Sunday, 25 November 2012


We are early for everything Christmas this year in the Morin household. We have our tree up and all our presents bought. Just need to rearrange the lights on the tree, plus buy a few more string of lights, because some parts of the tree are lit up beautifully and the other parts are just barely anything at all. This year is definitely going to be a tough Christmas, because at least last year I had my parents living here with me in Edmonton, but they have decided to move back down to my home town in Saint John NB. So this year I will only have my husband and daughter. Which I am thankful to have, but am going to miss my family as well.
This year is our first year having a decent tree, because when we lived in Saint John, we could never really afford anything decent down there. Our first year together when we got married, we bought a little fake tree that was in a pot and it was about a foot long and we put it up on a pedestal so we could make the illusions of having an 'under neath the Christmas tree' look. And the year after that when we first came up here to Edmonton we were still getting our money together and situated so we bought a cheap $20 fake 4 foot tree. Which was still cute, but still not very noticeable. This year we have a 7 foot tree and my daughter just can't stay away from it. I always turn on the lights in the evening and she has came close to toppling the tree on top of her. That silly little girl. I even find her under neath the tree lying down and relaxing which is cute.
Once we get more lights for the tree and have it decorated I will have to take a photo and post it to show off.
Aaliyah is growing so much lately, with her height and even her mind, she seems to understand things much more than she did even though she is still learning to speak and she still does the baby chatter more than anything. Even her hair is growing! She is my little sweetie, I love watching her go on about her day. I usually sit myself at my kitchen table when I post on blogger here and look into the living room to see how she is doing and as always she is walking around with her lamby. And playing with the buttons on the tv. And she puts this toy that is meant to put different shaped pieces through, she wears it as her hat. haha such a silly little girl!
Lately, she has been finding out how to open the drawer that is on our computer desk and she takes Daddy's badge and puts it on her neck. She kind of reminds me of dog the bounty hunter walking around the house with it on. She also learned about Daddy's wallet! She loves taking all the cards out of it and throwing them onto the floor and keep the money inside.
Although, she has been scaring me lately, as she has decided to stand onto the arm rest of our couch and she has come close to falling a few times and thankfully I am quick to move. I even spilled a hot coffee on myself just to make sure she was safe. and OUCH! That coffee was hot. I rather suffer and hurt myself before I'd let anything happen to her. She is my sweet heart. It is funny how they say you will do anything for your kids and I never understood the love from my mom and her overbearing 'over protectiveness' until I had Aaliyah. I know what it feels like to have the protective Mama bear come out of me.
Even for the little things I am protective of her. I just love my little girl and am I so excited to see her reacting to Christmas this year as she is older and understand more about toys and things she likes. She has two disney characters that she likes right now. She likes Tinkerbell and Cinderella so this should be a good year, we have walked by toys over a month ago and she would whine for them so we definitely got a couple of surprises for her.
Well I best be going, because she is standing on top of the large speaker on the floor that is hooked up to our computer and I don't want her to hurt herself.

