Sunday, 7 July 2013

Say No To Sex Before Marriage (Wish I Had)

If only time machines really existed, then I would turn back time just to undo the day when I gave up my purity for the sake of my 'first love.'
Yes I know people say not to regret anything you do, but when it comes to myself and faith in Jesus, especially since fornicating is a sin, and it hurts him when we disobey the commandments, but, yet we do it willingly it hurts me as well. Because just giving it up at all leads into temptation, because once you drink the kool-aid, you always end up wanting more. Once my purity was gone and I was no longer with the person whom I gave it to of being with off and on dating of 5 years. It breaks you when you think giving it up will keep you bound together, but then when you gave into it all and have the lustful cravings then it leads into possibly being rushed into another relationship out of convenience for the sake of sexual reasons. I am not proud of my actions and just from giving it all up and the amount of people I have been with is unspeakable and I will not post it on here.
I am just sad that I even gave it up to begin with, because not only did I pretty much disrespect my creator, but it also shows to him that I did not trust in him to provide for me the right person to marry, so I took actions into my own hands, and handled my own desires, instead of relying on him.
I am sorry for my actions from way back then and am very repentant about it all, but nothing can ever take the 'act,' itself away. I am just so very thankful that I have a forgiving God who washed all my sins away and loves me regardless of my sins and accepts me with open arms.
I beg of all you younger generation girls, and guys to not give into your 'feelings,' as much as it may seems right at the time. It makes it a whole lots different and better when you wait for the one that you are to marry. It has burdened me from the very day I chose to give it away like it was of little value. No matter how much your friends razz you and bug you to do it, just don't care what they think, because not all friends are there in about 5 years from that point. Life changes and all you should worry about what anyone thinks is Jesus, family and yourself.
Please stay away from lust. I wish I had, then maybe I wouldn't be so emotional all the time feeling bad about the things I have done. All I can be happy about it that through Jesus' forgiveness that with him I can all things through him and he strengthens me daily.

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