I had all my dishes cleaned. I am extremely exhausted at the moment. Everything was fine, we decide to show Aaliyah's party on for all family members to see. I think I'll be doing skype next year instead. Aaliyah was impatient for her cake while waiting for Jonathan, Uncle Robbie, Aunt Jody & cousin Shaye to arrive so I turned my back to put the shrimp in the oven and she had her whole hand in the cake scooping out a big blob of cake and ate it! Nothing really I could do, because it was her birthday after all. And also her cake. Finally after our uncle, aunt and cousin arrived an hour late, we all ate and then brought Aaliyah her cake with the candles on it and she was so upset, from being taken away from her birthday present that Uncle Robbie and Aunt Jody bought her which was a tricycle barbie themed one.  She was throwing a tantrum so bad that she didn't care about the cake. She slammed herself hard onto her bum straight onto the tiled floor then jerked herself backwards with force and was kicking and crying and screaming. So, we couldn't get her to blow out the candles so I just said aloud over her crying 'Lets blow out the candles and make a wish for her.'
Haha thank God it is all over with really. I am just glad to be rid of this whole day. I am going to go to bed now and also put this little one to bed as well she is getting cranky and rubbing her eyes and climbing onto the couch and cuddling to me while laying her head onto my bosom like a pillow. I guess those gigantic things came to good use for something! LOL hahaha.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

About 2nd Birthday For My Wee One

It is the night before Aaliyah's birthday party and it is really crazy busy even up to the late hours of the night. I have on the go non stop all day from the time I rose in the am. It is 11:20 pm here in Edmonton. I only took breaks for the essential things like diapers changings, breakfast, lunch and dinner. I have been attacking my house with mops, brooms, vacuums (which hardly works, I guess I'll be picking up with my hands the pieces of dirt and whatnot off the carpet myself tomorrow). Plus, I decorated! The only thing left to do, which won't take long is clean the bathroom. I am not looking forward to it, but at least that is all I have to do. Well beside pop all the food in the oven and also decorate the cake. Thank God the decorations for the party are up!
And thank God to my beloved for coming home from work after pulling a long double shift and willing to help me put up the drapes I wanted to hang from the ceiling. God bless his tired little self. I can hear him out in the living room typing up reports for his third small side job. Poor guy, he works too much, but I am glad he does work instead of the men out there who can't or won't work. He is so tired all the time lately. I am praying that he gets to leave early tomorrow as usual on friday's so he can come home and take a quick nap before the party. My poor baby; I just love him.
Well everything is all done for the party and I can't wait. Since I have a plethora of family members who wanted to skype online and I just simply couldn't, because it would have been chaotic trying to converse with them and also I am not too sure if skype allows you to do 10 video calls. So, I posted on my status for them to know that I will go live on the website and if they wish to see Aaliyah's party happening to sign up for an account with the site and then search my username which is epicheart and tune in at 8pm Saint John time. The only down fall is, they will see us, but we can't see or hear them. Well it is a downfall for them, but I don't really want to try and converse with a bunch of people while trying to eat and do party things, and having requests from all the grandparents to take Aaliyah away from the party table and shoving her into a laptop which she is never interested in any other time I skype with them separately. She gets fidgety real quick. So, I am hoping this is a better alternative for everyone involved.
Oh, yeah I almost forgot I still haven't wrapped the presents that we have bought for Aaliyah. Well I best be on my way. Aaliyah has been in bed since 9pm tonight and she is rising earlier than usual. So, if I want any sleep at all. I must go now.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Donnie Snook

