Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Child Like Faith

Since my book has been published I have been thinking of nothing else, but ways to get the word out about my book. I been focusing on my book way too much and trying to be super mom when I can't. I been letting house work go and putting my baby off onto my husband trying to be on all the social net working sites that are out there to get the word out.

I've been googling and searching out how to get my books into stores and who to contact at stores. When I should be actually paying attention to my family. I forgot how might of a God I serve and he created everything in this world. From trees (which my books are made out of) to houses, the earth well just EVERYTHING. I forgot to put my trust and faith in him like I use to do about anything.

So I leave my book into your hands God. I will do what ever I can do (time permitting), but I am no longer going to take away precious time from my daughter and husband no more. The Lord knows what needs to be done and will allow the right people to stumble upon my book and love it and share. And through word of mouth it will spread like wildfire.

I have not been being the best mom and wife lately. I been thinking of me, which is selfish. My daughter needs me and so does my husband. So no more putting my daughter in the play pen watching tv or movies all day. It is summer time and beautiful out. I am going to start enjoying this beautiful weather that God has given us to enjoy.

I just want to say that if it were not for this dinner outing that I went out to with my mom and the ladies of the church to Appleby's and listening to something the pastors wife had said about God being in control and trusting him. It would not of hit me like it did. Even though she was only speaking about something personal in her life about having to let God deal with everything and allow everything to go the way it should on his time. It made me realize that I have not been putting my trust in him and that is something I need to start doing like I did as a child.

So from now on I am going to start to have Child Like Faith and believe God will take care of me.

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