Friday, 16 November 2012

Suffering In Silence

Are the deaths of the kids that committed suicide due too bullying not getting through? Seriously! I see everyone on my facebook joining the group for that poor Amanda Todd girl that committed suicide from being bullied, but the funny thing is, bullying is still happening. Bullying doesn't mean that you have to be physically hurting someone to be bullying. Even instilling fear into someone, because you have a very intimidating look and saying things to people when they walk by to make them more uneasy is not cool.
I am going to get straight to the point here with this. And I don't care who likes what I am about to say. I  was working with at the University of New Brunswick Saint John as a security guard back in 2011 from July to the end of September. My cousin has already been working at the University as a cleaner for over a year at this point when I first started working there. She had been living with my family in this apartment in the uptown area of Saint John, which in the building there was a tenant that lived underneath us. I will not disclose her name for privacy sake along with giving my cousins name as well. The tenant underneath us was talking one day to my cousin and I about jobs and asked us if we needed one. My cousin said she was looking and the tenant told her to be up early at 5am the next day because her supervisor was looking for work and she helped my cousin get the job.
So as a year rolls by my cousin distances herself from this tenants, due to the mean things that the other co-workers have been saying about our tenant.
So when I came in a year later as new hired security job, I started to witness and notice harassment going on towards the tenant underneath me. Just for no apparent reason they would exclude her from sitting with the rest of the cleaners at lunch hour in the cafeteria. I started noticing it when I took my lunch break with my partner I had on my shift. He and I took lunch at noon which did most of the cleaners as well. I never saw the tenant that lived underneath me ever eat in the cafeteria.
It was kind of weird, because my cousins friends/co-workers were all suck up to me and then they would subtly say things about the tenant if she was walking by as I had to make rounds in all the campus buildings from the residence to all other buildings for where the teaching took place.
They once made a comment about the tenant, because she is a christian and they were making fun of it to me infront of my cousin. I was kind of appalled at my cousin, because she claims to be a christian herself, but, yet took part in making fun the tenant.
So I just basically said to them all 'So I am a christian? Do you guys have a problem with that?' And of course they did not have a problem with it. I got responses from them saying things like 'Oh no no, you're cool.'
Also, the cleaners had heard about my tenants past from someone that she had a bad upbringing and she does not trust men and I will leave it at that, I am sure you can figure out why she can't. She was little when this had happened to her. So the tenant never did have many or any boyfriends, and there was a male cleaner amongst the morning cleaning staff and at the end of the day, most of the cleaners took a bus home, which this male cleaner got on the same bus as my cousin, the tenant and a few others.
What ticks me off even more, is my cousin had enough gull to laugh at the fact that the tenant got so nervous a few times, because the male co-worker had sat right beside the tenant on purpose when the bus was vacant and there were other seats. He was just doing it to be a donkey ( I won't say the other word).
My cousin came home and told me that day about what was going on, because it was my day off that day and I had no clue that more stuff was being done unto the tenant underneath us. They all thought it was funny and so did my cousin, she and other encouraged this man to do so unto the tenant. Which is not fair, because in the beginning when she had helped my cousin get this cleaning job, they use to talk and sit together at lunch, but then when my cousin had been assigned to help others clean when she got her building done. conversations/ gossip would start about the tenant and they poisoned my cousins head about how mean the tenant can be. Which is not true. They all laugh and hold it against her for that day that male sat with her on the bus, because she pulled the string for the bus to stop and she got off and decided to wait for the next bus. The tenant had confided into my cousin about things way before my cousin had turned on her and once she did turn on the tenant, she told all the co-workers everything about her, from the abuse as a child from foster care and the abuse from men as a child too. Most people don't laugh at that stuff and find it funny, because most of the time there is usually more than one in the crowd that can relate, but not one person had any remorse for her at all.
When I started working there, some of the co-workers would say in conversation to me or around me that they don't have a problem with the tenant herself, they don't like how she isolates herself from everyone and does not trust anyone. Which is not cool, because when she first started working there she was never accepted.
So now this is where it gets kind of mean. This took place near august or September of 2011. I don't know what exact date, but anyways I am going to tell you. I was making my usual rounds and it was nearing noon hour for lunch time for everyone and as I was making my way under ground through one of the basement passage ways, I saw my cousin and the tenant kind of getting along, because a few weeks prior to this incident I am about to tell you of they were kind of getting along and my cousin was trying to do the right thing and include the tenant no matter what other people thought. So as I walked along they were walking with me as I was coming through one building leading over to another under ground as we got the threshold of the doors that on one side is considered one building, and the other side is the other. I was making my way to the elevator and this elevator is really old and slow and took a few minutes to get down, so I came back over to converse with my cousin and tenant. There is a vending machine room in between the elevators and the doors that my cousin and tenant was standing at. There were two cleaner/co-workers in the room and there is one that is quiet and one that is more mouthy. She heard my cousin and the tenants voice conversing and then when she looked out to see them she yelled for my cousin to hurry up and to not waste her time. Which was pretty rude, because basically she was implying that my cousin was wasting time on the tenant. So for the first time ever the tenant spoke up and said "If she wants to talk me, she is allowed to, she does not need your permission and you are also not her Mother." then the mouthy co-worker yelled "whatever 'tenant' stop being such a baby."
I heard the elevator beep so I walked on over to the elevator and I saw tenant looking sad and almost holding back tears. My cousin slowly walked away from tenant as the tenant left to go to lunch. The mouth co-worker was folding her arms with a bit of an attitude as well. I over heard before I walked into the elevator something a long the lines of 'f*** that women is annoying.'
I saw tenant later on that day as it was time for the cleaner to clock out. Tenant and mouthy cleaner were both in the security office signing out of their log sheet for their shift. Tenant was first and she had down cast eyes and you could feel to uncomfortable feeling she felt, because she knew mouthy co-worker was behind her, because mouthy co-worker was conversing with my partner in security. Then purposely mouthy co-worker was tapping her feet while waiting for tenant to sign off onto all the sheets they sign out on and I noticed once she did that, it made tenant feel more uneasy.
During the week at some point I was making my rounds as I was coming through tenants building that she was responsible for cleaning, and she was eating her lunch underneath the stair well at the very bottom level so no one could see her. Luckily I could see her feet just a bit and I came over to see her. I was afraid she was going to be crying or something, but no she was eating her lunch at reading her bible. She opened up to me about how she found it hard and that she had always tried to be nice even when they have been mean and she gets discouraged at times about the way she is treated.
What's really sad for tenant now is lately I have been conversing with her through e-mail to this present day and she has been sick a few times and had a huge book shelf fall on her and most recently ingested toxic stuff from the laboratory in the building that she cleans. She reported each event and is told that she makes up these incidents and she gets threatened to be written up all the time. However, all the other co-workers on the other hand are all buddy/friends with the supervisor and when they get sick or leave work early from not feeling (including my cousin) not a one of them gets threatened or reprimanded for needing to leave.
So what I want to do today is make awareness of the fact that bullying is not only something that happens in school. You can be an outcast at work. And please if there are people at your work place that you notice are alone or if you always hear gossip about them from others, please disregard all of that and go talk to them. Get to know them. Like I did with tenant, her and I are good friends. Not everything that is said about someone is necessarily the truth. Don't be apart of the harassment. Help me make awareness of this and share my blog with anyone or everyone.

