Just sitting here with Aaliyah on my knee while she watches leap frog on netflix, as I write here. To be honest I don't have anything interesting to write about, but this is what I wanted to do right now. Is write on here.
Aaliyah has a cold right now, so it looks like I might have to call in and not go to work today, because they won't have her at day care as sick as she is. I am feeling under the weather anyways, so at least I can take a sick day and not be lying about it.
I come on blogger a lot! Mainly to see if a fellow writer friend of mine has posted anything lately. He is the one whom I will mention here and there in some of my posts. His latest post says, that once he hits 100 posts, that he may reveal what he is writing about and a possible excerpt from it! I am kind of excited, because he has shared with me two chapters already and his writing is just captivating. He writes so beautifully.
I am just checking every hour on the hour all weekend, just hoping he'll post 10 more posts in one day, because he is at the early 90's mark of his posts. Just so I can read his 100th post.
Well I can't write no more, because my kid is crawling all over me and keeping me from typing now. And she keeps making attempts at typing on the keyboard herself. LOL.
bn v vbvb........ <------- That was her. Thought at least if she is doing it and actually did hit something than I might as well share with you all. I guess she wants to be heard too!!
I am out for now, as for Dave, keep on posting I am anticipating your 100th post!
Aaliyah took the responsibility of putting the quotation mark and number 1 in my title in case you're wondering.
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