Wednesday 21 March 2012

My Devilled Egg Recipe

First and foremost I am sorry if devilled is spelled wrong. Maybe it is only one L or maybe not. So anyways. I like boiled eggs a lot especially when they are devilled eggs. So here is my recipe it is very simple and quick, to make the perfect egg with out the yolk going all smokey looking. Boil your egg and once it is bubbling boiling turn notch down to medium let it cook for about 5 minutes. Then take egg and let sit in ice cold or cold water. Let the shell cool down. Then peel the shell off. Cut your boiled egg or eggs in half. Take the yolk out with a spoon and put into another bowl. I do a couple of different flavors for my egg yolks. So here are the ones I use. Mash the yolks with either ranch, caesar or grape seed oil. Add a little salt and some pepper. There you have it! Devilled eggs. Just spoon the yolks back into the eggs. You can alter the dressings according to preference or add spices and herbs. There is never a right or wrong way to cook or bake anything. Especially when it comes to recipes. There is no such thing as an exact measurement. I always just taste test my meals as I am cooking them.  So really it is entirely up to you.

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