Also, here is a link to prove to you all and show you all that this does actually take place in the workplace and please feel free to check it out and share it with all:

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Dream Journal

So I've decided to sign up for this website where you write down the dream you had from the night before or even dreams that you remember from the past. It is pretty much a blog, but it is dream based. Reason for myself signing up is to help me remember those unique/weird/odd dreams. I have some dreams I don't like. Although, some are weird, odd, unique and all and hard to remember after a few days, so if I get up in the morning write it out while drinking my first cup of java, more of it will come clearer as I write and re-read it and then more things that happened that I forgot to mention might surface while doing so. And I am telling you, I've had some pretty sick, twisted dreams, but in a good way.
What's actually kind of neat about this website, is there are people that can help you interpret your dreams as well, although I don't want any interpretations, but that is good for those out there who do. Well it is bed time for me and if any of you out there who are reading are curious of the dream journal website you can find it at: Dream Journal

Friday, 9 November 2012

Excited About My E-Book

I hardly slept last night. I was so excited about the new publisher that I decided to go with. I could not stop thinking about it. I love all the things you can do on this site as opposed to the other one. For all you writer's out there that are looking for a good site to publish your book whether you want to make it an e-book or hard copy on the shelves of book stores go to Lulu. Browse around and check out how things are done. Anyways this busy mama has got to go. Also, feel free to share my book link with all your poetry loving friends at: here.
I hope you're all having a great day. Take care.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Poetry in E-Book ONLY!!