So I have been waiting a while first before I posted about this particular topic. I did not want to post anything in hate at all. Which I can assure you I was pretty upset with regard to Donnie Snook and what he has done. Although, right now he hasn't been sentenced yet, so the term 'innocent until proven guilty' applies to him right now.
I use to go to the kids zone get together for all the kids in the city of Saint John when it was being held at Vineyard church in the south end. It was fun and I enjoyed being there. Although, even as a kid for some reason I always had this thing where I would feel uneasy about people and can almost determine from this weird 'gut feeling' I suppose you can call it. I felt uneasy around Donnie Snook when in his presence as a kid, but at that time I thought it was because I was a kid and at that time I was afraid of my own shadow and was also so very sheltered at that age. I just never bothered to speak of how uneasy his presence was when I was around him when I was a kid, because I figured my parents would say the usual parent thing 'it's all in your head'.
So, kids zone lasted a bit then I remember moving away to Oshawa Ontario for two years and coming back to Saint John NB. And I was 11 at the time of being back. Kids zone was no longer going at the time, but then years later the church I was attending school at (which was a private christian school) decided to help Donnie Snook out and start up kids zone again in our church. And the principal at the time had a son who was a pastor in Baton Rouge Louisiana and he brought the youth group from his church along with some of the parents of the kids in the youth to help start up kids zone. At this time years had passed since I was back from Ontario. I was a teen and not a kid, so I took part in helping. And totally forgetting about those weird uneasy feelings I had about Donnie Snook as a kid.
We did things from going door to door slipping flyers in the mails boxes all over town for a good two to three weeks. And also did a BBQ in every area of town, a location in south end, north end, east side and west side. The BBQ was free for all kids and we had games and things. And at the end of the day we would encourage them to be ready to get picked up by the city transit buses that would be coming at certain times twice a month.
It was all nice and we had money give aways and two bike give aways and we would draw a name from the boys bin and also the girls bin. We had a form on the back of the flyers for the kids to fill put, so when they did attend kids zone we the helpers of kids zone would collect them and put them into the bins.
Donnie Snooke preached about the bible and God and sin and hell. Pretty much every topic you can think of in the bible to the kids. Even at that point being older and 17 at the time being involved in helping out with kids zone. But during the times we spent spreading the word about kids zone being at the church I attended, all of us helpers from my church and the church from Louisiana were split into about four groups and went to north, east, south and west. I was amongst the group that Donnie happened to be in. Being in the same vehicle with him and others. I got that uneasy feeling about him and I don't know why. I thought that because I was older that maybe things would be different being around him. But even then he creeped me out.
I thought at this time that maybe I was just being paranoid, so I sluffed it off. And now today recently he is being charged for possession of pornography and distributing it and sexual advancements towards a kids under the age of 16.
When I first found out, the first thought was as typical as anyone elses: "That disgusting pervert." Then I got thinking "I am not really that surprised." (and because of what I have felt being around him in his presence I suppose would be the reasoning of not being too surprised). But thinking upon it now, I really am so sorry that this is the outcome of all his hard work.
I feel bad that everything is happening and that these innocent kids are being hurt. I don't want to focus on Donnie Snook, but more so on the kids who have been hurt the event.
I don't wish Donnie and ill will, but I really feel sad for him to have turned out this way. The best thing I can honestly do for the man is pray for him, and hope that he gets help and talks to a shrink or something. I don't want to be the typical judge mental christian. I am no better than him or anyone. We all have faults. And no one is better than him or better than me. He is just one of the many sick perverted men out there that got involved with what he did. He made a decision that will likely ruin his life and reputation. And for the day when he gets out of prison for doing his time, he will receive from a lot of people. A lot of hateful, glares, stares and maybe some people out there will shout and yell things towards him.
I am not justifying what he did, but when he gets out he will not be treated like a human being. Whether he gets help inside from a shrink and turns his life around for the better. He will be rejected, and even more so from so called christians that are to be loving and forgiving. I am so thankful that I am not him. But fear for him and everything that his future holds.
May God be with Donnie and may he get the help he needs.

