Tuesday 8 May 2012


I was going about my day like I usually do. Get up about 9:30 am or 10:00am. I make myself break fast and also something for Aaliyah too. I have my tea or coffee depending the mood I am in the morning. My day carries on from house chore after house chore, got some laundry, dishes and cleaning of the floors all done. I finally took a quick break to catch up on my usual social net working sites to see what my friends down home are up to. After all that is finished and out of the way, I get up and decide to make supper. I chose seafood bisque since it is Jonathan's favorite plus he requested it. I started to make it I opened up a can of clams and the can opener did not fully cut all the way around the rim so part of the lid was still intact. So I decide to be stupid enough to take a fork to the lid and pry it until it lifted enough so I could put the can of clams into the crock pot. But of course once the lid was fully lifted the fork slipped and straight into my hand goes the rough edges of the lid. It cut my hand so bad that it was shooting out streams of blood. I went into a quick shock, then started yelling for my mom to come down stairs along with yelling help. I started to hold pressure on my hand then my mom came in and took over, she held pressure on it, while my father called 911. So once the ambulance arrived they wrapped me up and took me to the hospital. Got me all registered. I waited entirely a good 2 hours. The first fifteen minutes were in the waiting room, the remainder of my time was spent in the ER.  I had to get four stitches, which was cool to watch the doctor do. The worst part was the numbing from the needle it actually burned quite a bit. I have a few photos to share, but not as of now. I will upload them in the morning.

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