Thursday, 12 April 2012

Made A Decision

So I have mentioned previously about a month or two ago, that I was unsure what I am going to do about my book idea. My poetry is pretty ready to be published so I made a final decision to write a book about my experiences through a Private Christian Church Based school. I know that most people will judge the book by its cover, because of what it is about due to thinking it is a goody two shoe book. (Which it really is not). Half the kids that even attended the private christian church school were really bad.  Although I find it makes for a good real story, because I am sure if my former principal ever gets to read this book her hair would curl to know half the stuff that went on the school. Including myself. I wasn't a Saint either, but I am not going to say I was the worst. So anyways be prepared to hear more updates of how I am making out with my writing. As of right now I am just doing the old fashion 'spider web' to get all the ideas and topics and events that took place while attending the school.  Anyways I better get going. Got lots to do.

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