Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Sunny Days

It doesn't seem fair to me that the days I go to work it is extremely sunny and beautiful out, then when my days off come I have to look outside at the rain. I just want to go outside on my back deck on my days off sipping on a cold smoothie or iced tea and soak up some sun. I can't though when my work days steal those nice beautiful days on me like that. I'm jealous of Jonathan too, because he is outdoors mostly with his job and he has this beautiful tan on his face, and when I look at myself, all I see is a ghostly figure in the mirror. That's how pale I am.
I am sitting here at the computer staring out the window I have two hours before I have to go to work and it is beautiful out. It is definitely not fair with the way the weather has been going lately. I have been whining like crazy about the snow and how it will never go away, and now that it is away the sun just hide on me.
Oh well! Nothing I can do about it I suppose. It is looking for Friday on my day off though, because it is suppose to be 18+ that day.
Well I best be on my way, got to go catch the next LRT train downtown to work, grab my coffee. So, until then lets hope that miraculously the weather changes in my favor. Have a good day everyone.


I'm talking about the water; not the island country in Melanesia. I tried Fiji for the first time last night on shift doing security; and is it ever good! Better than tap water, that's for sure. I have to agree with what it says on the description on the back of the bottle about its soft mouth-feel. For something coming through a filter volcanic rock gathering in an ancient Artesian aquifer, and also deep into the earth; it tastes really good. I guess what give it it's soft mouth-feel is this actual process from being filtered the way it does adds the mineral 'silica,' which results in having that nice soft 'mouth-feel.'
I know it is kind of on the expensive side, but it is worth every penny I spent. I always find when drinking water from the tap (which I do often) it makes my stomach upset, unlike the Fiji water.
Now it's going to be a debate every-time Jonathan and I are out and end up buying bottled water, because he likes the 'smart' water and I like 'Fiji' water. I've tried the smart water, it's okay not my thing, and well I didn't get much more smart from drinking it! Haha I'm just kidding, I knew that calling it smart was not for them to make people think that from drinking it that we will become more smart. Although, if someone wanted to, they could sue them for false advertising, even if they didn't intend on it seeming that drinking their water will make them smart.
I heard that someone sue'd Redbull due to the whole 'redbull gives you wings,' phrase for so-called false advertising. At-least that's what Jonathan told me last night anyways.
I'm getting off topic here, forget redbull, I'm talking about Fiji water here.... Okay well I guess I said everything I wanted to say about it. If you haven't tried it yet, I suggest you do so now!

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Writing Update

It's been a little while since my last post, I know, but was just busy with applying every where's for job and making it in for interviews. The bills won't get paid off on their own. I finally got a new job, it is something I've done before in New Brunswick. I work for Palisade Security now, I'm actually excited since doing security beats sitting on your butt all day making calls to people who don't want you calling them anyways.
I have yet to write anything non blog related lately, although ideas have popped into my head for a new book. I even have a title well titles picked, see it is hard which one to choose, because they both go so well for what I am going to write. Although, it would be weird to use the both of them so I have to choose. I have a whole piece of computer paper full of thoughts scribbled long-ways, side-ways, and every which way you can think of. But I definitely have over 50 different ideas jotted down just on one side of this paper alone. Now time for me to make it into a web. I know it sounds so middle school with how they teach you to write essays, but it works for me to get things in place, then when I re-do the web again I will readjust things that I think needed changing, then make another one and another one until it seems perfect, then I will go about writing my first draft ( oops lets not forget that in the mean time I write up names for the 'types' or characters/people that will be in the book, than write down at least 10 names for each character until I find one that suits them. Then I will write a bit about them on their own page and see where it will take me with how they end up in the book) Well I better get going, it is time for bed now.
I will try to post again soon! Good night!

Sunday, 19 May 2013

I Am Going To Be Tired Tonight!

I am so going to regret this, but I have let Aaliyah sleep for at least 2 or 3 hours now. Since about 3:00 pm and  it is nearing 6:00 pm. I just needed the quiet time; I really do! I will be starting a new job next week and haven't had any time off as long as this since I started my old job on March 4th and before I go back to working again I want to feel relaxed.
So, since I got to relax what I was able to do was sit out back on my deck. I brought my art journal out and splattered paint all over 2 pages. That is only one step to the page, there is more I am going to do with it once it dries. I plan on drawing something amazing. I can't quite explain it, it is in my head and just needs to get out. Someday I will have to take some pictures of my art journal once it is done and share it on here.
I was able to enjoy a cup of coffee and search online and browse at stuff that I usually never get to do when she is awake. I am always cleaning up a mess, or cooking food for her, or changing a diaper, or she made a big mess to the point of needing a bath. Then there is also my everyday housework that needs to get done, which seems to be never-ending!
I am thinking of making a quick bite to eat for supper, wake her up now feed her, then head over to the park to get rid of any energy she may have. Hopefully that works somewhat, if not that I will just bring her in the back yard and chase her. Play hide and seek, but the sad part is I know I will tire out before she does. It always happens like this for me.
I am heading out for now. Done my little blog on here. I was on here mainly to check and see if my fellow blogger friend Dave had written anything lately. It has been THREE weeks since his last post. I like it when he posts stuff even though sometimes it is just about his day or ordinary things, somewhat diary style and sometimes about his writing. I just like the way he writes about his day. Something about the way he tells it on here is actually nice.
Anyways I am rambling as usual. I am going now, I promise. Have a good evening everyone.

