Mommy: Wife, Cook, Poet & Make-up lover. Daddy: Work-outs, jewelry, hair products & cologne lover! Baby: Hugs, kisses, tinkerbell & peanut butter lover!
Friday, 23 March 2012
My Ultimate Favourite Smoothie
I have always loved smoothies. Although I have not drank any for at least a year or more. I don't know why I stopped, because it is actually really easy. So here is one of my favourite smoothies. I use to make this particular kind all the time and you can't go wrong. I always usually use fresh fruit, but today I used frozen, because there was a good deal for frozen ones last trip we made to the grocery store. So I got DOLE brand with banana and strawberry, and I also got presidents choice brand with the mixed berries. So I just poured about a cup of from each bag and put it in the microwave for about 2 minutes. Then I put them into the blender. I added spinach, approximately a cup or just a little over. Then last I added a whole avocado. There is nothing better for you than a smoothie. This is just one of the best. And also a really good belly fat burner. Avocado's are one of the main healthy fats that are good for you.
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
My Devilled Egg Recipe
First and foremost I am sorry if devilled is spelled wrong. Maybe it is only one L or maybe not. So anyways. I like boiled eggs a lot especially when they are devilled eggs. So here is my recipe it is very simple and quick, to make the perfect egg with out the yolk going all smokey looking. Boil your egg and once it is bubbling boiling turn notch down to medium let it cook for about 5 minutes. Then take egg and let sit in ice cold or cold water. Let the shell cool down. Then peel the shell off. Cut your boiled egg or eggs in half. Take the yolk out with a spoon and put into another bowl. I do a couple of different flavors for my egg yolks. So here are the ones I use. Mash the yolks with either ranch, caesar or grape seed oil. Add a little salt and some pepper. There you have it! Devilled eggs. Just spoon the yolks back into the eggs. You can alter the dressings according to preference or add spices and herbs. There is never a right or wrong way to cook or bake anything. Especially when it comes to recipes. There is no such thing as an exact measurement. I always just taste test my meals as I am cooking them. So really it is entirely up to you.
Monday, 19 March 2012
My ATM Favourite Healthy Snack
So I've been trying to keep it healthy lately. Since I have finally come to realization and stopped living in denial of the fact that I can't eat anything I want and not gain weight. My body does not work the way it use to when I was a skinny little teenie bop. So I cut adding sugars and sweeteners to my diet. I am not eating margarine anymore, I am using natural fats like real butter. So the only in-take of sugars I do have is what is in fruits and that is it. So here is a good healthy snack that is small but packed with lots of good flavor. So I take flat bread of any kind. I use anything from whole wheat to tomato basil and to spinach flat breads. I spread some pesto liberally all over the flat bread. Then add about a tablespoon or a little over of olive oil to help the pesto spread a little bit. I put some chopped artichokes from the jar on top. I add a mixture of both sliced green and black olives. Some diced onions. Also some chopped mushrooms. And some asparagus and a little bit of corn. Then top it off with some sea salt and pepper and some freshly chopped garlics. About a clove or two. ( Or you can mince the garlic and mix it in with the spread of pesto). Sprinkle some cheese on top. I use havarti or Smoke Gruyere and there you have it. A tasty snack and also healthy too. I will have to take a photo some day of my favourite snack and upload it to this post.
Sunday, 11 March 2012
I am excited to share that my little baby girl now has some beautiful teeth to share with us when she smiles. They are the cutest little teeth. I have the most sweetest photo of her that I just took. I just remember it like yesterday when she had both her bottom two teeth coming in on the front. Now she has four on the top. So as a whole she has six little teeth as of now.
She is growing up so fast. I feel like crying. I know it has only been a year of her life, but it still went fast, pictures or not. I feel like there could have been more photos of her first year of life. So for now this is one thing I am able to share for now. And there will be more photo's of my little sweet heart to come.
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
My Fancy Home Made Breakfast
Monday, 5 March 2012
Things That People Should And Shouldn't Get Involved In
The most sad thing I have ever had to read as of lately is about this innocent little girl getting taken away from her Mommy and Daddy all due to her imagination running wild. A four year old little girl painted a picture of her daddy with a gun shooting the bad villain guys. Which most girls at this age look to their father as their hero. I did the same thing with my dad. I was the girl who would say " my dad is better than your dad" and "he can beat up your dad". I felt protected in his presence. It made my father happy to know that I felt safe around him. Myself saying those things are no different from this little girl who obviously views her father as a super hero. So, because of this drawing the police invade their privacy with out a warrant and then come to find no firearms in his possession ( which it would not be wrong if he did have a firearms, because by law we are allowed to have firearms in our households if they are registered and licensed). So therefore it should not have been a concern. Then further more the authorities invade this mans personal privacy checking his privates and so on and so forth. Like what do they think they are going to find? A gun hidden underneath his testicles? Come there was no need of that as far as I am concerned. Another disturbing thing is the superintendant of the waterloo school board says that they are the co-parents of the children in the public schools. Last time I checked none of the school board districts through out the world had nothing to do with any man and women being intimate at the time of conception of any child, nor were they there to help decide on names nor did any of us bend on one knee to ask them to marry us and be apart of the parenthood of our kids. They are NOT the parents of our kids. Another thing too is now homeschooling parents and religious schools are not allowed to express or teach disrespect for differences when it comes to topics such as homosexuality. We can talk about it in our family life, but not use it as material for teaching. So what is this world coming to? Seriously, to be honest if I decide to home school my child I am not going to with hold the truth from my child and not teach them what the bible says about homosexuality or any disrespect for differences. I will do what I want. No one can stop me. You certainly don't see me coming into homes of strangers I don't know and telling them how to bring up their kids. As I would hope people would do the same and mind their own business when it comes to my personal life. All I do is live as much of a christian life as I can I do not bother anyone nor do I push my beliefs onto anyone so it is not like my kid or future kids will do any of that either. So why don't the authorities and school board mind their business. And get involved in real matters. Such as parents that actually neglect to take care of their kids and do not feed them and leave their kids home alone and beat them to the point of unconscienceness. That is when school boards, teachers, authorities should be getting involved. Here is the link to the poor guy who had his kids taken away feel free to read up on it and share it too:
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