Saturday, 19 January 2013

My Point Of View

So, there is the show that has been on for a few years now and I can't really stand seeing it anymore. I watch Days of Our Lives and as soon as it is over, this show I cannot stand comes on right after it. And the show I am referring to is called 'The View.' My reason for not liking it is simply this.
They are a bunch of gossiping old hags, well Sharon Osbourne is old, and the rest are old enough to be my mother and what not. Still anyways they are a bunch of gossiping, nagging women. Everything they talk about they really have nothing nice to say about the topic of the day. And when a real issue/matter is being talked about on their show (like the Justin Bieber getting caught smoking weed thing), they totally glorified him and stood up for him.
But something as silly as today's discussion about Nicki Minaj going to a restaurant and having her assistant go out and buy her favorite A1 sauce or whatever. They ragged about it implying she is rude and has bad behaviour and blamed it on her fame getting to her pretty much. Also, the only people who stood up for her, were her own kind. The two black ladies on the show. One lady pulled a piece of stack that was attached to her inside of her jacked inside of a ziploc bag and a paper plate in her pocket, with some sauce in another pocket and a plastic fork and started eating.
Now I am not saying I like Nicki Minaj's style of singing and the way she portrays herself in her videos, but come on!When you go to a restaurant anywhere's most restaurants want you to come and enjoy their food in the way you want and have it the way you like it, and if you want to bring your own bbq sauce to place they shouldn't be so offended.
Really though I think the view should stop airing on tv until they can come up with something worth talking about. They think, because they are talking about a plethora of different things, that people are really going to care about what they think. I certainly don't give a hoot what they think, especially if they can praise Justin Bieber for smoking drugs and letting down his fans (just so you know, I am not a Bieber fan either). And put down Nicki Minaj for wanting something that she liked at a restaurant.
I honestly think that I could do a better job being on their show, because I wouldn't be so quick to make a decision about anyone. People need to learn to be quiet and talk about real matters for frig sakes!
Anyways, I am done my ranting for now.
No offense to the ladies on the show, they are all great and I like them. Just not what they discuss for the most part.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Cinderella Party

Aaliyah's 2nd birthday is only 15 days away, although we are celebrating it on the 25th instead of the 30th. I am sitting here gathering all the ideas I have come up with for her party, although, I am still at a loss for what to make for the food. I don't want to do pizza, that is so common. I also do not want to do the typical finger foods like sandwiches and sweets. I want to make a decent meal that says 'we're having a party,' with out making it an original everyday meal.
As for the theme, we are going to do Disney/princess again. I would like to do tinkerbell, but Aaliyah is still liking both that and Cinderella, and I have more access to Cinderella decor at stores than there is anything tinkerbell. Plus, I still have this photo prop of Cinderella from her 1st birthday. I am so excited! Aaliyah's response from her 1st birthday party was so fun. She had her eyes bulging out of her head trying to make sense of the candles on the cake along with those things, what are they called. Yes I've got it sparklers. It was a very tiresome day for the little princess. I am almost thinking about going to west edmonton mall or either the garden mall, because they both have the Disney store, and just go buy the Cinderella dress for her to wear. It would be great for pictures!!
As for decorations for new stuff, they have some Cinderella stuff in the $ store! I can't believe how much awesome things the $ store is bringing in. The $ store I shop at has a party store called Party Palace, which covers decorations for all themes, from princess, cowboy, halloween, christmas, all cultural religious stuff and even adult wear which is more like lingerie. They have really nice wedding attire there as well. And very nice balloons as well. I could go on, but I think you get the picture, there is not a theme they don't have. Anyways, my point is it is expensive there, but the $ store carries the same Cinderella table clothes and napkins, balloons etc as the party store, but for way over half the price.
Well, I am going to go for now. I got a lot of planning to do still. And we are picking up her cake today at DQ, because I got a certificate for $5 off our next cake, which expires today. So, we will keep it in the freezer until the party. Thankfully the $5 off certificate was given to me the month of my birthday back in december and they had attached the certificate to my cake. Which is good for me and the rest of us, because Jonathan and I love their cakes and so does our little princess. Also, my uncle Robbie and aunt Jody love it as well. So, I can't see them complaining about DQ cakes.
I also have to get going for this main reason as well. I have to have a lot of batteries charged and my camera lens cleaned and I am going to take pictures of the party in such a way to make people feel like they are there celebrating with us. I am going to put them in albums for Aaliyah's two sets of grandparent's, along with her great grandparents from my side as well. So I best be going so I can jot down the things needed at the $ store and write some more ideas that are popping in my head.

