Monday 22 April 2013

100th Post of My Fellow Blogger Response

So my writer friend David Smith that I have been talking about has finally revealed a bit about his book! So go check it out! NOW! Anyways I am impressed and really excited, but only thing that is annoying me right now has nothing to do with his post, it is this damn blogger. I tried to post a reply to that particular post and it is saying that only members or followers of this blog can post.
Which I don't get, because I follow his blog he is one of the main people I go to when I first sign onto blogger to go and check, so since I can't get my comment to post on his 100th post here is what my comment is for you David..
"I have been anticipating this post FOREVER! And no you may feel that you didn't put or give too much info, but I think this is enough. Kind of like a trailer teaser for movies. So was this. Now I have a better understanding on what to expect from your book! I am glad you shared with us. Now keep on writing so I can buy your book!"

There! I got to give my input on his post. I don't want him to think that I am not happy with what he posted, because it is quite the opposite, I am in love with his idea and can't wait to see his novel slowly unfold into something so astonishing!
Well I am at work now and the morning meeting will be taking place in the next few minutes so I must go for now. So have a good day everyone! And to you David, keep up the good work and keep writing and hurry up and publish that book!

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