Thursday 14 February 2013

Lovey Dovey Day

So today is that big day we all celebrate showing our love to our special someone. It is a nice thing to celebrate for sure. When Jonathan got home from work last night he gave me my valentine's gifts then. He got me (I mean him) a box of lindor chocolates. If anyone knows Jonathan he loves his treats and when he buys me the best of the best for valentines day it is because he wants some as well.
The funny thing about valentines day is we chose cupid to represent valentines day, but I don't understand why. When I think of romance the last thing on my mind is a short chubby toddler coming at me with a weapon.
That is not romantic in anyway. We are to show loving, caring and kindness to our special loved one on this day and I think it is stupid to have a chubby toddler represent that, because he however is not sharing the love in anyways, pricking us or shooting at us with his arrow in reality will NOT make us be all lovey dovey. We all know that if this truly happened that a lot of us would be in the ER of a hospital getting arrows removed from our bodies.
I rather think of romantic things on this day. Like flowers, chocolates, hugs, kisses, a special breakfast and a special bedroom romance (if you know what I mean) hahahaha lol. Those are the things worth doing on valentines day. Real love.
Today though we won't be doing much of anything. I actually have an interview today at a call centre here in Edmonton. I hope I get it. Than after that Jonathan, Aaliyah and myself are going to save on foods grocery store and are going to pick up a tray of my all time favorite, BAKLAVA! Then we are going to head out to value village. Yes, I said value village. And I am not ashamed of second hand clothing. I once use to be, but hey! Who cares?
It is frugal and cheaper.
Well I best be going my coffee is getting cold and I need to wake up.
So happy valentine's day to all you lovely people out there.

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