Friday, 11 January 2013

Just Lance It Will Be Okay!!! LOL

So, I am sure you are thinking what in the heck does 'just lance' mean in my title. I was reading a blog where someone's title had said the quote from a song where it sings 'Just Dance,' and it brought back a memory, from when I worked at NCO.
We all sit there trying to occupy ourselves and do whatever to do that. So, we all discuss things from what we like and don't like on many topics from books, movies songs etc.
And once that memory popped in my head I couldn't stop smiling so big grinning from ear to ear to the point I just couldn't hold in the laughter. Then upon bursting out into laughter, instant attention coming from Jonathan.
At the time I believe it is Lady Gaga who sings the song that goes 'Just dance; it'll be okay,' blah blah blah and so on and so forth. Some people were talking about the song how some liked it and some who didn't.
And for no apparent reason a buddy on my team had a way with making anything funny and catchy, and we had another team from a different program sitting in the same row as us, we were all split up. So my buddy on my team Adam knew this one buddy from the other program who's name happens to be lance. He starts singing the song, but as soon as he was about to say the word Dance he ended up saying Lance.
And reason being was, the team from the other program on MSN, were all on break and just coming back ad Adam was trying to get his attention before break about something, and when he saw him coming down the isle he wanted to get his attention and as the part came for just dance, Lance walked by while Adam was singing the word JUST. It was so funny, because he did not break the tune of the song either, He sang Lances name into the song which made it even more funnier.
So, after that for a while until the song got boring, when ever Lance walked by we would all sing aloud 'Just Lance.'

Thursday, 10 January 2013

A Bit of Progress!

So I mentioned in an earlier post how Jonathan and I are trying to lose some of the weight we gained. Well, I really don't care about the number of pounds I weigh, I just care how the shape of my body looks. If the shape of my body was skinny like I was during pre-pregnancy and weighed the whopping 163 pounds that I had weighed a few weeks back. Than that would be great! But it does not work that way you need to lose those numbers which suck. So since I have been trying to not indulge in the stuff I shouldn't past supper hour and eat more frequent, instead of starving myself to the point of me willing to eat the junk that is first put in front of me. I lost 3 pounds! YAY.
So that makes me 160 pounds right now. Here's for a better way of eating. I don't really cut out the stuff I was eating at all I just don't eat anything fatty, greasy, cheesy and sugary past supper hour. Having it earlier in the day is better, because I am always doing something to burn it off anyways. Another thing that I believe is one of the main reasons I even lost those 3 pounds is working out at the gym!
I love the gym I attend. Main reason is, because there is a movie theater center for all the cardio equipment, which I am not comfortable to use in front of the men there. It is is very dark lighten just like going to the movie theater yourself. So I can run the treadmill, or pedal the bikes, step the stepper or even use the eliptical (I am sure that's spelled wrong). And I can do my cardio without the fear of those muscle bound men watching me. As for weights, connected to the ladies washroom there is a little square room at a decent size that has all the machines needed to work out every muscle in the body. So, I can work out comfortably the whole time.
So, thanks for Goldsgym I love that place! And I would want to be working out any where else.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

My Old Facebook Was Hacked People

Wow, I can't believe that some of my friends from my other account that got hacked into, they don't believe it is me trying to add them back! How crazy is that? And asking me to prove it is me by saying or mentioning something that only myself and that person only know.
Wow! Anyways I don't even have the patience to add anyone else right now. If people want me on their list, by all means add me. I had well over 400 and some odd people on there.
Anyways I've got to get going. I am starting to read all the novels of the awesome lady Jane Austen! I can't wait. I am starting with sense and sensibility.
Good night to you all.

