Saturday, 31 August 2013

Donnie Snook Again

I am well aware that none of you care for Donnie and his actions and have a heart filled with hate for him. As I really feel upset about everything he has done. Now finally reading that he has owned up to the accusations and knowing that they are true it is really hurtful. As I somewhat got to know him when he started up kids zone at the church I not only attended, but attended the private christian school there as well. Here is a link to an older blog post about a time when I helped with kids zone and how it makes me feel. Click here
As I write this I want people to know that I do not condone this kind of behaviour as I have a little 2 and a half year old and wouldn't want this same kind of actions happen to my wee one.
What I don't understand is the hatred towards him, especially you christians out there. We are suppose to love and forgive one another, Jesus came for us all and especially people like Donnie and all the criminal's sitting their in their jail cell. He was once a young boy who has been taking advantage of in the same way as it was confessed in the post online I read today here... It's not like when he was a young child and when in grade 3 or 4 when his teacher asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up. It's not like he responded saying "Oh teacher I want to grow up and molest a bunch of children."
We got to remember that since this did happen to him as well that what do you think it made him feel? That no one took a stand for what was happening to him and that obviously whoever did so unto him as a child obviously didn't get put away for it like he is now being put away for those very same actions that were done to him.
Instead of wishing him dead and rotting and all those hateful posts, wouldn't you want to see him become a better person? I know I do, I don't wish him any ill will at all. That is not fair to do such a thing to a fellow christian, and yes it still makes him a christian, just because he chose a wrong thing to do doesn't mean that in God's eye that he has not forgiving him. It is so funny how perverse this world has become. Because we can forgive women out there that prostitute and also have organizations that go out and encourage it by passing out condoms.  Also, we forgive thieves, murderer's, homosexuality etc more so than a pedophile. Just to be clear to you all God loves us all whether we have committed such crimes as mentioned above or if we haven't. All of this is considered sin in God's eyes, but the best part of it all is that if we recognize it as sin and don't want to displease him and fight against it and is truly sorry for it all, he will forgive you and already has before you even ask of it, because he loved us so much. Now don't think that because he has already forgiven us for it that it is okay to continue in it because 'hey he'll forgive me someday,' that is not quite how it works.
I wish more people would just want to show love and support towards people such as Donnie and want to help him seek therapy and same goes for all who have sinned, why can't we just show love towards one another? Tell people that their living a life full of sin and not be afraid to tell them and what they will think. I rather tell them the truth in hopes of saving their soul from the pits of hell, then to be silent and go to heaven being judged by God for not doing my rightful job and because of maybe something I could have said to someone, might have been the jump start of their walk with God. I'd rather spread the love in hopes of them walking into heaven's gates with me, then to see them going to a place where I wouldn't wish anyone not even Donnie Snook to be in.
I hope that maybe you all can just reach out a little more to people and show more love to one another. What's the use to of this whole pay it forward movement and the suspended coffee? If we can't be so forgiving? A coffee is a coffee, but taking time to talk to someone and hear their story and even forgiving such sins from someone like Donnie would be a great start to making the world a better place instead of being part of the hatred that is out there.

Monday, 26 August 2013

My Birthday Man

Jonathan's 28th birthday is coming around the corner here soon on Sept 5th. He thinks that we're doing the usual minimal of just ordering a cake and buying him his one present, but I got something in store for him! He mentioned some things that he has tried while passing by certain stores here in the West Edmonton Mall. So I remember to jot down this tea he tried at teavana and also bought their rock sugar as well since it is much more healthy then regular sugar. Since he has a sweet tooth and Purdy's finally reopened next door to my store all renovated I went in to see what they had and found some delicious looking $1 chocolate bars (I bought him four bars, all of them being of a different flavor). He also mentioned that his diamond earring went missing/lost so my store is across the hall from Paris Jeweler's. I bought a single diamond earring for him as well. And since Alberta Estethics school is down the hall and they also teach massage and also charge $35/hr for a massage I am booking him for a massage on his birthday, because he has been complaining about sore back and neck muscles.
Last but definitely not least, since he complains about not getting any decent seafood and fish like we could down home, I am taking him out to dinner (possibly red lobster) or the T & T Supermarket where they sell live seafood and get him some expensive scallops (his favorite) and bring them home and cook them his favorite way.
I hope that he likes all of what I got him, I usually don't splurge out like for any birthday's, but I love my husband and all the things I am doing for his birthday he can definitely truly enjoy and I know he'll be thankful for it in the long run.
Well I am off for now, just getting home from work and want to spend time with my family.

Saturday, 24 August 2013

It's Been A While!

Oh my goodness!! When was the last time that I was on here and posted anything? I think it has been a month or a little bit longer perhaps. I think about blogging when at work when we have slow periods and then the first thing I do when I get home from work is get a drink of water and the throw myself at my couch for a good half an hour. Since my job is required to be standing at all times even if there are no customers in the store we're not allowed to sit on the chairs. So that means sore and tired feet for me. I feel like I am not myself lately since I haven't had the chance to be online here in a while. It is funny, because I will log on to see if some of the peoples blogs that I follow have posted, but just can't get motivated enough to write something down for myself.
There is not much to update really, my life is still the same old thing day in and day out. I work, come home and relax then make supper then eat, then spend time with the family and watch a show or read a book or just sometimes (MOST TIMES) I am online on facebook chatting with far away family member's. Thank God for telephones and internet! Where would we be without it? We'd be sending messenger's off to send messages for us riding a horse and buggy which would take too long.
I made a new best friend ever since I started working, this friend of mine has helped me a lot with cooking since I started work, and my friend's name is crock pot!! Yes, the lovely crock pot. I just have to throw it all together and then there you have it food is ready and no need to check in on it at all, by the time we get home from work supper is ready! It's better than nothing even though I've changed my eating habits and cut out most of the gluten, (well not flat breads) but everything I have cut out and I haven't had a meal that was microwavable or out of a package in a while now. I have been making a lot of home cooked meals. I love to easy way out on supper when I am tired, but am thankful for a tasty meal instead, along with feeling healthy about it all.