Monday 25 March 2013

Sick Day Today

Home today! Not so fun really it isn't a day off or anything. My wee one is sick and I had to stay home from work to take care of her. I hope that she will be better for tomorrow. I can't lose too many days of work. My boss seemed okay with everyone when I called and said my kid was sick. Besides, he was okay with my co-worker when she had to stay home with her wee one two weeks ago on Friday.
My poor little one is so sick though. Just looking at her makes me want to cry. She is so stuffed up and mouth wide open just to breath. Her nose is running with slimy little snots. Thank God for medicine though! It does take the clogged nose away for a couple of hours.
I just feel useless right now! All I can do is cuddle her and give her medicine. My being home with her is not working by any means. I wish I was the cure for her, because nothing makes me more sad than watching her struggle to breath.
Well I best be on my way for now. I got to get another dose of medicine into her system. Then call my landlord to come and fix my hot water knob from my kitchen sink. Water was squirting and spraying everywhere's last night.
Have a good day to you all, and here's to hoping that by my next post that my wee one is better.

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