Wednesday 31 July 2013

Grassy Toes & A Little Bit of Greece

I just got in from mowing the lawn. YUCK! Now I am all covered in bits and pieces of grass. I hate it so much. Today is my day off though and Jonathan works an over night tonight, so someone has to cut the tall grass.
Anyways I always want to come on here with something interesting to say, but I don't have anything interesting to share. As for work I am still working for Merle Norman. I love it just as much as I said I did in the last post when I talked about it. There is this new girl named Evelyne who joined Merle Norman staff, she just moved here from Greece. Isn't that amazing? Considering I love greek good. She is going to bring some greek food to work for me someday. I am so excited to see what she makes for me. We get along great! She can make baklava! Which is one of my favorite treats!
I am craving baklava right now, but don't feel like going downtown to get some. I have been focusing more so on refraining from my sweet tooth cravings and also foods that aren't so healthy. I've yet to BBQ this summer which kind of sucks, because I love the smell of food being cooked on the BBQ.
As for my writing side of me I haven't really gotten down in front of my laptop or book and write anything. I just draw a blank.
Well I can't bare being on here any longer with all this grass between my toes. Because YES I mowed the lawn with my flip flops on. A big no no for next time I have to do it. Plus, I only came on here to see if my fellow blogger buddy Dave, whom I talk about sometimes has recently posted anything. Just waiting and waiting.
Well I am going to clean my grassy feet now. Have a good day everyone :)

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