Monday, 13 May 2013


So I got some amazing news about myself for you all..... I GOT FIRED!! Yay!! I am seriously that excited this is not sarcasm at all. I have been kind of unhappy working for SuperPro for a while. I did not like my boss much in the end. He really sold me on being able to make $15 per appointment that I set up, then next thing you know once I got my first commissions cheque it turned out to be me only being paid about $10 per appointment made for my account executive. And on another note, I was not getting so-called sales quota of 3 appointments a day and was getting 2 here and 1 there a day. And was ridiculed in-front of my fellow co-workers about my lack of 'effort,' which was so uncalled for, because I was giving it my 100%. I stopped giving my 100% after he accused me of it, because, well, I didn't want to make a liar out of him so I decide to do a half ass job.
I was accused of not following our so-called script that we are suppose to say on the phone in-which I did follow to a T. Then when I stood up for myself in the morning meeting and said that I do follow the script, then my boss came at me with the following 'Well, if you're following the script and so is Abe (the favorite employee) then what is it with your inflection of your voice that is not getting appointments?'
Like duh! Hello! I kept mentioning my concern of not getting appointments, because my leads have been called on 3 times already and majority of them have recently painted or rudely told me not to call again. And was asked to be put on a Do not call list, but Michael never listened to me. It mandatory so I have heard, that when calling a potential customer, that if they express themselves as wanting to be not on our list, that we have to do it. However, Michael insists on calling people over and over again. So, after receiving so many calls from me and I am re-calling all the people I have already called about 2 or 3 times, they don't want to hear from me and our company. So, therefore I am not getting appointments because of that reason, but now I am being penalized for not getting appointments with people we have already agitated and ticked off and don't want our service, so how in the heck can I keep up my quota, when the boss won't pay for another round of leads from Dunn and Brad street or whatever the heck that place here in Edmonton is called! I am fired and I couldn't be anymore happier, because the day I was accused of not 'trying' my best at my job I got up out of the board room meeting and cried, because in fact I was doing my job.
And when you speak up in the board room you get sworn at from Michael cursing and swearing saying 'Jesus Christ' and 'God Damn' as curse words when he knew from day one in my interview that I mentioned I was a christian, so I know for a fact he uses those as curse words to get at me.
Like what an idiot! Who disrespects people and their religion? Come on?
So, here I am, at home and fired. Looking for another job and I am not even upset that I got fired, because I am actually happy to not be in such an atmosphere like this.
Oh and did I mention that last week on Tuesday I took a panic/anxiety attack at work, because of all the stress he has put me under?
So, I know it is a stressful time not having a job and needing to pay bills, but I am so RELIEVED!

Wednesday, 8 May 2013


When I was about 14 or 15 around the time I was attending the private christian school that was run out of my own church I started taking these attacks. Which felt like sharp chest pains, heavy pressure on my chest along with shortness of breath and sometimes dizziness along with a very fast racing heart (and when that part happened I always started to hyperventilate). I suffered with it until I was about 17 years old then it just stopped! Thank God! It was a pain to deal with, because whenever I would have an attack I would have to take a pill which always made me feel too doped out. My doctor that I had at the time diagnosed it as Panic/Anxiety attack.
So it has been about 7 years since I have ever had an attack. Which is awesome, because I hate it I really do. Accept for yesterday May 7th. I was coming off of my break and then I had an attack! All of the above symptons I mentioned all took place. I left work after informing Marian the receptionist at my work to let our boss know that I had called my husband to come get me and take me to emerge.
That was a pain in itself! Even though I had suffered with these symptons before, I had to go through a series of tests since I haven't had this in years and is weird for it to come back ans stronger than the first time I ever got it. So they hooked me up to wires with these sticky like tabs on my body, then after that nothing was wrong with my heart they said. So the doctor sent me in for an x-ray to check out my lungs and rest of body and I was fine there. So, since nothing was really bad wrong with me they said it is just some stress related issues that made this arise and to just try all these different ways to calm myself down when another episode happens again. Deep breathing, closing eyes, go outside for some air away from my work desk at work. And if nothing happens after doing any of those then to procede with taking an adavan.  And I am not too fond of drugs, I don't want to take them. I had an adavan for another situation one time at my doctors office which will be for another post some day.

Friday, 3 May 2013

Afraid Of The Dark

No I am not talking about myself in the title of this post. It is about Aaliyah, of course! I had a hard time getting her to go to bed Tuesday and Wednesday night this week, which was the first time ever to be honest. She loves going to bed, that is the only time she can have a bottle, since we don't give her a bottle of milk through out the day anymore, we give her juice, water etc to ween her off the bottle and soon enough won't need it for bed.
I never said aloud for her to hear me about being afraid of the dark, but I did mention it to Jonathan in front her, but I spelled it out, like most parents do when they don't want their kid to know what their parents are talking about.
So, to test my theory of her being afraid of the dark happened to be true, so when Thursday night came along, I tried putting her to bed, but she acted like she did the last few nights, which was as soon as we closed the door and turn off the light she started freaking out and crying. So, I laid her back down into her bed and left the light on while I read to her and sang to her along with massaging her forehead, temples, bridge of the nose and her scalp. She eventually fell asleep, so I left her room with the light on and door opened. And she slept through the night.
I never had this problem up until about 3 or 4 days ago. I just don't know where she would get the idea in her head to be scared. She always slept with the light off before. I am almost thinking this is something she might of heard kids from her day care talking about, because I never brought anything of the such to her attention, because I certainly don't want to have her sleeping with me. Don't get me wrong I love having her sleep in bed when she is sick, because I know when a child is sick they need their Mom, but when she is not sick and sleeping in bed with Jonathan and I, she is a squirmy worm!  She can't decide who's side of the bed she is going to sleep on. By morning Jonathan and I are far apart with a good huge 2 foot gap between us, we are so close to the edge of the bed, that we could fall off!
Anyways, I wish this was not the case. I live next door to our landlord and I don't want him coming to the door after a while of noticing the light being on in her room, because he is pretty anal that way. Complains about everything.
Well I best be off to bed.