I am so enthused to share with you all that I have gotten my book available in e-book only. I have decided to go another route instead of the other publishing site I was working with, because everything was at a high cost to get a review or even to have editor's or cover designs. Which I found horrible, because when I was searching around for a place to publish my book with their was attracting people well attracting me, because they kept mentioning publishing for free. So here I am now with another site which I am much more happier with and here is the link to my e-book at: CLICK ME!!
I hope you like it and if so be kind enough to spread the word.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

It Is Here!

Wow! The snow is coming down heavy here in Edmonton today. To be honest I am excited that it is here. At first I was kind of ticked off that it was here so early, but then I got to thinking about all the fun things I can do with my little girl outside. She did not experience being out in the snow yet. Last year I felt she was too young to play in it and also at this time she couldn't walk at that moment, she was standing on her own, but not walking.
Now that I am thinking of the snow being here I saw a cool idea off of pinterest. Get a couple of cheap squirt bottles at the dollar store and fill them with water and add a drop of food coloring to each one. And spray the snow and then form them into balls. And build two snow fort walls and have a snow ball fight. So I figured it would be a nice play day with my daughter, Jonathan and myself. We can take turns having Aaliyah on our side and throw the colored snow balls at each other and at the snow fort walls and make a nice colored mess.
Before I came online to write here I was actually out in the snow shoveling. I forgot how bright of a white snow really is. It is so pretty! I remember when I was a kid and going up to my grandparents house every second weekend with my sister. We use to make snow forts and once we climbed to the top we would sit down and take a handful of snow and eat it; and did my grandmother every get angry with us. Telling us that it is dirty and it touched the ground and that animals might have urinated on it. It makes me laugh now, because when I come to think of it I believe I remember my sister picking up a yellow stained clump of snow and eating away at it.
Just to think that snow is one of the many things God created in this world. I am so grateful for the snow whether I may have my moments of not appreciating it when it gets a lot worse and much more cold that today. It is still an astonishing sight.
I am so glad it is here, it gives me a reason to go have a nice cup of hot chocolate, so I am going to go for now and make myself a nice mint hot chocolate for myself and my little one. Have a blessed day.

Monday, 5 November 2012

Long Lost Friend

Once upon a time I had this friend from Browns Flats, NB. She moved away and I never saw her again, but thankfully to my grandmother Mona and my Mom being at the airport the same day as my old friend I am able to connect to her. See Jenn (my friend) was living back in New Brunswick for a bit and then decided to move back out west with her family. Luckily the same day my Mother and baby brother Joel were taking the plane out west the same day as Jenn. So they all got talking and exchanged numbers and facebook info. I am so glad to have Jenn back in my life, because we had unfinished business. We never got to say goodbye or anything, and now because of things like facebook,twitter, myspace etc we are able to connect. We still have not gotten together, because she is living in BC and I live in AB, but we are much more close to each other than we once were.
Jenn is a good friend of mine which I am glad to call a true friend. We just loved to have fun and be normal unlike other girls out there that just want to fight over guys and ruin your friendship over guys. I am thankful to God for having it so that Jenn and my family met up at the airport in Saint John, or else I would never have such a wonderful friend in my life.
Someday, when the hubby gets enough time off, we will venture to BC to go see Jenn and give her her ultimate favorite 'raisin bagel.' that she loves so much. She seriously makes up for the sister I never had. Although, I do have sisters, but I never got to grow up with them so therefore we are not close. Jenn is more of a sister to me then my real sister ever will be. I love you Jenn and I appreciate your friendship.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

New Schedule For Aaliyah

So this no facebook thing has really given me time to organize something that needed to be done. I have been following a different schedule, now I finally took the time revamp it. Now that Aaliyah sleeps differently than before and she requires a lot more physical activity in order to tire her out and needs more things to do besides one main thing all day. So I took the time to do so and I use this really neat website that helps me keep myself organized it is called Listography. Here is my daughter's new schedule:

