Tomorrow is my 3 year anniversary and I am excited! Although, we already celebrated it this weekend by doing a mystery shop for the Ramada Inn. So we got the room for very cheap and plus they reimburse us after Jonathan sends in a report about the cleanliness, good customer service etc. It was an enjoyable time. We spent our evening in the pool swimming and also taking turns switching off from the hot tub to the pool. So whoever was in the pool took care of Aaliyah since the hot tub too hot for her little delicate skin. We both went down the slide a few times as well (which kind of sucked to be honest) only because the water was barely running down the slide and was hardly going fast at all.
At the end of our swim though we did bring Aaliyah to the edge of the hot tub and took little bits of water in our hands and lightly sprinkled and rubbed water on her to warm her up as she was starting to get some purple little lips. As she got use to the extreme warmness we did get her to sit at the very first step into the hot tub and not too long after that, she did warm up a bit!
We sat up and watched a movie before bed than I helped Jonathan type up some reports for a few Instaloans and Cashstore mystery shops that he did earlier this week, then I went to bed.
We had a morning wake up call for 7:30 am and not too long after that, about 20 minutes later all three of us walked downstairs for the continental breakfast. It was good, there was fresh fruit (which Aaliyah went to town on) I made a homemade waffled on the griddle waffle maker thing-a-ma-bob. I also had some fresh coffee and grilled cheese, while Jonathan went to town on the crispy bacon strips.
I actually liked this stay here, we actually got a little mini living room this time instead of a room with two huge beds which we have no use for, because we always take on one bed. Our room number this time around was 208. I told Jonathan sometime last night or was it this morning?? Hmm I don't know, but yeah anyways what I was telling him is that I wouldn't complain if he took on all the Ramada Inn assignments for his mystery shop company that he works for, because 1) It's free (well once they reimburse you 2) You get paid to go there and 3) It is so much fun for a night out of town!
This was nice way to celebrate our anniversary and I would do it again! I know some people would say to me that it was all ruined because we had our daughter come along, but to me I enjoy being with my family and I wouldn't have it any other way to be honest. Yes I will say I miss the days when I did not have to spend an hour later after wanting to go to bed myself, but I still rather have my own flesh and blood with me than pushed onto a baby sitter all the time and every time we go out.
Just recently about a week ago we had Aaliyah spend the night at her day care, due to myself working over night and also Jonathan having some work dodgeball tournament and when I got home I did not like it. I missed her so much, so I rather have her here with us instead of with her day care.
It wouldn't be much of an anniversary with out as her she completes our family.
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