Sunday 20 May 2012

Solar Eclipse

So apparently there will be a solar eclipse later on this evening. I was reading an article that was written on behalf of a scientist. He is saying it looks bad and that there is a possibility of a power outage. I hope not. Last time this has happened it actually affected Quebec back in 1989.  To be honest it makes me nervous, especially with what has been going on the world for the last year or more. Floods and earth quakes in diverse places that usually do not get such things. I hope that the power does not go out. And if it does I hope not for long.

I was hoping to see this solar eclipse, but I guess from what my father was saying you can not look directly at it, or else you can ruin the retina of the eye. Only way of looking at it is if you make this look out thing from a card board box with a couple of holes.  I am not going to bother trying, since I do not have a box to do it with.

I guess I should get going for now, my poor husband is in the backyard cleaning it up so we can enjoy going out there now that the snow is gone for good and besides, I want to enjoy the sun today, before the eclipse arrives. It is apparently arriving at 6:00pm Edmonton time and it is noon hour here now. So I best be on my way to lend a helping hand.

On a total quick subject before I head out. Just wanted to mention about my book. I will be converting my book into various formats to be bought in e-book style and when it is actually done I will be sure to post a link for all you e-book lovers.

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