*Wake Up Time, 8:00 to 8:30 am
      *Monday _Scrambled Eggs, with orange juice
      *Tuesday _Fruits and Yogurt, with apple juice
      *Wednesday _ Toast with Jam or peanut butter, with milk
      *Thursday _Oatmeal and brown sugar with and side of fruit with milk
      *Friday _French Toast and sliced banana's, with orange juice
      *Saturday _Cereal with apple juice
      *Sunday _Pancakes with fruits and milk.
*Outside Play Time 8:30 to 9:30
  *Winter Time
      *Snow Forts
      *Snow Man
      *Food Coloring Snow
  *Summer Time
      *Bouncy Ball
      *Sand Castle
      *Leaf Crunching
      *Hide in Seek (back yard)
      *Side Walk Chalk
      *Puddle Splashing (rainy days)
*Snack Time 9:30 to 10:00
  *Monday Grapes
  *Tuesday Carrots Sliced
  *Wednesday Pineapple chunks
  *Thursday Cheese & crackers
  *Friday Asparagus
  *Saturday Aaliyah's choice
  *Sunday Something homemade ei:Pie,cake or struddel
*Arts & Crafts 10:00 to 10:30
  *Monday color
  *Tuesday draw
  *Wednesday paint
  *Thursday masks (glue and construction paper)
  *Friday card (for family member)
  *Saturday plaster molding
  *Sunday Aaliyah's choice
*Free Play 10:30 to 11:30 while I prepare something for lunch
*Lunch Time 11:30 to 12:00
  *Monday Chicken Salad
  *Tuesday Sandwich (change filling every week for variety)
  *Wednesday Sweet Potato Fries
  *Thursday Nacho's
  *Friday Homemade Mac & cheese
  *Saturday Homemade Pizza (Half healthy, half meaty)
  *Sunday Chicken bites
*Relax Time: Story or TV Program Time 12:00 to 12:30
*Nap or Movie Time 12:30 to 1:00 to 1:30 Depending on how long movie is or how long Aaliyah sleeps
*Snack Time 1:30 to 2:00
  *Monday Peanuts
  *Tuesday Raisins
  *Wednesday Pretzels
  *Thursday Cheerios
  *Friday Cookie (Homemade)
  *Saturday Apple Slices with caramel
  *Sunday Aaliyah's choice
*Play Time Together 2:00 to 2:30
*Music Time 2:30 to 3:00 Head, should, knees, toes and happy and you know it and itsy, bitsy spider and the alphabet.
*Cartoon, Movie or Play time while Mommy prepares supper 3:00 to 4:30
*Story Time or Play time with Mom while food is in oven 4:30 to 5:00
*Supper Time 5:00 to 5:30
*Play Time with Daddy and Mommy in backyard 5:30 to 6:00
*Bath time 6:00 to 6:30 wash, then let play for a bit (while daddy does his computer stuff
*Family Time with DADDY!! Bible reading or veggies tales 6:30 to 7:00
*Light snack yogurt with fruits, then let Aaliyah run around the house for 1 hour 7:00 to 8:00
*Story time with bottle 8:00 to 8:30 As soon as she falls asleep put in bed.
*Spouse Quality Time 8:30 to 9:00 Talk, Cuddle and other things. LOL

Anyways if you are a person who likes to be organized or has a list for everything I think this site may just be for you. So go check it out.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Getting Caught Up On Other Things

