Sunday 28 April 2013

No Name Blog- Don't Know What To Call This One

What to write? I log on here and always want to write something, but I have nothing of interest to put on here. So since I haven't given an update in a while I might as well. I am still working at SuperPro Painting Systems as one of their telemarketers. I don't like it as much as I did when I first worked there. My boss is always cursing and swearing and he is some what racist. He uses really inappropriate phrases which I wish not to put on here, because I would not use that phrase myself.
Aaliyah is enjoying daycare and there has been many improvements with her speech. She has been delayed for some time. She does not pronounce them right, but at least she attempting to speak.
On my leisurely time I have been taking into some reading. Not the usual book once in a while. I probably take home 3 or 4 books, to read by the end of the week. I started a site for my author part of myself, with some tips and hints on writing along with reviews on the various books that I do read.
I thought of this before and never stuck with it, and I am thinking of going back and getting the books that I had read and did not write a review on and re-read it and write a review.
Well this post was intended to be some what long, but due to a kid who loves to climb all over me when I am online, is getting in the way of me seeing the screen and the keyboard.
So until my next post, I hope you all have a nice day!

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