Oh and for the record, the hacking of my facebook took place about a month and a half ago and I have been contacting facebook tech support and they are stupid and can't help me get my old account back. So, I did not add anyone accept for immediate family until just recently, in case I could have gotten my old account back and save me the time on having to add anyone to a new account to begin with.
Just in case anyone is wondering why I haven't done so or added anyone sooner. That is why.

Odd Dreams

I have been having some dreams lately. Some are weird and some are bizarre and one was kind of scary. So, the first one I got was a dream of something swirly like in the night sky which was for some reason in my dream I knew it was the milky way combined with all the stars in the sky all in a cluster together instead of being spread through out the sky. And it was twirling in a circular motion. While coming closer to the earth and it was the end of the world in my dream that was taking place. People were running like crazy all over the place and I was walking around like normal acting calm. Which is not in my character, because in reality I would be panicking if I saw such a thing coming closer to the earth. I got an eerie feeling as I was walking. Then I heard something burst out loud and before I could turn around and see what it was behind me I woke up.
Then I had the following dream.

I dreamt that I was lying down in my bed and I was in the forest as if I were apart of it like a plant, but I was still in human form and all I can remember is I was trying to shave my legs and all of a sudden what was suppose to be my hairs on my legs were turned into ferns and fiddle heads. I went ahead and shaved them anyways as if it were normal to me. I did one upward motion on my leg and then I woke up. Then after that dream I had fell back to sleep and had the following dream.

I was walking down town and saw Guy Fieri (from Diner's, drive-ins & dives) and he reached out for my hand as we were about to walk by each other he shook my hand and held it and I dragged him a long with me so we could talk. While I was making my way to the car. I remember asking him for some recipes and before I could get an answer from him, he started fading away and then I woke up.
Then I fell back to sleep again and dreamt the following dream.

I was in church, then after it was over Jonathan , Aaliyah and myself met up with my in-laws and then one of my sister in-laws pulled me aside and said she was sorry for judging me and that she admits to not ever really liking me and that she held something against me that took place from when I was dating her brother. She said the time I got jealous of Jonathan checking out some girls in front of me while we were on our way to go to bowling in the north end and how I reacted and would not speak to him for the remainder of the night and only spoke to her and my other sister in-law. She said she held that particular moment against me and never liked me. The funny part is while she is admitting this, and saying sorry about it, she said that she still doesn't like me very much, but wants to be cordial. And all I can remember saying is, 'We could have been cordial all along, but you chose to be a rude B****,"

Not too sure what to make of these dreams. It makes no sense to me at all.

New Idea

Just drinking my coffee here right now and jotting some ideas that came to my head for a potential new book to write. If I gather more ideas to go along with the plot that I have so far, I might actually publish this novel. I have some novels, but don't feel they are worth the read. I don't know why, but I just don't want to publish my novels that don't seem to be read worthy. I feel like even though I have completed them, that maybe there are some things missing in there in each chapter. I try reading them through to see if maybe I can  think of more ideas to fit into it to make it better, but no luck.
I think it has to do with the fact that just, because the author says that their own book is a good read and will not disappoint, I just don't want to have people read a disappointing book. I recently grabbed two books from the library about a week before Christmas and I couldn't not bring myself to read the second chapter of any of the books. If you're anything like me, you will like the book from the very start of the first chapter. I don't like when people say things like "Oh wait until you get half way through the book, it gets better." Well I don't want to read until I get to the halfway point, because I am likely to grow bored of waiting for the so called part where it starts to get more interesting. A book should be captivating from the start. The writing has to be well written. I know maybe I don't write properly, nor am I grammatically correct when I write on here, but this is my little space where I can write how I want with out worrying if I got things written correctly, but I do know how to write properly with punctuation etc. I just don't feel like doing so when on here.
Anyways, I am rambling on, back to my idea. I can't share with you on here what it is, because I am sure I will get people saying things like it is such a common topic that people are writting about lately. But I don't care, and I also don't want to give anything away, because some of the ideas that have popped into my head for this particular genre I have not read in any other books or have seen in movies about this particular topic.
I think I might be starting a new trend to this genre and if I feel I have made it a different view point and different events as oppose to the so called common things that take place and happen in books like this I might share it with you all and have it published.
Anyways, I must go we have some shopping to do for the Morin house hold and Jonathan is rushing me off the computer to hurry up, we need to go do that plus work out at the gym today.
So, have a good day to you all.

