Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Sunny Days

It doesn't seem fair to me that the days I go to work it is extremely sunny and beautiful out, then when my days off come I have to look outside at the rain. I just want to go outside on my back deck on my days off sipping on a cold smoothie or iced tea and soak up some sun. I can't though when my work days steal those nice beautiful days on me like that. I'm jealous of Jonathan too, because he is outdoors mostly with his job and he has this beautiful tan on his face, and when I look at myself, all I see is a ghostly figure in the mirror. That's how pale I am.
I am sitting here at the computer staring out the window I have two hours before I have to go to work and it is beautiful out. It is definitely not fair with the way the weather has been going lately. I have been whining like crazy about the snow and how it will never go away, and now that it is away the sun just hide on me.
Oh well! Nothing I can do about it I suppose. It is looking for Friday on my day off though, because it is suppose to be 18+ that day.
Well I best be on my way, got to go catch the next LRT train downtown to work, grab my coffee. So, until then lets hope that miraculously the weather changes in my favor. Have a good day everyone.

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