Sunday, 3 February 2013


Today is a sad day for me. I have been made aware through a facebook message sent to my husbands account, that a very dear old lady from my church down home has just passed away. She was so very dear to me and I loved her like she was my own grandmother. I feel like crying right now, because knowing that when I go home for my vacation and visit church, she will not be sitting in the pew behind us, passing me some halls, or candy of some sort. Or a toy for my little Aaliyah.
I really enjoyed having her sitting behind me, she had such a sweet way of singing the church hymns.
I just wish I was living down home right now, I unfortunately don't have the funds to fly out for her funeral, I wish I could, because I'd be on the first flight to Saint John in a heart beat. We are saving up for our vacation home and even the funds for that wouldn't be enough for me to fly there and back.
Erma poor Erma, she had such a bad hacking cough. She had bronchitis very badly and to top it off some form of lung cancer. Although, that is not what took her, she had a clean bill of healthy after receiving treatments and such. It was her bronchitis keeping her from being able to breath which caused her death.
I am thankful for one thing though, I decided to call her approximately a week before Christmas and we had a nice little chat. I was up early so I could make sure I was calling her at a good time. She seemed fine then on the phone, but she was also on a breathing machine I do believe she was telling me that day. Poor old soul, I should of clued in that her timing was coming to an end not much longer after Christmas.
I guess I am happy that she is finally done suffering from her bronchitis, but I will truly miss seeing her in church and being surrounded in her presence. I just wish there was a way for me to go home for this funeral. I guess the best I can is send my condolences out to the family. I plan on calling her house tomorrow to talk to Richard (her husband) to let him know that I am thinking about him and the whole family.
Well I am going to stop for now, my eyes are welling up with tears and the screen is not clear anymore for me to keep on typing.

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