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Homemade Laundry Detergent

I have been doing/trying this new way of doing things the Morin house lately. The way we wash our clothes etc. And It has been a little while now about over a month since we stopped buying laundry soap/detergent. And I want to share it with you, because I am so happy with the results and I will never look back again at the stuff in stores.
Most homemade laundry detergents are made of borax, washing soda (not baking soda, BIG difference if you mistake one for the other), and a bar of fels naptha soap, which it seems to be a soap sold in America or I could be mistaken and just over looked it in the grocery store. So I choose ivory soap instead. And for a touch of scent you can use essential oils, or the Purex scented salts, or downy unstoppables. Whatever you like your clothes to smell like. I have made a couple of different batches myself with different scents to see which one is more strong in scent in my clothes after my wash.
So here's how to do it.
Grate your soap, then add the a pot, with a cup of water let soap melt down then add 1 cup of borax, one cup of washing soda and 9 to 10 drops of essential of your choice, or if you choose to use the other scent boosters add a cap full of the scent you bought. Stir continually until all of the dry ingredients are dissolved. Then add about nine cups of water to the batch and allow for it to cool off.
Once it has cooled down, simply take an old laundry jug and a funnel and use a ladle to scoop homemade laundry detergent in. There you have it, your very own homemade laundry soap.
I have come to like this recipe so much! I was kind of skeptical on the no suds and bubbles, but it has come to my attention while doing more research which I will find the link later after this post and add here, that it is a harsh chemical they use that makes your soap lather, so I rather be chemical free instead of having that stuff embedded into my clothes.

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

What I am Grateful For

What are you grateful for? Do you really know or ever think of anything in your life that you're grateful for? I have! Someone asked me the question and I had to give it some thought, because there are a lot things to be grateful for, but to narrow it down to the number one thing I am grateful for is the following.
Jonathan, my amazing husband! He is unlike most men out there these days. He is a hard worker and provides for our tiny little family. I am grateful that he works enough for the both of us so I can take care of my daughter at home. I know that the pressure must be on him a lot since there isn't two incomes coming in. I feel for him and wish I could go to work, but he and I both agree about having our daughter brought up by us (well me), and instill into her what we want. Not something she may learn if she was put into day care.
I have a couple of friends that have kids of their own and the sperm donor to their child is either not in the picture or sits on his behind collecting welfare (which welfare is good if you need it for help, but abusing the system is WRONG!). I just don't know how a man can be so lazy and then expect the women to work and also insist on getting a baby sitter so he won't have to deal with his own kid. Like HELLO?!?! It's your kid too, the women doesn't get pregnant by herself.
I also know another women who has a kid and when she goes to work the man demands her to pay him to watch his own kids! Like come on! What is wrong with you? You should want to spend time with you children.
I am so glad that I have the privilege of being able to be a stay at home Mom for my daughter. And that I can lean on my husband for the financial support until the time is right to send Aaliyah of the pre-school. Which by that time she will be taught with our morals and from right and wrong and won't need much discipline. I am grateful for being able to have my husband here to be the best father I have ever seen live. The last father I saw like my husband, was my father. The love Jonathan shows our daughter Aaliyah is the same love my father showed towards me when I was a little girl growing up.
All in total I am just grateful for having my sweet little family, that loves me, hugs me and kisses me.