I guess that having my facebook locked on me is a good thing. I am taking the time to write more of my book and also going through the chapters that I already have and edit them as well. Also, I totally forgot about this really cool site that my cousin Sabrina (click her name to view her blog) has referred me to for buying decent photos for really cheap for possible book covers. It is really neat, and the cool thing about it is, every week you get to download one free image. Not only is it for authors and writers looking for a good book cover, if you are a photographer you can also sell your photos on the site as well. You can find the site for the photos Here.
On another subject is I have been writing my book and uploading it chapter by chapter to on this site which is been created by Harper Collins the publishing company which is called authonomy and the cool thing about this is once you have at least 10,000 words up you can send your book out into the community of this site for other fellow writers/authors can read it and they give you a review on it; if they wish to. And if you got something good and people keep reading your story and referring to others joined to this site, you're more likely to get it reviewed by authonomy itself and some people end up with great deals and they publish your book and edit it for free and help you market your book. So this spare time away from facebook for me is doing me well, because I am actually taking the time to get more of my book written along with editing the chapters I already have. Which is a slow process, but once it is all said and done it feels very rewarding.
My plan on saving my extra money that I have mentioned before in three or four post prior to this one for the makeup course; I want to take it is going good I hardly spend my pocket change and I think by the end of the year I will a bit saved. I figured I would share the website for the sake of it, because it is really cool and the home page is always filled with really creative looking makeup pieces so click here.
Well I best be on my way for now. I am looking for a decent recipe to prepare for breakfast on christmas day. And every single link that shows up on google almost every post is a recipe for a strata and I do not want a strata I want something really healthy and full of fruit and possible a yummy christmas pancake and I doubt I will find the best recipe to try anytime soon. I also have to go and catch up on my friends blog since I have so many to read, since I had my three week vacation a while back to New Brunswick, I was hardly on the computer to keep up with his posts and if you wish for a nice read here is his link Dave Smith's Blog.

Friday, 2 November 2012

Facebook Or No Facebook

I officially right now hate facebook. Well the people working on behalf of technical support. So what is going on right now is I have been locked out of my account. And they can't even tell me why. So we repeatedly done a reset password and a recovery default password over and over and I still can not get logged onto my account. Which is now currently ticking me off. Before this Jacob guy from technical support decided to help me he ran a scan through my computer to check for any 'infections' as he called it. He was trying to convince me to pay $99 for some other person through the tech support to go through my computer and take out or delete these 'infections'. I told him I do not have that kind of extra money to be throwing around. He then hesitated to even try and fix my account until he realized that I was not going to be paying for it, he then sighed and gave in and tried to help me access my account. Which he utterly failed, what a complete illiterate. He is tech support and could NOT fix my account. Then says after fifteen thirty minutes of entering facebooks 'default' passcode which was '12345' he then says 'oh yeah, ummmm these kind of situations on facebook take time and probably near to 24 to 48 hours, so you're going to have to wait until Monday, then you can call me back and we can continue this'. Like what the heck if he knew that then why didn't he say so at the first attempt of entering the new reset password in the first place? So here I am facebookless for the whole weekend. If I do not get onto my account I will have a melt down. I have all my pictures on there from back when I first signed up for facebook, which is not on my current laptop now. They are old ones and the only copies I have. I will be pretty ticked off. I even wrote Mark Zuckerberg himself on facebook and told him that he has imbeciles working for him. Well I did not call his employee and imbecile, but I pretty much in a more professional way told him that this guy was not cut out for technical support.
I will be relieved if I get my account back, then I will take all my pictures and save them to my computer and also burn them a dvd just in case, then from there on, I might just deactivate my account. So the question is, should I or shouldn't I deactivate it? I really don't know anymore. I really feel like crying about now. Facebook is my only interaction with my parents and brother down in New Brunswick, besides skype, but they don't like skyping all the time.
I am thinking now, that if it were not for the fact that I have a really good fan page for my Poetry book I published, then I would deactivate my account. So I guess for now I might keep it. I really do not know at the moment, because I know right now I am speaking in the heat of the moment and I am just more angry then anything.
I guess I know how the people felt back when I was working technical support for HTC cell phones and if I could not fix the issue and we had to send their phones to get refurbished they were pretty ticked off at me. I guess I know how they feel now. Speaking of technical support for HTC my friend Dave Smith works there who is also a blogger on here. Just wanted to let ya know I am thinking of ya. Hope all is well.
Anyways later everyone. I am done venting now.